"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of a hero-level unit."

"You gained 299231 experience points."

"You got 33211 gold coins."

"You participated in the killing of a warped divine unit and gained 3911 Chaos Essence."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 148 permanent spell growth."

"[Fatal Natural Enemy·Evil] Strengthen the concept weapon. When you break the defense against a creature with evil attributes and cause substantial damage, you will get +1019 real damage, and the ultimate physical damage caused by creatures with evil attributes is -1321. "

"You have obtained a mythical treasure chest."

"You have upgraded!" ×5

"[Holy Grail War] The first round of [Survival] mission is completed. All members of the [God Eater] team survived and received an S-level rating with +293,483 points, and currently ranks 7th in the overall list."

Rubbing the scum on his chin, Li Rui sighed as he looked at the record on the panel.

It’s useless [Feast], I always feel terrible!

When I went out, I didn't even eat the hot food, and Aya Kie took the head of the last person. It was a blood loss!

The only consolation is to obtain a powerful weapon against evil!

Kayako is indeed a collection of evil thoughts, and the concepts it provides are almost comparable to angels in charge of relevant authority!

With a long sigh, Li Rui shook his head, curbed his distracting thoughts, frowned and looked at the dazzling number seven.

Which of the gods actually performed better than [God Eater]?

Birdman in the west?

The gold tin can led by Sae Kazama?

Or is it the reincarnation of the gods of various different planes?

There are too many possibilities, he shook his head after thinking a little bit, and gave up on studying.

It doesn't matter, anyway, you have to touch it at the end, and you will know then.


A big hand patted his shoulder, and Li Rui turned around and saw Wang Lei's expression on his face.

"Brother Lei, what's wrong?"

"I've always had a question in my heart, I don't know whether to talk about it or not."

"Then stop talking."

Wang Lei: "..."

"Hahaha, just kidding, no sense of humor at all, damn...Lei brother, go down!"

Struggling to break free from Wang Lei's strongman, Li Rui cursed and tidyed up her tousled hair, and gave him an angry look.

"I'm all my own, back to mother-in-law, what's the matter!"

"Um... what did I just want to say?"

Being choked off his mind, Wang Lei scratched his head and remembered for a long time before remembering his question.

"Oh, by the way, since you created the [Holy Grail of Destiny], why not use it directly? Instead, the [Holy Grail War] should be held redundantly?"

"Hehe, there is a very mysterious cause and effect entanglement involved."

Li Rui smiled slightly, combed his thoughts, and said slowly.

"For the most vivid example, if everyone in the country provides me with some raw materials, and I use these materials to make a giant cake, does this cake belong to me personally? Or to the people of the whole country? "

After a daze, Wang Lei seemed to understand something and slammed his palm.

"So the "miracle" that constitutes the [Holy Grail of Destiny] actually comes from every summoner?"


Li Rui nodded, with an expression that could be taught by a child.

"Because the [Holy Grail of Destiny] does not belong to any individual or small group, if you want to get it, you must cut off the entanglement of other summoners with its causal destiny."

"Even the creator of me cannot violate this logic."

"And holding [Holy Grail War] is the most efficient means of competition."

With arms outstretched, Li Rui whispered in a tone full of aria.

"Summoners fight each other and kill each other. The loser cuts off cause and effect, and the winner takes the final fruit. You see, what a reasonable chain of fate, every round of competition can eliminate more than half of the competitors. In just a few months, I can accumulate ownership rights to a team."

"What about the summoners who are not willing to participate in the [Holy Grail War]?"

Wang Lei looked at him with complicated eyes, always feeling that his trick was too capitalist.

No, it's worse than capitalists in a way!

"Not willing to participate?"

Li Rui blinked, revealing an evil smile.

"The moment they refuse to participate, it is equivalent to voluntarily giving up the'cake', so... no matter how they choose, they can only accept the fate I arranged in the end."

Wang Lei: "..."

Although I felt that Li Rui was doing this badly, when he thought of relying on the Holy Grail of Fate for his breakthrough, Wang Lei could only give a thumbs up in relief.

Well done, it is recommended to increase efforts!

"However, even I must abide by the rules of the game. The ownership of the Holy Grail is not 100% secure. In this regard...Lei brother, we still need to work together!"

Raising an iron fist with a big casserole, Wang Lei grinned and said: "God blocks and kills gods, Buddha blocks and kills Buddhas!"

Inspiring the fighting spirit of the super golden thigh, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction, turned and continued to study his core passive.

Since entering the Secret Diamond Rank, he has discovered that the biggest limitation of himself is no longer the upgrade option, but the understanding and insight of the skill rules. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Obviously there are enough upgrade options on the system panel, but many skills and runes are stuck in gold or even silver, which is completely inconsistent with their own energy levels.

However, it is inevitable to form the current situation.

His rise time was too short, and his background was too thin. It took only seven or eight years from his awakening to the present. He was pushed forward by the system almost all the way, and he didn't have time to calm down and polish his "arsenal".

In contrast, his opponents have used decades, even hundreds, thousands of years to hone their skills, anyway, they have nothing to do in every bottleneck period, they can only tap their potential inward.

This is why Li Rui has always classified himself as a talented player rather than a technical player.

When talent is formed and crushed, all techniques are just bells and whistles.

Li Rui is deeply aware of where his fundamental reliance is. When the time is not necessary, he will only focus on improving his talents instead of polishing his skills.

It happened that his bottleneck period was almost negligibly short compared to a normal Secret Diamond Step.

Therefore, from an outsider's point of view, he was simply madly mad along the way, one by one "obstacles" along the way was smashed to pieces, and the so-called energy level bottleneck seemed to exist in front of him!

And while his strength is soaring, he can also have weird and changeable means of confronting the enemy, which is no longer what can be described as stunning!

Up to now, many people have grouped him and the reincarnated gods such as Michael and Athena into the same category. Putting all unreasonable phenomena on him will no longer arouse outsiders' surprise.

No way, it's numb.

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