Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1016: , Arranged clearly

   A dark brilliance rises in her beautiful eyes, and a mysterious stream of light circulates in her pupils. Aya Kiyi's gaze seems to penetrate matter, ignoring the interference of the law, and sees the target.

   "A ghost is a kind of existence between the secret realm and the fantasy realm. It is not as real as the secret realm, nor as virtual as the fantasy realm. Therefore, it is impossible to sink to a depth that is completely separated from reality."

   "If you want to absorb the curse of the world and resentment for all the good, its tentacles must spread to the surface of the material world."

   "The combination of the two is destined to be a shallow ghost, different from those chaotic nightmares that are completely out of reality."

   "What's more, the depth I can reach is not what it can imagine..."

   "However, this evil thing is not entirely without merit."

   "It has moved the rules of nature and embodies some extreme emotions as the power of laws. In a sense, it can already be regarded as a prototype of a certain god."

   "The power of law? Theocratic?"

   Li Rui's heart moved and blurted out.

   "Yes, curse and resentment, ha ha, it's a pity that it met us, it will never have a chance to take that step..."

   There was a grinning smile on her beautiful little face, and Ayaki's eyes were fierce, full of weird oppression.

   "At present, its power is not strong enough, but from the perspective of the nature of authority, once it matures, time and space are no longer obstacles, and everything will be killed by the grievance wherever the mind comes!"

   licked her lips, Aya Kiyi's eyes flashed with strange waves, and she muttered to herself.

   "This is quite suitable for me. When the time comes, combined with the heroic heritage, maybe I can develop more interesting powers."

   "It happens that Li Rui eats ghost mythical creatures, I eat these powers... well, it was so happy to decide..."

   So without Kayako's knowledge, someone had arranged it clearly.

   As everyone rushed forward, the color of the room became darker and darker, and the walls were covered with thick dried blood.

   The whole building seems to be transformed into a living thing, and Li Rui and others are running in its stomach.


   Wang Lei turned from moving to quiet, and suddenly stopped.

   Under his feet, several skeletonized corpses were distorted in shape, showing a hideous state before death.

   "It's not human! It seems to be some participating team."

   As a doctor of medicine, Hannah can see the difference between bones and humans at a glance.

   "Why are they in such a deep place? They ran ahead of us?"

   With a light touch, these bones turned into powder, Li Rui stood up and looked back suspiciously.

   You need to know, they go all the way to the bottom without any delay. It is reasonable to say that there should be no talent in the ‘front’!

   "For us, evil creatures are extremely resistant, but for other teams, evil creatures are eager for them to drag them into the ‘Abyss’. Grafting a trap that goes straight to the bottom is just a matter of effort.”

   "In order to deal with our threats, in addition to mobilizing every force, it also drains all nutrients!"

   "And the high-level transcendents who enter the ghosts with us are the best tonic."

   Aya Xiyi chuckled and shook his head, looking into the depths coldly.

   "But the more it resists, the more excited I am!"

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   "If it is said that the complete [eternal immortal immeasurable calamity] is directly connected to the **** seat and has no defect [dao], then why is Wang Lei stuck in the golden rank and cannot advance?"

"Perfection in theory does not mean that you can go smoothly in actual operation. Imitate the transformation of gods with the human spirit and physique. It is already harder to get a piece of the essence, let alone the higher levels of these two methods. , The more his state of existence needs to be closer to the gods, that is to say, from the moment Wang Lei awakens and practices [Eternal Immortality], he must pull his growth curve to the same height as the reincarnated gods!"

"The external conditions such as qi, blood, true essence, and physique are enough to crush mortals, not to mention that the transformation of spirituality to divine nature is a long process, so Wang Lei is equivalent to racing against his own practice, once his growth curve is [ Eternally immortal and immeasurable calamities] beyond the needs, his cultivation speed will only get slower and slower, and in the end it will be close to stagnation!"

   Listening to Qin Hao's report, Feng Hanran gradually narrowed his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of his pupils.

   "Wait, the same is [Indestructible Dragon], why can Li Rui be able to advance the secret diamond?"

   Qin Hao's breath stagnated, and he was silent for a long time, before finally shook his head with a wry smile.

   "I don't know, but if I have to explain, it is that his growth surpasses the gods."

"This is impossible!"

   Feng Hanran subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Rui's achievements over the years appeared in his mind instantly, frowning hesitantly.

Counting from the awakening level, Li Rui has almost a steady increase of one energy level in a year. He originally thought that the difficulty of raising extraordinary powers caused by the aura recovery has been reduced, but now it seems that even if there is no aura recovery, Li Rui has been hundreds of years, even It takes thousands of years to give birth to a super genius.

   Transcend the gods with mortal bodies. In history, such people generally have a common name-saint!

   The mood was agitated, and Feng Hanran couldn't help flashing a bold thought in his mind.

   Will Li Rui’s name be the same as Li Dan, UU Reading will always be engraved in the genes of [Chinese], and even become the object of worship by certain gods?

"No matter how incredible the conclusion is, the reality is right in front of us. As the first [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] Advanced Secret Diamond, Li Rui has no one before and no one to come after. In this sense, we are closer to the true God than we are."

   "And Wang Lei...Although he is exceptionally talented and mentally determined, his long stagnation may have caused him to doubt himself."

   "It may be this trace of self-doubt that opened a gap in his flawless state of mind, and gave the power from the dark side of the universe a chance..."

   Qin Hao sighed quietly, his face full of bitterness.

   "But it seems that you are not surprised at all?"

   Feng Hanran stared closely at his eyes, a faint light brewing in the clear eyes.

   "He is the unicorn selected by our indestructible family, and it is also the common expectation of all of us. Dozens of secret realm resources are poured out on him alone, and we even hunt for mythical species for him..."

   "But in the end, we still failed to help him make up for his "human" shortcomings. Massive resources were deposited in him without any progress. Presumably this self-blame was also an important reason for his loss of control."


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