Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1022: , Noisy to noisy, noisy to noisy, don't joke about the local area...

Even more frightening is that there will be several times this area that will suffer serious damage. If creatures within this range hide in a shelter, they may not die immediately.

But in the next short time, they will be simmered into high-temperature cans by the horrible heat wave.

When the heat wave clears, they will look like Peking Duck.

Imagining this kind of encounter, it feels better to be killed in an instant, instead of suffering desperate pain.

Thinking of this, some similar scenes in the myths of various countries flashed in the minds of the most elite transcendents on the earth, and they shuddered involuntarily, and secretly gritted their teeth in their hearts.

As the aura recovers, the energy level response efficiency of the universe is getting higher and higher. In the future, you must defend against enemies outside the planet. Never let monsters of this level move low in the atmosphere, otherwise he will be like an [eraser] , Easily erase everything along the way.

In a trance, they seemed to appreciate the trembling and caution of the ancient ancestors in the face of myths.

If there is a slight difference, it is the extinction of the race!

Individual power is too small, if human beings fight alone, they will always be at the bottom of the food chain!

The mythical creatures who are born to stand at the top of the food chain, blindly foolish, but cruel and beautiful, are regarded as toys for food and pleasure.

Cruel and true cognition surged in the heart. Everyone in the [Security Council] command post looked at each other, and there seemed to be a complex look in their eyes.

Only by unity can we protect the earth and keep our home planet in the increasingly difficult cosmic environment!

So noisy, noisy, noisy, don’t joke about the locals...

But soon, they came back to their senses, looking at the fuzzy dragon-shaped silhouettes on the screen like ancient gods wrapped in the hot flames, rubbing their chins, and gradually narrowing their eyes.

With such a strong friendly army, I feel that the burden on my shoulders is not as heavy as I imagined...

If something goes wrong, close the door and let Li Rui go. It's really impossible to add Wang Lei!

With these two honest... straightforward people in front, don't be afraid to face mythical creatures!

Anyway, it was not me who was beaten, just hide behind and do crazy output!

On the other side, I didn't know that some people wanted to persecute themselves. Li Rui, who was suspended in outer space, combed his energy and suddenly opened his wings.

The unfolding dragon wings swayed out dozens of kilometers of feather flames, and the blood coagulated in the chest cavity. Thousands of brilliant light penetrated the skin of the bones, bursting out unremarkable pure gold flames.

The black dragon instigated the flame storm that engulfed the entire outer space, and even the atmospheric flow was affected, disrupting the energy cycle inside the planet.

Unleashing power without scruples, a terrifying magic tsunami spread out, and the flames covered a radius of nearly 100 kilometers, turning into a veritable flame star!

However, all the external energy is just the aftermath of the pure golden flames, and the pure golden flames reflecting the colorful divine light spread to the bones of the dragon's face, slightly scorching the rotten flesh of the corrupt abscess.

Freed from the dimensional deep "high pressure" environment, even without the help of Aya Xiyi, Li Rui can rely on the passive effects of [The Observer] and [Eternal Immortality] to slowly expel the curse.

The rotten flesh was carbonized, cracked, vaporized, and the bright red and tender flesh growing underneath was exposed. In just ten minutes, the skeletal dragon face slowly healed, and thick and tough black dragon scales grew.

Presumably, it will take a while before the curse is completely annihilated. Li Rui looked at the mysterious Rubik's Cube in his palm that was almost insignificantly small compared to the dragon's claws.

In addition to the power of grievances, Aya Xiyi melted the unformed ghost kingdom into this Rubik's Cube.

After refining, its power may be even more bizarre than ordinary artifacts, even the original stone steps are difficult to escape from it!

Of course, what I'm talking about here is the original stone, which will only work hard for miracles, and the original stone steps of the legal system can eventually be cracked if they find the trick.

Staring at the Rubik's Cube that automatically rotates in his palm, Li Rui pondered for a long while, and finally put it into the [material warehouse].

It is not needed for the time being, and there is no time to refine it during the [Holy Grail War]. After the accumulation of [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Tribulation] is completed, you can "eat" it directly.

Making up his mind, Li Rui began to reflect on the weaknesses he exposed during this trip.

Being cursed interfered with the mind. There was no way. It was the condensation of the power of the whole ghost and the blessing of the dimensional evil force. Even with the resistance of [Indestructible Dragon], it was impossible to be completely immune in the environment at that time.

In addition to this, his biggest weakness exposed is his powerlessness against mysterious enemies.

[Indestructible True Dragon] He is already good at dealing with physical enemies, but there is really nothing to do with the invisible and intangible old female skin.

But compared to Wang Lei, Li Rui is already a high IQ player.

Even so, his response method is very rough.

If his strategy against the enemy was to roughly flatten the ground part of a big tree, Aya Kie is precisely cutting every root.

Although the former can cure the symptoms, it cannot cure the root cause. The roots buried in the ground retain their vitality. Once they are given some nourishment, they will immediately resurface.

And the latter is the permanent trouble, even the ancestral grave has been planed for it!

But the enhancement of power on the mysterious side requires a long accumulation of knowledge, a huge amount of experience, and more importantly, natural spiritual awareness!

Many times, UU reading can't even tell Aya Xiyi herself to make a certain judgment. She just skipped thinking and analysis based on the subconscious and spiritual prompts, and got the correct result directly!

This kind of fairy operation...

Learn not to waste... Learn not to waste...

With a desperate sigh, feeling that the cavity on his face was about to heal, Li Rui retracted his wings, and the "sun" that illuminated a half of the earth slowly went out.

【Jingzhe·Do not use】!

[The Devil Dragon Comes] Released!

The huge figure shrank rapidly, the flesh and blood of Fa-phased reverted to human form, and the energy storm that enveloped the whole body slowly subsided.

After a long time of release, the energy in his body was about to bottom out. With the last black dragon scale disappearing from the skin, the last bit of flesh on Li Rui's face grew matte and tender skin, and he could no longer see the slightest injury.

Touching his cheek, Li Rui exhaled a suffocating breath, the power of suspension that enveloped his body suddenly disappeared, and the whole body fell freely like a meteorite.

"came back."

On the ground, Wang Lei murmured while looking at the restored darkness of the night sky.

And beside him, Jingu Qiuzi looked around the lava lake in the barrier that was still smoky, and the corners of his eyes twitched unnaturally.

A few dozen minutes ago, there was still a block there!

And within a few seconds, there was a scorched earth!

He didn't even take the initiative to attack, it was just the temperature radiation from himself...

After a shudder, Jingu Qiuzi couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, in recent years, all residents within a few kilometers have been moved away. Otherwise, I don’t know how many people will die...

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