"Hahahaha, really exciting!"

With a move to clear the field, Wang Lei stood in the center of the radial pit and laughed boldly.

Looking at his wild posture from a distance, Li Rui's mouth was full of acid.

Can you be uninterested?

Just a [Giant Hydra] can provide 1% of the maximum health attack power, according to his blood volume, it is equivalent to close to 20,000!

The attack power is doubled directly, and the amplification of Xing Tian Axe is counted...

After a shudder, Li Rui remembered the death he had done, for fear that Brother Lei would be impulsive, and want to break with him, the crispy mage...

Forget it, let's keep the focus in the future, how can our noble and elegant mage be as knowledgeable as a reckless man!

With a flat mouth, Li Rui comforted herself and continued to lead the team forward.

A few kilometers away, a dense army of dog heads stepped on the bone meal of their companions, and slowly came up again.

Raising the Yin Hong sword in his hand, Li Rui threw out a sword aura from a distance, and the golden red glaze swept across the earth, clearing the obstacles ahead.

But this time, he frowned slightly.

The clearing range is half as fast as expected!

Power weakened?

No, it's not that my strength has become weaker, but that the opponent has become stronger!

Take a closer look, the dog-headed army on the opposite side is quite different from the original white bones.

The shredded meat was pieced together, and occasionally some white cloth like bandages was hung on them, dancing with the wind.

It's a bit like bacon gnawed by a mouse, and a bit like a mummy that hasn't been kept, with a hint of funny in the hideousness.

However, in the spiritual vision, the dark death steaming from them almost covered the entire earth, and the golden desert was swallowed by the dark tide, as if the entire world was squeezing toward oneself.

The boundless sense of pressure overwhelmed herself, Li Rui couldn't help holding her chest, heartache so much that she couldn't breathe.

It would be great if there were flesh and blood lives!

What my [Dark Harvest] and [Overgrowth] lack is your iron-headed baby!

With grief and indignation, Li Rui shot again, stern blood gleaming in the desert, and the black army fell into pieces like wheat.

But the more you move forward, the greater the pressure.

The ugly and dry mummified army gradually put on armor, but these seemingly rotten and rotten things have amazing defenses!

Once beyond the core kill range, Li Rui's sword energy can only knock them into the air instead of directly cutting them into pieces.

Looking down from a high altitude, Li Rui's team is like a page of flat boats in the Kuroshio Current, stubbornly breaking through the "waves" and marching hard!



Every time Li Rui moved forward, he couldn't help but sigh, causing Wang Lei to look at him frequently.

"What are you sighing for?"

"Nothing, I just feel that I have lost a hundred million."

Just when Li Rui was perfunctory to Wang Lei, a small hand pulled the corner of his clothes.

Looking back, Aya Xiyi pointed her face solemnly behind her, and followed her gaze. The "black wall" that was still far away in the sky seemed to have caught up.

"That is a storm formed by the law of death. If it is swallowed in, it is estimated that only three of us...four can get out of the secret realm alive."

Pointing to Li Rui and Wang Lei, Aya Xiyi paused, and added Zhao Youxuan.

After a moment of silence, Li Rui bit her lip, and looked around the surging dog-head army, her eyes flickering.

Anxious, Lao Tzu opened the [no blame] posture to kill you all!

But he was fierce, he was not stupid enough to be true to these foolish things.

Turn around and join Wang Lei to form an indestructible super "drill."

The tyrannical axe light and the stern sword light flashed in cycles, even if the height was more than five meters, the black flames all over his body were steaming, and the dog's head like a **** and demon could not get close.

These things are put to the outside world, each of them is comparable to a golden-level transcendent, but in this mystery, they are like ants, endless!

Once again, Li Rui felt the terrible power of the law!

To put it bluntly, all the enemies in front of them are manifested by the power of a trace of divine law attached to the yellow sand.

Once they are completely crushed, they will melt into golden gravel, and the divine law attached to the body is to reintegrate into the world and give birth to new dog heads!

If you can't cut off the divine power cycle behind it, no matter how many times you destroy the enemy, it's just useless!

Knowing this truth, Li Rui no longer seeks to kill, but as far as possible to blast the enemies within the range to clear a channel!

Like a sharp arrow breaking through the waves, a "black wall" appeared at the end of the sky soon!

"Shrink the circle! Shrink the circle! We are about to enter the safe zone!"

Huang Juncai yelled in excitement and slapped Li Rui on the shoulder.

"Brother Rui, do you want a shot?"

After a moment of silence, Li Rui nodded fiercely as he watched the army spread to the end of his sight.

Like a mad dog, Huang Juncai rushed to the front of the team excitedly, the surging divine light gathered on his left arm, the dazzling thunder electric snake coiled around, releasing a terrible sense of oppression.

Only then did Li Rui figure it out, as if this guy's statement was a bit wrong...

Fist and point forward, the elegant and slender golden armguards turn from virtual to real, and the torrent of terrifying energy is brewing and compressing in the [South Star], condensing a gorgeous magic circle visible to the naked eye out of thin air!

The huge force beyond his control made Huang Juncai's left arm tremble slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ethereal energy turned into Taishan to press on the front of his boxer, and at the same time, it slowly filled the barrel like a bullet.

After a short period of energy storage, his slightly squinted eyes suddenly widened, and Huang Juncai shouted angrily, blasting out a crescent-shaped blade that was tens of meters wide!

【Precision Barrage】·Golden Level

After the hero is charged for a period of time, it releases a long-range energy wave to the target area, causing 1000 (+200% attack power) (+150% spell power) magic damage to enemies passing through.

Forcibly controlling the flight speed of the energy wave, Huang Juncai jumped onto Wang Lei's back, clamped his legs, and shouted!


Li Rui: "..."

When it comes to death, you are better...

However, looking at the crescent energy wave flying "slowly" like a road roller ahead, Wang Lei just barked his teeth and didn't squeeze his head on the spot.

"Xiao Wei!"

The cooling completed [Swift Sonata] and [Suriya's Rhapsody] bloom at the same time, and the terrifying spiritual power makes all the human bodies oscillate with fuzzy ripples.

With this "throttle" stepped on, Li Rui picked up the two Catavia sisters, and Wang Lei, carrying Huang Juncai who was temporarily relieved, turned the whole team into a straight ray, tearing the air, and abruptly chasing the barrage. .

There is a saying that Huang Juncai's barrage is really good. The black desert seems to have been scratched by an eraser, revealing the golden ground below.

But no matter how he controls it, the flight speed of the energy wave cannot be too slow, even with the double speed blessing, Li Rui and others just barely follow it.

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