A glamorous woman with big red wavy hair nodded and looked at the glamorous mature woman staring at the void.

The dark skin can hardly conceal her beauty, like a dark golden pearl, her whole body is glowing with warm and translucent luster, but it brings her a strange attraction!

The delicate and charming facial features exude indescribable alluring charm, as if a look can make all the opposite **** kneel at her feet.

The figure over two meters tall was bulging forward, and her silky hair twisted into complicated and mysterious braids, spreading to her feet, as if she was wearing a gorgeous and strange cloak.

"What are you looking at?"

With a hint of jealousy, the red-haired beauty asked dissatisfiedly.

"Our prey...you see, how strong they are..."

An unnatural flush was stained on her cheeks, and the coquettish mature woman clamped her legs and said with a wink.

"I warn you, the leader is mine!"

"Hehe, don't you think the strong man next to him is also good? I really want to eat him..."

The pink tongue licked gently on the lips, and the eyes were filled with inexplicable brilliance.

"Don't make a fuss! Hurry up and follow!"

Impatiently pushing the coquettish mature woman, the red-haired beauty urged the reluctant old man to lead the team to disappear into the yellow sand in the sky.

In front of them, something new blocked Li Rui's path.


The sand sea exploded "waves" tens of meters high, a bone snake with a diameter of tens of meters, which was not known how long, came out of the sand pile and came towards everyone.


The golden light of Wang Lei soared, and the golden giant tens of meters high raised his axe and smashed the bones of the snake into the air!

The spinal cord and bones exposed to the sun were still struggling. Wang Lei was about to go up and tear it apart, but a cold voice rang in his mind.

"It's useless, this is a puppet in the domain of [Death]. It does not have its own mind and soul. It is closer to a natural phenomenon. No matter how many times you kill it, it will always return from [Death]..."

He kicked the broken bones far away, Wang Lei no longer hesitated, and ran away with his axe.

Not far from him, Li Rui and others also fell into a new predicament.

One after another humanoid bones drilled out of the ground, shaking off the grit from their bodies, revealing the hideous canine heads.

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"Three to four meters tall, with thick bones, a human-shaped body, and a canine head. Is this Anubis's puppet?"

Teacher Hanna shot a bone hundreds of meters away, muttering to herself.

And around her, hundreds of bones and skeletons burrowed out of the desert, brandishing all kinds of weird weapons, and rushing towards everyone.

In a larger area, dense black spots appeared on the entire ground, and almost endless dog-headed skeletons appeared in the sight of everyone.


With a cold snort, the purple and black flames swept across the earth, turning all the bones it came into contact with into powder!

【Pollution】·Golden Stage

Passive: Each time the hero kills a unit, it can restore up to 500 mana based on the strength of the target's soul.

Active: Release magic pollution, causing 200 (+50% spell power) magic damage to surrounding enemies every second.

Tens of thousands of magical damage per second is like a scythe sweeping across the ground. Even if it is outside the core killing range, the dog-headed skeleton with its teeth and claws will instantly disintegrate, and only extremely distant enemies can escape.

But the boundless "army" seems to be ignorant of fear, and still rushes into the purple-black death realm without fear of death, like moths fighting fire!

In less than a few dozen seconds, Aya Xiyi's face changed, she shrank the area and only wrapped the team.

"These armies are just puppets of laws, without souls, I can't draw mana from them!"

Instantly understood Aya Xiyi's situation, even with a million-level mana, facing the endless "army" like the tide, she could not hold on endlessly, and could only choose to shrink the line of defense.

"It doesn't matter, brother Lei and I will open the way, you take care of the team."

With his right hand volleyed and grasped, a crystal-clear sword was condensed in his palm. Li Rui looked at the black enemy in front of him and slowly raised his hand.


When using Divine Prompt, the cleave attack range is expanded nine times!


Mobilizing the weak divinity to infuse the sword, Li Rui slashed out with an understatement. The golden red light that was thin as a cicada's wings flashed away. All enemies in the fan-shaped area in front of him solidified in an instant, and then slowly "collapsed".

White bone powder mixed with yellow sand flying all over the sky, a broad road appeared in front of everyone!

Cutavia: "..."

Olena: "..."

Every time we see the club grow up, our three views have to be reshaped!

A sword cut through the channel that spread to the end of the line of sight, and Li Rui hurried away with his teammates.

Just kidding, the thing that was killed didn't give back a trace of energy and blood, which meant that his most powerful blood-sucking ability was useless.

Without staying power, even he would be piled to death by endless "ants"!


Catch the two Catavia sisters like a chicken, a translucent wave blooms from Li Rui, and the whole team enters the rocket state again!

【Suriya's Rhapsody】·Golden Stage

Only initiative: Provide +60% movement speed for yourself and nearby allies for 8 minutes.

[Life and death balance] Once again, the kitty turned into a super engine, increasing the speed of the entire team by 180%!


Even the heaviest-looking Wang Lei's straight sprint speed is definitely not weak, everyone at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has become a fighter plane flying close to the ground, tearing a dazzling sound burst behind him.

"I come!"

In just a few tens of seconds, it traveled tens of kilometers, and the endless dog-headed skeletons circled up again. Wang Lei smiled grimly and rushed to the front of the team!

Holding an axe in both hands, rolling his strong arm muscles, he pulled the simple and heavy axe behind him!

The vigorous divine light rolled on the axe blade, and with the help of unprecedented charging speed, Wang Lei slowly compressed his whole body strength, like a terrible spring!


One foot stepped out of the pure golden earth in the void, and the violent power went straight up from the soles of the feet, twisting the hips and waist, the muscles all over his body were like a whip, and fiercely threw out the destructive light accumulated in the axe!

【Big Kill Quartet】!

The terrifying power of destruction was released, and a terrifying circular cutting surface flashed away, spreading the destruction unscrupulously!

Unlike Li Rui's sharp and restrained sword aura, Wang Lei's axe light is full of naked tyrannical power. With an irresistible domineering posture, he crushes all the matter in the area and destroys it into fly ash!

Even without the divine transformation equipment, Wang Lei's damage range is no smaller than Li Rui's!

Seeing him wipe out the enemy within a few kilometers with an axe and sweep out a circular basin, Li Rui couldn't help but his eyelids jumped.

[Giant Hydra], [Atama’s Liquidation], [Inspiring Armor]...

Thinking about the equipment he provided for him, Li Rui felt that if there was another Seven-Day War, he might have his head chopped off by Brother Lei...

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