Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1023: ,【courtyard】

Fortunately, Li Rui did not violently destroy the enchantment, but tore a gap, and the void shuttled out of the atmosphere.

Otherwise, the energy enclosed in the barrier is released, and its power will not be inferior to a miniature nuclear bomb.

This kind of extreme operation, not only her, but also a few rough stone transcendents are silly!

You know, that is the multiple compound enchantment that gathers the efforts of thousands of mages in Dongying. It can tear a gap without breaking it. The key is to complete the operation in a few seconds!

This shows how strong Li Rui's knowledge of space magic is!

Looking at the night sky with scorching eyes, a black spot pulled by gravity to nearly the speed of sound appeared in the field of vision, and in just a few seconds it turned into a clear outline of a human figure.

When the falling figure approached the ground, it suddenly turned from motion to static, like a feather falling to the ground.

The change that violates the common sense of physics makes a group of Dongying transcendents feel nervous, and many people do not even understand the principle.

Looking at the familiar and hearty face, Jingu Qiuzi's eyes lit up, bit her lip lightly, and greeted her with a bitter expression.

"Zuijun, you almost got Tokyo to remap the map..."

Hearing her oblique complaint, Li Rui smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to be bounced out suddenly, my mind was buzzing, I didn't have time to condense my strength."

To be reasonable, according to his posture when he arrived in Tokyo, it is estimated that there is not much difference between a tactical nuclear bomb and the death toll is definitely in the hundreds of thousands!

Inexplicably evaporating by his teammate AOE, this death is too unjust.

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Jingu Qiuzi laughed dumbly, pursing his mouth and holding his hand.

"However, I still have to thank you for destroying a black-level sealed artifact for us. I have heard Xi Yi-chan say that if it is allowed to grow, it will be a mythical time bomb!"

A trace of fear flashed across her face, Jingu Qiuzi squeezed Li Rui's hand, her clear eyes were full of sincerity.

"In the future, if there is anything I can do to help, please give me an order to go through fire and water, and I will do my best!"

"You're welcome, if you really want to thank me, just ask me to eat a hundred million points of special food."

Li Rui chuckled casually, but Jingu Qiuzi was shocked, the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly disappeared, and silently let go of his hand.

"Ruijun, I still have something to do, I'll talk next time."

Li Rui: "..."

"What about going through the fire?"

"It's okay to go through fire and water, but I still need to consider other requirements!"

"Wait, make an appointment if it doesn't work now!"

"Next time! Definitely next time!"

Seeing Jingu Qiuzi fleeing embarrassedly with a bunch of subordinates, Li Rui stood alone in the cold wind.

Is it so real?

Isn’t it just that you have eaten your rice a few times, so you don’t like it?


Thousands of miles away in Europa, a beautiful girl with short hair and pretty girl stared at the sky, watching the subtle Chenhui disappear slowly, her mouth raised a weird smile.

Immediately, she turned and stepped into the mysterious magic circle formed by dozens of supernatural beings, with illusory aura shining all over her body.

The transcendent, who was covered in his robe, released a torrent of howling spells, penetrating the loops of runes engraved on the ground and walls, and forcibly opening the way to the destination.

The howling psychic energy revolved around the magic circle like a whirlwind, a pillar of spiritual light poured down from the void, the barrier of time and space was broken, and a channel was opened between two planes with different coordinates.

The girl's whole body was distorted, her flesh and blood turned into hazy aura, and she plunged into the void above her head in an instant.

At the moment when she disappeared, dozens of transcendents could no longer support them. They were backlashed by the pulling force between the planes, and they quietly disintegrated into a pile of rotten flesh, leaving only the hood covering the whole body "collapsed in place." ".

At the same time, in the depths of the earth on a certain plane, evil sacrifices are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The incense made of female elven oil burns faintly, filling the air with an evil and sweet smell.

Eight huge braziers surround the altar, and the black and red flames illuminate the spider icon tens of meters high in the center.

Drow wearing a black robe with purple or dark red borders prayed around the altar, and the head of the man wore a gorgeous helmet with many twisted spiders carved on it.

Behind her, dozens of warriors wearing platinum mithril forged armor and black enamel twisted spider holy emblems were smiling cruelly and busily.

One by one, the surface elves were brought up to gouge their lungs, cut their heads, and infest the altar with blood amidst desperate wailing.

Countless gems piled up around the icon, and as the living sacrifices proceeded, they were stained red with blood.

At the climax of the ceremony, an aura ray descended from the void, and magical power surges without warning converged under the ray, showing ripples like a sea tide.


The leading priest shouted angrily, and the cold magic power disturbed time and space, and went upstream along the aura, trying to crush the blasphemous person who destroyed the ritual.

However, the attack that gathered the power of the whole body rushed into the air, and the brightly dazzling light particles formed a hazy human form in front of her, but her spiritual sense could not feel the existence of the other party at all, as if there was only a void there. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After dozens of seconds, Guanghua dissipated, and a beautiful girl appeared in the center of the altar, ignoring the cruel and angry eyes of the surrounding sacrifices, staring faintly at the giant spider icon.

"Lolth (Rose)..."

Accompanied by the divine call, an evil and terrifying will descended from the void, and the giant black widow spider icon opened its eyes, revealing eight compound eyes of various sizes, blood red and cold.

"My lord!"

The surrounding dark elves knelt and shivered, excited and fearful.

"Muniheka, how many years have you passed since you haven't fallen..."

The spider icon didn't care about his followers at all, and the spear-like spider legs stabbed the beautiful girl without hesitation.

"Rose, you are still so impatient."

The girls dodged the attack and flashed to the edge of the altar.

"You actually brought a pair of delicious flesh, I haven't tasted the taste of alien creatures for many years..."

"In that case, do you want to reopen the [Atrium] and let your spider web spread to the heavens?"

The sharp claws stopped on the girl's throat, and the giant spider idol slowly lowered his head, crazily and cunning in blood-red eyes.

"[Atrium] is the hub of time and space, the center of the universe, the node of the universe, why do you get through it?"

"With this."

The girl took out a simple and mysterious stone slab, saw the unremarkable stone slab, the giant spider icon retreated like an electric shock, and a trace of fear flashed through the crazy and chaotic compound eyes.

Make up for yesterday's and continue to repay the debt to the leader if you don't work overtime tomorrow! ('Д)

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