Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1020: ,Its daybreak!

   This guy actually swallowed his son...

   Seeing that distorted child face frantically gnawing the flesh and blood of Kayako, Li Rui was startled, and finally understood why he didn't see Junxiong all the way.

   Not only that, each thumb is thick and maggot-like tentacles grow from the surface of the coconut tree, and a huge sarcoma grows on the tip, which turns into a deformed and rotten human face.

   These cursed resentments that have not been completely digested let out a bitter cry, and together with Junxiong, they madly counterattack the mother.


   gnawing, tearing, chewing, swallowing, the spiteful and bloodthirsty monster gnawed kayako to reveal its white bones in just ten seconds, and the deformed mother body rolled back and forth on the ground, wailing desperately and painfully.

   嗷 嗷 嗷 嗷 嗷 ah!

   Gaya Coconut's arms twisted into a weird angle, and she used her black sharp fingers to scratch her body frantically, tearing off one after another "bloodthirsty maggots".

But soon more "maggots" will grow out of her flesh and blood. After a while, her entire "person" is covered by a layer of wriggling "maggots", as if her flesh and blood are just one body. A nest full of evil things!

   The oozing sound of chewing made Aya Xiyi frown. She clenched the struggling heart in her hand and watched the spiteful eyes of Kayako with blood and tears drowning under the creeping "maggots".


   Purple black icy flames bloomed in the palm of the palm, and the rhythmic heart was instantly frozen, condensed into an obsidian-like evil gem.

   The light flame continued to spur, and the faint light penetrated into the gemstone, slowly melting it, and the dark and surging particles flew away little by little, revealing the crystal clear liquid phase.

  The excess impurities are evaporated, and finally, what appears in front of everyone is a puddle of lavender and moist liquid.

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   "Li Rui, is there any material that can carry the divine mystery?"

   A trembling voice came into his ears, and Li Rui knew that with Aya Xiyi's current energy level, it would be quite difficult to refine this level of evil.

   did not dare to hesitate. With a thought in his head, a basketball-sized metal box appeared next to Aya Kiel. The word "fear" was written on the lid of the box in ancient Hebrew.

   "This is the remaining sealed item [Fear Puzzle] used before. The divinity inside has been destroyed, and only the box itself is left. What do you think."

   took a casual glance, Aya Kie stretched out his hand, and the huge iron box instantly melted into bright red liquid metal and floated in front of her.

   Then, she exhaled a suffocating breath and held the lavender warm liquid, her palms lit up with a terrifying pure black light.

   With more deep refining, one by one pure and colorless "droplets" fall into the liquid metal.

   As if cold water dripped into the hot oil, the bright red liquid metal burst and tumbling.

   But under the frightening magic of Aya Kii, the churning metal was confined to square inches and gradually turned into a cube shape.

   At the top, the pure and moist liquid is completely separated, leaving only the ethereal lavender mist.

  The particles evaporate like clouds and mist, and the center is shining with a black line that is imperceptible to the naked eye.

   Her eyes lit up with excitement, Aya Kie closed her eyes, slowly raised her chest, and took a big breath.


   The lavender milky swallow with black lines sucked into her mouth and nose like a forest. The monster that "melted" into a large worm under his feet let out a last cry of despair, and quickly rotted into a pool of disgusting pus.

   As the last protective power disappeared, the pure sunlight flame released by Li Rui instantly vaporized the sticky pus, exposing the deformed bones.

   In the next instant, the bones were burnt black and cracked, purified by the merciless high temperature into curling smoke, disappearing into the depths of the dimension.

   "Fear Rubik's Cube can create a mind lock and drag the enemy into sleepy death..."

   threw a fist-sized Rubik's cube full of mysterious lines to Li Rui, Aya Xiyi's cheeks were red, her eyes blurred, and she tried her best to stabilize her figure.

   But she hadn't finished her words yet, the original anchor point projected in the depths of the dimension collapsed, and everyone was like a bullet loaded into an electromagnetic cannon, and was instantly ejected back into the material world.


   "His Royal Highness, it's late at night, please go and rest. Just leave it to our guard here."

   A group of gorgeously dressed transcendents whispered to persuade, but Jingu Qiuzi remained unmoved, and stared at the dilapidated house in the distance with the sword box in his hand.

   Under the night sky, the cabin was dark and silent, but in a daze, there seemed to be countless ghosts wriggling and struggling inside.

   No light can penetrate the deep darkness, staring at the cabin is like staring at the deepest fear in my heart, making my back chill.

   Although I know that Li Rui and his perverted teammates are suppressing it, it is almost impossible to go wrong, but for some reason, Jingu Qiuzi always feels a little uneasy.

   With the passage of time, this uneasy shadow seems to continue to expand.

   "Are the surrounding barriers reinforced?"

   wanted to do something subconsciously, Jingu Akiko asked the people around him again.

   "His Royal Highness, we have re-reinforced the seven-layer enchantment to ensure that the original stone steps will not escape."

The transcendent beside    couldn't answer with tears or laughter. This was the ninth time he had repeated this answer.


   Jingu Akiko nodded, but his eyes never left the distant cabin.

   "Mother-in-law, why is my heart so flustered? It seems that something terrible is about to happen..."

   "Spiritual consciousness is a sense that transcends time and destiny. If your spirituality is warning you, then you'd better follow its guidance."

   "But I don't know the source of the danger."


   Reached out and attached to the heart position, UU reading www. Shrine Akiko is silently communicating with a mysterious being, but breathing becomes more and more difficult.

   Something is wrong, something huge is being suppressed...

  , clenching his chest, Jingu Akiko patrolled the surroundings in horror, and the empty and quiet neighborhood was deep and silent, without any abnormality.

   At this time, not only her, but even the dull ordinary transcendents also noticed that something was wrong, and looked at them with distorted expressions.

   "Look, the house is lit up!"

   A sharp-eyed transcendent spotted the vision and pointed at the distant hut and screamed.

   looked along his line of sight, the strange building always hidden in the dark suddenly lit up with a dim brilliance.

   In less than a second, it was like a searchlight with high-voltage electricity. The dim light quickly became bright and dazzling...

   Then... it's dawn...

   It was like a sun blooming on the earth, and the materialized flame melted the house silently. In the next instant, a terrifying monster returned from the depths of the dimension and annihilated all matter within a few hundred meters into fly ash.

   The scorching incandescent light enveloped the world, the enchantment formed by thousands of Onmyojis collapsed, and the terrifying backlash followed the spiritual link.


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