Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1018: , Why are you so skilled?

  "At the bottom, I can release my strength, right?"

   "Uh... no problem."

   "Then let me come?"

  Looking at Li Rui's crazy and tyrannical eyes, Aya Xiyi pulled the corner of her mouth, silently feeling distressed for the evil things in her heart.

   Hope the ghost is okay...

   "Kayako-san, hide-and-seek is over, I know you are nearby, if I don’t come out again, I’m going to be rough."

   was talking teasingly, but the line of sight in his eyes was cold and cruel. Li Rui looked around and nodded in satisfaction after a while.

   "I like a ghost with a personality like you, and I will die clearly."

   gave a thumbs up to the air, Li Rui let go of the blood crystal sword, the sword that was released melted instantly, and rolled up into the scarlet pattern of his wrist.

   took a deep breath, he slowly closed his eyes and opened his arms as if to embrace the whole world.

   "Get back!"

   Wang Lei's complexion changed and he was about to protect his teammates, only to find that they had run away without a trace, leaving only Huang Juncai screaming excitedly in the mind network.

   "Brother Lei, what are you doing in a daze? Run!!!!"


   Why are you so skilled?


   Nuclear fusion-like energy condenses in the body, and Li Rui's body space ripples with visible ripples, and the substantive energy is attached to the surface of the body like a tongue of fire, and it is unsteady.

   The emotion that had been squeezed for a long time rose to a critical point, Li Rui suddenly opened his eyes, and a raging flame burned out of the vast and cold purple dragon pupil.

   seems to be caught in the neck, the ubiquitous evil babble disappears instantly, and time seems to be frozen in this moment!

   In a short moment, it seemed as long as a century. Accompanied by a roar of excitement and tyranny, the silence was broken, and a dragon that swallowed the world showed its hideous minions!

   startled and regretted!

  The dragon comes!

  The black flame expanded infinitely, and Li Rui's body expanded along with it!

   Muscles squirmed, bones swelled, thick and sturdy black dragon scales spread out along the vertical purple pupils, and a pair of dragon wings broke out from the shoulders and grew crazily.

  Demon Dragon Descending Secret Diamond Step

   Active effect: Slightly increase the maximum health by 300. Enemies along the way will suffer 1000175 spell power magic damage slightly.

   Consumption: It takes 100 rage points to activate, and consumes 2.5 rage points per minute.

   gala gala

   Amid the scalp-tingling swelling sound of flesh and blood, the small Japanese-style house was forcibly blown up. A terrifying black dragon with a body length of several hundred meters and a wingspan of more than two kilometers appeared in the depths of the ethereal dimension.

   Mysterious and obscure inscriptions began to appear on the scales of the dragon, like an energized energy circuit, gradually bursting out with a dazzling high temperature flame.

   Sacrifice opens!

According to the attributes of the Secret Diamond Tier Sunflame Cloak, it burns 200 health points per second, which is enough to cause some magical damage, plus 300 additional damage bonus to negative energy creatures. The black dragon just stretches its body and expands the surrounding ghost space. Turned into purgatory.

   But this is not over yet, even more fierce energy gushes out of the black dragon, like a nuclear bomb compressed to a critical point, and the power of destroying the world is released instantly!


  The scorching sun formed by the condensation of the three colors of purple, black, and red ignited in the void, and the dazzling light and heat spread upward from the bottom layer, burning the ghosts to death.

   Blazing Fire Liaoyuan Secret Diamond Step

   The hero inflicts 40035 attack power magic damage to surrounding enemies every second, and increases its movement speed by 80 for 15 minutes. It can be extended up to 30 minutes.

   Devil Dragon Form: Slightly.

   Feeling the surging vitality of nearly six million, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the decaying black dragon.

  Thanks to the blessing of the curse, Li Rui has been judged to be in a state of battle. Atama's liquidation has already been completed, and he has obtained the maximum health attack power equivalent to 4!

   Therefore, when the tyrannical black dragon spreads its wings, sacrifices and burns a prairie fire, more than 200,000 magical damage per second swayed out, and the surrounding ghost space began to bloom with high-temperature bright red, gradually scorching black and cracking.

  The flames that reached the sun slowly spread, and everything annihilated wherever they passed, exposing a strange and tumbling void dimension.

   "Warm" Guanghua catches up with the escaped teammate, Huang Juncai only feels terrifying energy coming from behind, his hair is terrified.

   "Mom, Brother Lei, help me!"

   didn't hesitate to hug Lei brother's thigh, Huang Juncai wrapped around like an octopus.

   In the next second, a pale golden barrier wrapped everyone up, and the violent shock wave immediately flooded the line of sight. Huang Juncai was like a small tree sapling in a tenth degree typhoon, swinging like waves by the wind.

  If he hadn't clung to his father's thigh, he still didn't know how far he would be blown away.

   When he came back to his senses, the surrounding strange rooms had long since disappeared. In the turbulent void, only they were wrapped in translucent egg-shaped golden light, like bubbles floating in the deep sea!

   Looking around, Huang Juncai looked back at standing in the void, like a god, releasing an endlessly radiating dragon-shaped silhouette, and couldn't help swallowing.

   If this is not protected by the rules of teammates, his small body will be burned into **** in minutes.

   There is no need to actively attack the existence of this level. As long as the strongest posture is stretched, within a few kilometers, it will naturally become a life forbidden zone, and everything will die!

   And the radiated energy is enough to change the landform with a radius of tens of kilometers. After a little estimation, Huang Juncai surprisingly discovered that this damage range is almost catching up with his range!


   That is to say... Ordinary golden grade adc, let alone touch him, can't even look at it?


   This is too difficult to play, right?

   No gaming experience at all!

   Fortunately, I am his teammate, UU reading www. uukanshu. com suggests to increase efforts!

   By Huang Juncai's side, seeing Li Rui's fighting stance up close for the first time, the two Catavia sisters were holding each other and shivering, fear and excitement.

   Is this our chairman?

   Is this the big boy who is usually gentle and easy-going?

   It was the first time to come into contact with Li Rui's brutal and brutal side. Unspeakable complex emotions surged in the two sisters' hearts.

   How beautiful and powerful!

   How cruel and terrible at the same time!

   It is as if the ancient gods have come before us. Worship and fear are intertwined, coupled with a trace of unspeakable longing and admiration, complex emotions are chaotically formed, and finally a trace of pious belief is brewed.

   A fateful enlightenment surged in their hearts, and the two sisters looked at each other with reticence, and squeezed each other's palms tightly.

   This is the person we serve!


   The surging blood is burning, and the scorching light illuminates the whole world.

   unbridled release his mighty power, under the shining of the dragon-shaped sun, the evil things hidden in the depths of the void dimension can no longer escape.

   A dilapidated, blood-stained room is projected into the purple and golden dragon pupils. Li Rui smiled slightly, and a purple glow condenses in his chest.

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