Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1021: , The spirit guy offers warmth

   There was almost no time to react. The high-end mage of the entire East Asia was close to one-tenth, spurting blood and exiting the battlefield neatly.

   The mysterious seal rune disintegrated and melted under the violent golden red light flame, and the dimensionally compressed figure was stretched, and the enchantment covering a radius of nearly one kilometer was almost burst by a huge monster!

   But fortunately, there are layers of barriers. The dizzy black dragon woke up and suddenly looked up at the sky.

   The convergence power is too late. Once the fragile enchantment is broken, the residual temperature during the convergence process alone is enough to turn a small part of Tokyo into scorched earth.

   So... [Flash]...

   Damn, there is room for interference in this enchantment... [Void Stone]...

   Relying on the mysterious power of space manipulation, Li Rui forcibly tore a gap in the barrier, the small mountain-like body collapsed into a gloomy light, and disappeared in place without any warning.

   Immediately, the night turned into day, and the warm "sunlight" illuminates the small half of Tokyo, feasting on the streets of Tokyo. Everyone raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky.

   In the night sky above their heads... there is an extra sun!

   "Nuclear...nuclear explosion...explosion..."

[Reading Welfare] Pay attention to the public.. [Kanwen Base], read books every day and draw cash/points!

   The first reaction in countless people's minds was to have a nuclear attack and scream desperately.

   But after a long time, the warm "sun" did not expand at all, but contracted slowly and steadily, as if it was moving away from the ground.

  The horrified crowd gradually calmed down, looking at each other with lingering fears.

"what is that?"


   "Where is there such a bright rocket?"


   Most of the Dongying boiled, and countless people who had fallen asleep were awakened by the bright light, opened the curtains, looked at the sky dumbfounded, and looked at their watches.

   Have I slept until the afternoon?

   It feels like I just closed my eyes!

   And the sun is a bit strange...

   In addition to these melon-eating crowds who don't know the truth, more extraordinary people have already pondered their tastes and started to spy on the magnificent "star" with excitement.

   A little bit of gaze directly, and someone who understands the skills builds a long-distance spying array, even ordinary people can take a binoculars to look around.

   Soon, they discovered that there seemed to be a huge black shadow in the sun...

   In the distant low-Earth orbit, the satellites of [Mechanical Theology] captured the vision over Dongying and synchronized the scene to the major forces in real time.

   Then, thousands of top transcendents around the world watched the "live broadcast" as if they were gods, releasing an endlessly radiating dragon-shaped silhouette, and their faces twitched.

   From a high altitude, a "tiny" star hovering outside the atmosphere on a beautiful blue planet, rotating synchronously like a satellite, the sun shining almost illuminates a small half of the earth.

   The "tiny" here is compared with the scale of the planet. A little estimation will show how huge the thing is!

   The terrifying heat set off a high-pressure foe wind, and as the atmospheric clouds "slowly" flowed, even across the screen, everyone seemed to be able to feel a warmth on their faces.

   Looking at this horrible picture, the power holders of the major forces have somehow come back to the illusion of ancient times.

   This kind of cosmic star-level variable is enough to make any mortal feel desperate!

   Maybe only Houyi, who shoots down nine suns in the ancient mythology, has the courage to face such an existence, right?

   "What the **** is that?"

   "Is it a divine creature teleported from another world? The second [Holy Grail War] has opened!"

   "Impossible, [War Academy] The current upper limit of energy level is the secret diamond, do you think it looks like a secret diamond?"

   "Why don't they look like? When Li Rui and Wang Lei fought, the battles were similar?"

   "It's a far cry!"

"That's because it is useless to deal with Wang Lei's fugitive energy. He uses the original stone steps to condense all the damage to a single point, and the power is not leaked, so there is no power to destroy the world! "

   "Yes, if he is allowed to release with all his strength, it is estimated that it will have similar effects!"


  Similar quarrels reverberate within all forces. Only high-ranking transcendents from the nearest countries can capture the hidden breath hidden under the tyrannical energy.

   In the imperial capital hundreds of kilometers away from Dongying, Feng Hanran opened the door and walked to the small courtyard, looking at Chen Hui in the sky, and tightening his brows anger.

   "What the **** is that kid doing? Why does it seem to be hurt?"

   "Isn't Wang Lei with them?"

   "This group of people walking all the way, is there anything on earth that can hurt him?"

   murmured to himself, Feng Hanran cast aside the faintly visible "Chaoyang" and turned his head back into the room.

go to bed!

  Wang Lei’s injuries are not so good now, so I don’t care about them...

  Before [Zhonghua] who "understands the truth" reported the situation, [Mechanical Sect] has resolved the identity of the "star".

   "The energy spectrum analysis is completed, and the target is confirmed to be [Indestructible Dragon] Li Rui."

   "Dogday, I knew it was him!"

   "Last time he showed a similar posture in another world, just flying close to the ground almost wiped out a country!"

   [Security Council] There was scolding in the strategic command post, and everyone invariably cast their eyes on the man sitting on the high-backed gilt panlong chair.

   "Look at what I'm doing? Wouldn't the spiritual guy want to give more warmth to the earth? Nowadays young people don't have much of this responsibility!"

   The man sighed, sighing that the world is cold and the heart is not old.


  God stepping on horse spirit guy!

  God stepping on horses to offer warmth!

   Open your eyes to see what he is doing?

  Can you think about the feelings of the people in Dongying?

   There is an extra sun on my head in the middle of the night, who can stand it? UU reading

   However, no matter how they persecuted them, the "Dragon of the Town" on duty always looked at him, pretending to look around.

   Soon, the information from the Dongying branch came up, saying that His Excellency Li Rui had helped them destroy a black seal and did not cause casualties. The angrily [Security Council] command post gradually calmed down.

   The sense of crisis subsided, curiosity was uncontrollable, and people stared at the terrifying figure on the screen, silently evaluating his destructive power.

   There is no need for specific detection at all. Even the dullest fighters know that monsters of this level should not appear in the atmosphere!

   Not to mention sticking to the ground, even on the ground!

   If this happens, then with him as the center, within a radius of more than ten kilometers will be transformed into a life forbidden zone, except for high-level transcendents, there will be no matter that can maintain its original form.

   Thousands of miles of red land, no grass will grow!

   wherever it goes, everything burns into fly ash, the peaks melt, the earth turns into magma, leaving only a boiling lava ocean...


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