Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1029: , [Death Valley] entrance

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui's eyes were deep.

When meeting his gaze, Aziz's heart lifted, shaking his fists excitedly, and nodding fiercely.

"We have lived here for thousands of years, and no one understands [Death Valley] better than me!"

Li Rui: "..."

Why are you so excited? I'm not electing the president...

"Can you give us a detailed introduction?"

"no problem!"

Aziz's humorous chatter really revealed many details that were not in official information.

"In Death Valley, it is said that the pharaoh who is sleeping in charge of [Death], no one knows his real name, only that there is a magical book in his pyramid that can revive the dead and make the living immortal."

"Therefore, since the ancient times, there have been many high-level transcendents who knew that the time limit was over looking for the entrance of [Death Valley] in an attempt to gain the last chance."

"But unfortunately, most of them didn't come out alive."

Aziz shook his head regretfully, and then stared at Li Rui again.

"However, because of persistent temptation, we have also found some patterns of [Death Valley]..."

Seeing his expectant eyes, Li Rui suddenly understood something and couldn't help laughing.

"Then please take us to find the entrance, after the event is done, we must thank you again."

The corners of Aziz's mouth could not help but nodded firmly.

Leaking something from the Chinese eldest son is enough to support their team.

Maybe after this trip, they will get more benefits than they have worked so hard to pass through nine rounds!

At that time, they can give up the game and return to their hometown to be a melon-eater with peace of mind.

Thinking happily in his heart, Aziz began to drive Li Rui and his party in the Sahara Desert.

"There must be one person here. In the current season, there is a high probability that the entrance will appear here!"

Coming to the depths of the desert, Aziz discerned his direction and cut the railroad firmly.

Li Rui looked at the vast sea of ​​sand with no reference, and didn't know how he confirmed it, so he could only take out a totem and put it on the ground.

"Okay, let's go."

Looking at Li Rui, then at the strange totem, Aziz stopped talking, and finally seemed to understand something, silently leading the way.

So in the next period of time, a group of people left nearly a hundred totems in the Sahara Desert, forming a huge network.

However, while they were in the dust, the teams of summoners from other planes were not idle either. They hunted humans in the desert wildly, ramming around like headless flies.

After a few days, everyone's Summoner's Mark suddenly moved, and a mysterious force poured down from the void, forming clear guidance in their minds.

"[Mirage·Death Valley] Intersecting reality, the entrance appears, and the expected window period is 17 minutes. Please enter the secret realm within the time limit. Those who do not enter will be regarded as a failed mission."

The voice of the cold machinery sounded in my mind, no matter where they were, all the participating teams swept their heads and looked in the same direction.

So [War Academy] will give a hint?

Aziz's heart tensed, for fear that his hard work was wasted.

However, Li Rui was not a prostitute, so he asked straightforwardly.

"What kind of reward do you want? Money? Or something extraordinary?"

Aziz and the others looked at each other, knowing that the time was urgent, and they couldn't hold back, so they quickly reported what they liked.

[Regeneration Potion], [Balance Potion], [War Academy] high-end extraordinary weapons...

Not beyond Li Rui's expectation, this is a group of "good people" who are pragmatic and know how to score.

The demands they made may seem expensive to ordinary transcendents, but in Li Rui's eyes they are not worth mentioning.

There was no counter-offer at all, Li Rui waved a big hand, took out various items from the [material warehouse], and immediately paid the reward.

"Are you still going to continue the mission?"

Looking at the equipment potion that was thinking about it, Aziz and his group blinked dullly, unexpectedly things would go so smoothly.

I was already prepared to pay back the money, but poverty limits my imagination...

Damn it, is this [China]'s handwriting?

Too much "money", right?

After a few seconds, Aziz recovered and shook his head quickly.

"Forget it, it's too far away. We can't make it in 17 minutes."

The distance of the entrance can be vaguely sensed in the Summoner's Mark, which is thousands of kilometers away from them!

You know, the entire Sahara Desert covers an area of ​​nearly 10 million square kilometers, covering almost the entire North Africa!

Therefore, Aziz and the others are still very helpful. The place where the entrance appears is one of their predicted locations. By inserting eyes in advance, Li Rui’s spiritual consciousness is equivalent to spreading to the local area, and can accurately locate the distant space, even See the golden desert that covers the entire sky from the perspective of God!

"Choose smartly, you won't be able to participate in the next game."

Patting Aziz on the shoulder, Li Rui smiled slightly, the whole body was steaming with purple and black, and the dense void star ring spread under the feet of the two.

The howling psychic energy revolved around Li Rui like a whirlwind, and a pillar of spiritual light pierced directly into the void from the top of his head.

The purple-black void energy poured down and turned into particles visible to the naked eye, converging towards his feet in a counterclockwise vortex.

The bright magic circle slowly formed in the shocking time and space, and the faint transparent beam of light enveloped a radius of more than ten meters, and the surrounding began to ripple in time and space.

Seeing the vision around him, Aziz and the others subconsciously retreated, and they kept exiting the range of the void starring before stopping.

This... is this mass transmission?

So were the totems before they were positioning devices?

Watching the legendary power bloom in front of them, a group of people suddenly felt that the rewards in their hands were not good.

Perhaps their complacent gain is just a handy taste in the eyes of others, and they can feel the gap between the two sides invisibly, and the emotion of envy can't be suppressed.

People are better than people, maddening people... Damn big dogs...

However, he did not notice the psychology of these people at all. Sharp aura burst out on Li Rui, forming a beam of light that penetrated time and space, opening a channel to the other side.

The bottomless two-dimensional plane enveloped the entire team, and the vast and vast universe unfolded under everyone's feet, and you could faintly see the twinkling of stars in the darkness.

The mysterious purple rune lit up on Li Rui's skin. After the short-term guidance was completed, the magic circle suddenly contracted spirally, collapsing everything in the range into a ball of spiritual light, and disappeared in place in an instant.

[Zigzag and leap]!

Almost at the same time, thousands of kilometers away in the depths of the desert, a circle of weird void stars expanded and condensed and transformed into a human form.

Opening their eyes, everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked towards the sky. The golden desert without a trace of impurities spread to the end of the line of sight, covering everyone's heads with truth and truth, as if the whole world was surrounded by yellow sand, vast and magnificent...

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