Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1028: The eldest son of China


Aziz shook his white robe fiercely, and the seemingly thin and gorgeous silk robe rose in the wind, exuding a faint aura, erecting a pure white wall for everyone.

The crackling hits sounded like rain, and the terrible dust resembled bullets, making dense ripples on the silk wall.

The huge pressure was wave after wave, and only the spread of AOE damage made Aziz feel a little strenuous. When the shock storm passed, he immediately withdrew his robe and saw a small black spot in the sky falling like a meteorite from a distance. .


With a faint golden light all over his body, the burly man like a hill crashed to the ground, splashing "waves" several meters high.

At his feet, a huge and ugly two-headed humanoid was half buried in the sand, struggling to stand up.

"Bah! I just want to **** our brains when we meet? I thought how strong it is! As a result, the three axe smashed the law, spicy chicken!"

The man raised his huge axe cursingly. Before Aziz and others could react, a tyrannical light flashed, flesh and blood turned into syrup, and the smelly and sticky heat wave instantly drowned them.

The whole body was stained with dark red blood. They stared blankly at only half of the corpses left, and they even forgot to wipe the filth on their bodies.

A secret diamond step... just gone?

There is no symbolic resistance, just go down with an axe, and it's gone?

This is the secret diamond I've seen the most deadly death!

Like a **** in his mind, the majestic and inviolable secret diamond image collapsed.

They knew for the first time that high-ranking transcendents who were close to the apex of mortal dust could also be pinched to death like a chicken!

"Are you also [Holy Grail War] contestants?"

Suddenly, the sound of warm and moist water sounded from behind, and Aziz and the others were full of spirits, drew out their weapons, and turned to make a defensive posture.

To touch such a close distance, if this is a sneak attack...

Not daring to think about it, Aziz and others opened their eyes and found that behind them was a sunny youth in his twenties.

With black hair and black eyes, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked like someone from East Asia.

But what makes Aziz and others feel strange is that they clearly seem to have seen that face somewhere, but after a closer look, they find that they can't distinguish any feature on his face at all!

Nose, eyes, mouth...every part is very familiar, and together it becomes a hazy, so uncomfortable to hammer the head!

Seeing with satisfaction that everyone in front of him was hesitant to speak, with an uncomfortable expression on his face, Li Rui silently praised [The Return of the Chaos, Zihuang Jie].

As his cultivation level gets higher, the [mysterious] resolution of "Swallowing" is getting higher and higher.

[The Mask of the Hidden Man] The effect of the law was gradually played out by him, even if it was close at hand, these extraordinary people did not recognize him!

You know, he didn't make any changes to his appearance. It was completely relying on the "ordinary" temperament of [Jingzhe] and the Secret Diamond Stage, coupled with billions of cognitive interference, formed a weird "Meeting Acquaintance" effect!

Of course, Li Rui never considered the possibility of these people not knowing him.

In the supernatural circle of the earth, you may not know the old predecessors who have been in hiding for many years, but it is impossible to have never heard of the name [Indestructible Dragon]·Li Rui!

"Yes, we are also [Holy Grail War] contestants, you are..."

Aziz bit his scalp and stood up, but before he could finish asking, a heat wave passed by. The tall and burly man shook his axe, ignoring their startled expressions, and walked to the youth.

"Xiao Rui, have you done it over there?"

"Don't worry, one didn't run away, all the wicked!"

The young man grinned and stretched out his fist, colliding with the outstretched fist of the strong man, making a dull and penetrating impact.

And seeing the face of the strong man up close, Aziz's mind flashed, and he finally recognized his identity!

【Blood Tyrannosaurus】·Wang Lei!

So... Xiao Rui in his mouth...

Suddenly remembering the identity of Li Rui, Aziz was overjoyed, and quickly put away his weapon, showing a slightly flattering smile.

"It turns out to be the eldest son of [Zhonghua], the glory of the empire, Lord Li Rui, [the immortal dragon], disrespectful! Disrespectful!"

Li Rui: "..."

Although it was an unintelligible Arabic language, the meaning of the expression was clearly and unmistakably conveyed to his mind. Li Rui pondered for a moment, but couldn't help asking aloud.

"When did I get such a second nickname?"

And along with his doubts, streams of light condensed beside him, turning into sharp and deep silhouettes.

"Those who are jealous of you will take it for you, saying that [Zhonghua] gathers all the favors on you, and that's why you are invincible."

"To put it bluntly, I still can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. I think I can do it too, and make excuses for garbage..."

Zihei 氤氤 quietly condensed into a beautiful girl beside Li Rui, Aya Xiyi said here, glaring at him angrily.

"Damn, such a cowhide nickname should be placed on me! I am the glory of the empire!"

On the other side, Wang Lei is also pantothenic.

As the first generation of [Indestructible Dragon], he should be the title of the eldest son of China.

But no matter how strong his real combat power is, his eternal pain has become his eternal pain.

The eldest son of the golden rank?

If you speak out, you have to face up and lose the face of [Zhonghua]!

"Uh...well, let's not talk about it."

Waved his hand, Li Rui abruptly turned aside the subject and looked at Aziz and his party, who were all over.

Although the white robe that envelops the whole body has aura body, but the deep and secluded line of sight seems to penetrate the soul, and it is easy to spy on their most secret place.

A little stiff, everyone didn't dare to get angry, they could only look at Li Rui aggrievedly.

The sharp gaze swept away, Li Rui looked at the group of people whose holy light was obviously greater than Xie Yan, and sighed regretfully.

Originally wanted to say that the fellow sees the fellow, but you didn’t discuss it...

It's a pity...All good people...

Feeling a flash of cold for no reason, Aziz shook his whole body, tilted his waist unconsciously, and his smile became brighter.

"Um... Look at your outfits, it should be the extraordinary people around here? Do you know the secret realm of [Mirage·Death Valley]?"

With a glimmer of expectation, Li Rui looked into Aziz's eyes.

Ms. Hannah just checked the public database of the [Security Council], but she didn't know anything about this secret realm. She only knew that it was related to the pharaoh's tomb in the ancient times.

And the entrance it appears is also erratic, covering almost the entire Sahara Desert, spanning seven or eight countries!

From ancient times to the present, there are records alone, and more than a hundred high-level transcendents have fallen among them, and many of them are top powerhouses such as Secret Diamond Rough Stone.

Perhaps these locals can know more detailed information...

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