Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1019: , Look at Brother Lei!

The breath of materialized energy condenses in the throat, and the scalp numbing purple magic condenses into a solid entity, causing the entire "sun" to ripple.

[Flame Breath]!

The purple-black energy light ball with a diameter of tens of meters flashed, and the terrifying magic shocked the void, and the world trembled.


It is another miniature sun blooming in the void, but at the core of the tyrannical energy, the room is projected like waves of water, and the invisible force protects it, struggling to survive.

"Aren't you coming out? I see when you can hide..."

Layers of deep and shocking whispers, like the muffled thunder above nine heavens.

Slapped the dragon's wings, and across a long distance in an instant, Li Rui stretched out the huge dragon claws like a hill and held the projection of the illusory room in his hand.

"caught you……"

The rotting half of the dragon's face exposed the squalid fangs, and the energy of the whole body was poured into the hand, as the five claws were held together, the flame of nuclear fusion slowly compressed and restrained.

The ethereal projection was wrapped and refined by the pure sun flames containing the divine nature, the surrounding void began to churn, and the endless twisting power turned into the room to resist the destruction and erosion from the "real" world.

"Did you take root to the depths of the dimension? Then I will cut off your roots!"

Lifting the other Great Sky Dragon claw, the terrifying colorful divine light condensed on the sharp claw tip, Li Rui carefully extended a finger and pointed it accurately in the center of the room.

[Shenwei·New Moon]!

The maximum health of nearly six million brings a terrifying power that mortals can't imagine. The actual claw tip pierced the illusory room and clicked on the cold and sticky corpse.

Ouch! Ouch! ! ! !

The miserable screams pierced the soul without warning, the projection of the room collapsed, and a woman with a distorted deformity was imprisoned in the palm of a giant dragon, her whole body was penetrated by colorful glow, shattered into pieces.

"How? Relive the pain of being dismembered..."

The god-like dragon slowly lowered its head and gazed at the ant in his palm with interest.

The spiteful, blood-colored pupils stared at Li Rui, the scattered limbs squirming and struggling, slowly gathered together to form a distorted and deformed outline.

"What a weak resistance, what a feeble curse of resentment, continue to struggle!!"

Feeling the sting of insects gnawing on his side face again, the black dragon's five fingers squeezed hard, and the overwhelming flames suddenly shrank, and an invisible emerald green rushed into the body along the palm of the palm.

[Indestructible Grip]!

The terrifying divine flame burned, and the twisted humanoid in the core area screamed horribly, and the horror wailing was enough to pierce the spiritual defense of low-level transcendents, and instantly shred their souls.

But in front of the mountain-like black dragon, this resistance seemed so weak, and he couldn't even ripple on the body guard's divine light.

"Not enough! Not enough! Keep wailing!"

The hill-like dragon claws "poured" toward the palm, and the terrifying five claws gradually enveloped the kana, slowly closing the virtual grip.


Just as the black dragon listened to the wailing and revealed an evil and cruel smile, a cold and beautiful figure suddenly appeared on top of his head, and his petite feet stamped fiercely.

"Enough, calm down, the grudge has begun to erode your soul!"

The power of the feet is almost negligible, but the dark aura that poured into the forehead is like a basin of ice water, pouring the black dragon "to the heart".

Under the impact of aura, the strange meridians on the rotting half of the dragon's face twisted and trembled, and even the dense black filaments in the huge dragon pupil shrank and faded like an electric shock.

The cruel smile suddenly stagnated, and Li Rui realized that his behavior was somewhat abnormal.

Even if you want revenge because of the curse, you don't need to torture the enemy in this way. The right choice is to quickly kill the opponent and then leave this strange place.

"Okay, leave it to me next, it's your refining method, it's not "burned" at all, it will grow back soon..."

Seeing Li Rui's actions solidified, Aya Xiyi tapped his toes lightly, stroked hundreds of meters, and fell into the palm of the dragon like a fairy.

Looking at the evil thing imprisoned by Li Rui, Aya Xiyi looked left and right with interest, with cold eyes looking down at the blood-red spiteful pupils, her deep gaze ignoring the appearance and directly pierced into the core of the source.

"Hmm... As expected, the core is cursing resentment, and it's only one step away from being condensed into authority, which is cheap for me..."

Muttering to herself, Aya Xiyi paced back and forth around her deformed body, like an aunt picking pork in a vegetable market.

"It can be integrated into [Reincarnation] in the future, and the ten temples will also need... Um... This mysterious ghost is very complicated, and the mystery is too high. I don't know if Li Rui can digest it..."

A subtle whisper came into his ears, and the mountain-like dragon claws moved slightly, and Aya Xiyi looked back strangely.

"What are you doing?"

"I heard."

"Hear what?"

"You said I'm a naive man."


"Does your conscience hurt when you say this? Look at Brother Lei, then look at me!"

Wang Lei:? ? ? ?

He was grinning and grinning, his expression condensed, his brow frowned in confusion, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

After a moment of silence, Aya Kiyi's eyes wandered between the two, and finally pursed her mouth. UU reading www.

"It seems to be the same."

"It's much worse? I'm a mage!"

"Oh, don't pay attention to these details, can you respect the enemy? I have been waiting for a long time!"

Pointing to the squirming Kana lying on the "ground", Aya Xiyi roared in anger.

Immediately, she no longer paid attention to Li Rui's complaint, and raised her small white hand, the substantive purple and black light condensed into flames, wrapped her palms, hesitating.

The palms are like swords, and the beautiful, condescending eyes gradually become cold, and no longer contain a trace of humanity.

The line of sight penetrated the surface, the purple and black light flashed, and the little white hand had poured into the body of the coconut, poke a terrifying gap.

The thick black blood spewed out like crude oil, and was instantly refined into blue smoke by pure sunlight.

Ooooooooooooooooooooo! ! ! !

The palm of his hand explored among the randomly patched deformed corpses, Kayako wailed desperately, and his black sharp nails scratched his arms in vain, ripples on the body guard light.

Without being affected at all, Aya Kyi mechanically and ruthlessly inserted deeper, and purple-black ice crystals began to freeze the enemy along the wound.

After a while, the hollow eyes lighted slightly.

As if grasping something, Aya Xiyi suddenly pulled out his arm, holding a heart gushing black blood in his palm.

Oh oh oh oh oh!

As the palm of the hand was pulled out, the kana was like rotten flesh from which the bones had been removed, and instantly collapsed into a ball, and a strange and insidious face appeared on the belly.

The facial features struggling out of the skin as if covered by a thin film, the monster spreading like a face snake opened its jagged mouth, turning back greedily and bitterly.

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