Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1027: 、I didn’t have a choice before, now I just want to make a crispy method...

Resurrecting from the dead, devouring the gods, these things have all been done, what else can Li Rui not do?

Don't ask, ask is Rui Ge's cowhide!

However, no matter how the outsiders praised him, Li Rui knew clearly that he was not invincible in this world.

Not to mention those gods who are hidden in the depths of the dimensionality to spy on the world, even on this earth, there are many who can wrestle with him!

Because I stand tall and see farther, I am more in awe.

Therefore, the prudent Li Rui hopes to dig out his every potential to the limit, otherwise he will use the silver skill with the secret diamond rank, not to mention the price drop, the power will be greatly reduced!

However, it is too difficult to do this!

The most fundamental reason, the power of the system... is too vast!

Dozens of hero skills, dozens of runes, dozens of summoner skills, hundreds of magical outfits...

These have brought Li Rui a mysterious and varied tactical style and extremely powerful basic attributes, making him weirder than the assassin, more vague than the mage, more violent than the warrior, and more ruthless than the tank...

But at the same time, it also put a sweet burden on him.

Behind the power of the system is a complete transcendent system, which can almost derive a new universe!

Normally, just choosing one of the branches is enough to consume the life of ordinary transcendents.

But Li Rui... has gathered all his powers in one!

[Precision]: Fatal Legend

[Master]: Hunting the gods

[Witchcraft]: release destruction

[Resolute]: Immortality and immortality

[Enlightenment]: Outsmart mortals

[Void Fear], [Evil Little Mage], [Scarlet Reaper], [Void Walker], [Dragon Blood Wu Ji], [Rune Mage]


Almighty comes at a price!

If it weren't for the comprehension experience of his teammates to give Li Rui, he would definitely choose to give up some of his powers and specialize in certain systems.

However, since the system has given a solution, children only make choices, and adults want them all!

Li Rui gritted his teeth fiercely as he watched the powerful passivity stuck in silver on the system panel.

It has been a week since the last [Holy Grail War] mission, and the next mission will start at any time!

If possible, he hopes to break through a bottleneck during each mission interval!

In this way, he will be able to deal with more freely in the final battle!

After the experience of the last Holy Grail War, he had a hunch that those evil gods would definitely make trouble!

Yes, under the gods, he has stood at the apex of the mortal world.

But what if above the gods?

Even a bunch of gods shamelessly, personally end up besieging him?

Don't doubt, with the revival of aura, this possibility is not only there, but also great!

For Chaos Cthulhu, conspiracy is not a shame, but a kind of glory!

If Li Rui can be crushed to death with a dump truck, they will never only carry 30 tons, who can carry 50 tons!

And definitely not just drive one!

With a grin, Li Rui took a deep breath and licked his lips.

High-end ingredients often mean danger, but as long as one can be eaten, the initial investment cost will be rewarded immediately!

They want to use the Holy Grail War to do things, but don't they want to use the Holy Grail War to fish them out?

The power hidden in the dark is the most terrifying, because you don't know when, where, and in what form they will jump out for you!

Once exposed to the sun, no matter how powerful the force is, it can find a way to restrain and crack!

Now, with Wang Lei's super meat shield, Li Rui is not afraid of any conspiracy traps.

If there is a problem, I threw him in and startled the snake. Anyway, it was not me who was beaten!

An inexplicable mist appeared in his eyes. Li Rui remembered the severe beating he had suffered before, and looked at the sky quietly, with a hint of open-mindedness in his eyes.

It's better to leave the work of exploring the road to thunder and being beaten up by Lei brother...professionals to do it!

I didn’t have a choice before, now I just want to be a crispy mage...


"The ninth round of the [Holy Grail War] mission is open. Please find the entrance to the secret world [Mirage·Death Valley] and enter it during the window period!"

"Aziz, we are still on earth!"

A group of transcendents in white robes were overjoyed at first, and after seeing the mission goal, everyone's expressions collapsed.

"Death Valley! It's actually Death Valley!"

The only woman in the team trembled slightly, and she couldn't help looking at her captain.

"Aziz, or give up this mission, there is no place for us to offend at all!"

The bearded middle-aged man looked hesitant, and shook his head severely after hesitated for a while.

"As long as we complete another round of the task, we will have enough points to buy what we want! Fatima, don't you want to buy a bottle of [Regeneration Potion] to make your father stand up again?"

Fatima, who showed only a pair of beautiful eyes, was silent for a moment, looking around her teammates worriedly.

"Only the Secret Diamond Rank has the opportunity to escape from it. According to our strength, entering [Death Valley] is to die!"

"I know, don't give up in a hurry, [War Academy] will not release mortal missions, there must be some turning point."

Aziz paused, muttering to himself, looking around.

However, before he could understand, a circle of dazzling light suddenly exploded in the desert not far away.

The violent spiritual energy fluctuations can be felt across a long distance, and it didn't take long for the scorching wind to sweep the ground, blowing yellow sand.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw a bit of bitterness in each other's eyes.

Secret Diamond Step...

And more than one!

The mission this time is dangerous!

Originally, their team's luck had been good, and they rarely encountered irresistible enemies.

But the only time the mission failed was when he encountered the Secret Diamond Rank!

Fortunately, Aziz made a decisive decision and chose to give up the task. Although he lost 50% of his points, he at least saved the life of the team.

But this time Aziz looked at the transpiring aura halo in the distance, gritted his teeth fiercely, and galloped toward the center of engagement.

"Go! Let's go and see!"

The remaining teammates looked at each other, but out of their long-term trust in him, they followed silently.

However, before they rushed to the battlefield, the chaotic and tyrannical spiritual fluctuations in front of them slowly calmed down.

"What happened? Stopped?"

"It should be separated after probing. After all, no one can do anything about the two Secret Diamond Steps in a short time. Compared with the inexplicable battle, the task is more important."

Aziz analyzed clearly, but in the next second, everyone's eyes suddenly condensed.


A black shadow fell from the sky, and the desert in front suddenly burst open a small basin, the terrorist shock wave was mixed with 10,000 tons of yellow sand, forming a dust tsunami that swallowed everything.

I will never set up a flag again. The day before yesterday I confidently said that I would go to a physical store to buy a monitor after get off work, but I forgot, it’s not up to me to decide when I leave work...(;'Д`)

When I walked out of the company after 10 o'clock in the evening, the stars were already scarce outside, so in despair, I could only return home in grief and anger with the dead body of the monitor.

However, just after I hit my palm, the wind and thunder changed color, the sky was dark, and the display in the middle palm slowly lit up!

It's alive!

It's alive again!

It says it can fight for another ten years!

Well, it should be due to the aging of a component inside, which leads to poor contact.

While the corpse can last a few days, I try to pay more debts.

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