Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1033: , [Life Oasis]

Like a missile chasing a high-speed fighter, in just a few tens of seconds, everyone rushed tens of kilometers all the way.

The violent wind on the ground blew away the gravel, revealing a dog-head mummy nearly ten meters high.

The enemy buried in the desert even just got out of his head, and was swept past in an instant before he had time to come out.

Then, they sat up slowly, their bodies still, their necks rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, staring at a small black spot at the end of their sights, and lying back silently.

Not knowing how embarrassing he was, Li Rui chased the barrage farther and farther away, and suddenly found that it had hit an invisible wall, and instantly shattered into light particles.


Cyclonus at several times the speed of sound can't stop in just a few tens of meters. Li Rui himself is not afraid to bump his head. The key is that the sister flower in his hand cannot withstand this impact!

Between the electric light and flint, two [Indestructible Dragons] exchanged ideas in the spiritual network, and a solution was discussed in an instant.

Pure gold light leaked from Li Rui and Wang Lei, covering all teammates, forming a light gold-plated film.

[Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity] madly running, the two moved the power of the law together!

【Do not move】!

Distorting the laws of physics, everyone jumped directly over the intermediate state and stood still abruptly without warning.


Just after everyone stopped neatly in front of the invisible barrier, the stern wind overtook them and rolled the surrounding yellow sand hundreds of meters into the sky!

Untie the light gold film, Li Rui and Wang Lei both showed a trace of fatigue.

Even with the power of the two of them, it is extremely difficult to apply Wei Li to others!

Fortunately, there is a soul connection between teammates, and spiritual power can easily spread in the past, otherwise they will not be able to perform such high-end operations based on their current personality!


Huang Juncai jumped off Wang Lei's back casually and walked towards the invisible barrier seriously.

However, a huge palm grabbed his yellow hair and directly dragged him back.

"Brother Lei, I was just now, I...oh...just! Don't let Brother Lei!"

Putting Huang Juncai in eighteen poses like kneading the dough, Wang Lei finally inserted his head into the sand like a javelin, and then walked forward contentedly.

"Go away, let me see what the **** is in it!"

Carefully stretched out his palm, Wang Lei slowly touched the void in front, his fingertips seemed to touch something, and a circle of translucent ripples appeared.

After a second pause, he continued to exert force, and his rough fingers easily penetrated the invisible barrier and disappeared in everyone's eyes.

It wasn't until the entire palm was submerged that Wang Lei withdrew his arm, rubbing his fingers thoughtfully.

"Brother Lei, what's the situation inside?"

Putting down the two Katavia sisters, Li Rui asked in a low voice.

Wang Lei rubbed his fingers, put them under the tip of his nose and sniffed, then nodded solemnly after a long time.

"Very wet, very moist."

Li Rui: "..."

I suspect you are driving!

Looking at Wang Lei with a sharp gaze, after a long while no evidence was found, Li Rui noticed that his fingers seemed to be wrinkled.

Spreading out his palms, Li Rui suddenly discovered that the originally moist and plump skin had already become dry and shriveled at this time, and it even had a matte texture to the touch!

Shocked, he looked around his teammates and found that the girls' matte skin that could be broken by blowing seemed to be covered with a layer of dust, no matter how to wipe them, they couldn't restore their gorgeous color.


Since awakening the extraordinary power, he has never felt dry skin again.

Just ask, he can emit a temperature comparable to that of a star. What can make the water in his body evaporate?

Looking up at the gradually gathering "black wall", the answer in his heart is ready to come out.

"Death is pervading every inch of the air. Even mythical creatures cannot stay on this plane for a long time. Let's go, there should be [Life Oasis] inside."

Seeing Li Rui's mind, Aya Xiyi took the lead towards the invisible barrier.

The petite figure was about to step into the invisible barrier when a big hand suddenly pulled her behind.

"How can the mage take the lead, Xiao Rui, you go!"

Li Rui: "..."

"I am also a mage!"

"You are a hammer mage, go!"

He wanted to talk and stopped, and after a long pause, Li Rui walked to the barrier cursingly, and slowly stretched out his hand.

It was not that he was reluctant to take the lead, but was angry that his identity as Faye was denied again!

Obviously Wang Lei was hanged up and beaten by his magic, why couldn't he admit that the identities of the two parties were different?

I, Li Rui, are a master!


Penetrating through the invisible film, moist water vapor rushed toward his face. Until this moment, Li Rui realized how "dry" the desert was just now!

The pupils gradually dilated, Li Rui stared at the scene in front of him blankly, unable to speak for a long time.

Before long, the teammates came in one by one, standing behind him, looking at this magical world.

Lush rainforest covers every inch of land. At the end of the horizon, a towering pyramid stands proudly like a mountain, as if suppressing the entire world.

A "sun" hovered at the top of the pyramid, emitting a pale golden light.

Across a long distance, everyone can feel the magnificence of the pyramid, and they can't imagine what it would be like to walk under Maybe, it's really just looking up at a mountain...

"The part that exposes the horizon is about three thousand meters high, and the base part...well..."

Huang Juncai, who squinted his eyes to peek into the distance, suddenly snorted, covering his eyes, and purple-black blood and tears slowly flowed from between his fingers.


Two big hands, one left and one right, pressed his shoulders, Li Rui and Wang Lei's divinities poured into their bodies, working together to expel the ethereal pollution.

A faint emerald aura bloomed from his body, and the [battle principal] skin hidden in the body released the skills, which quickly healed his wounded body.

After closing his eyes for a long time before reopening, Huang Juncai bowed his head and nodded, never daring to look ahead.

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"What do you see?"

"Darkness, pure darkness, absolute silence..."

Unable to tremble, Huang Juncai murmured with lingering fear, shaking his head vigorously in the middle of speaking, as if he wanted to throw the bad memories out of his mind.

It is also fortunate that he possesses an artifact body, otherwise the ordinary golden rank will be polluted to this degree, and even if he does not die, he will suffer psychological and physical distortions, and he may gradually fall into depravity!

"The [God Eater] squad has entered [Life Oasis], and the next phase of the mission is open."

"Please find the passage to the material world in the oasis, and leave the plane before the secret is closed!"

Suddenly, there was an icy warning sound in his mind, Li Rui's eyes moved, and the first reaction was [Return to City]!

Working overtime every day, Lan Shou...(′」∠)

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