The dazzling magical aura spread under Li Rui's feet.

However, before the aura formed a complete magic circle, the "sun" at the top of the distant pyramid swayed undetectable ripples, instantly disintegrating the unformed magic circuit!

"It's a divine lock, the time and space here seems to be different from outside."

Aya Xiyi closed her eyes and felt it, and looked at the pyramid in the distance.

"What the prompt says is [find the way to the material world], that is, we have entered the spiritual world, or some other deep world."

"In such a place, authority can easily interfere with spells..."

"And I can sense that there...something huge is sleeping, waiting to be awakened from death..."

Pointing to a building that is more majestic than the mountains in the distance, Aya Kii's eyes shone with strange colors.

Excitement, anticipation, and a trace of greed...

But soon, her eyes became clear, and she stood quietly beside Li Rui and stopped talking.

"Let's go, there is such a big pile of things, the clue to go back must be there."

He glanced at Aya Xiyi without a trace, Li Rui clapped his palms and led the team.

The twittering rainforest is extremely lively, and countless small animals thrive in this closed world, composing a vibrant picture.

Fearing to be a target in the sky, Li Rui led his teammates through the rainforest. A group of monkeys hopped around above them, curiously looking at these strange creatures that they had never seen before.

"Chi Chi Chi~"


[Reading red envelopes] Follow the public.. public accounts [Book Friends Base Camp], reading up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Chi Chi Chi~"


Seeing Zhao Youxuan silly and howling at them, Li Rui held her head irritably.

"Howl? Walk obediently!"

"I'm hungry, can I eat a monkey?"

"The monkey is so cute, why do you want to eat a monkey?"

Before Li Rui could speak, the little milk cat retorted angrily in the spiritual network.

"Can you eat the big cat over there?"

Zhao Youxuan pointed to the shadow of the rain forest not far away, a huge black panther crawling under the leaves, only a pair of amber eyes exuding dim light.

"Don't eat cats!"

"Monkey or cat, you always have to choose one!"

"The cricket is only worthy of eating soil!"

"You come out and see if I don't kill your native grandson! Rua!"

The two people, inside and outside, screamed in stereo, causing Li Rui's nerves to twitch.

"Stop fighting, let's fight today..."

Following Li Ruiyin's gloomy whispers, the two people who were arguing into the sky instantly got stuck and stopped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a word to end the war, Li Rui gave Zhao Youxuan a vicious look, and shook the blood crystal sword to continue to open the way.

Zhao Youxuan turned to look at the monkey on the tree, grinning grinningly.

"Look again! I will eat you again! Rua~"

"Chi Chi Chi~"

The frightened group of monkeys ran away and disappeared into the deep forest in a blink of an eye.

A few hours later, Li Rui and the others drove a straight path through the rain forest, but they didn't know that another team was hanging far behind them.

"What a strong prey, every step is like stepping on my heartstrings, um... can't stand it..."

The glamorous mature woman with dark golden skin made a charming nasal sound, which caused the red-haired beauty next to her to roll her eyes sharply.

"Hehe, you can't see anything just following them like this, do you want to have some fun for them?"

The skinny old man smiled sternly and stared into the void.

"What do you want to do? Don't be discovered by them, now is not the time to start the plan!"

The coquettish mature woman swallowed and turned her gaze back, her expression becoming serious and gloomy.

"Don't worry, what I hook is the guardian here, and I won't have direct contact with the prey."

The old man smiled slightly, and raised the magnificent bony scepter in his hand.

The invisible and obscure ripples flashed away, and the vast and violent roar suddenly broke out in the dense forest far away!

"what sound?"

"Like the sound of a lion, will there be lions in the rain forest?"

Li Rui looked around in doubt, released his divine consciousness to detect, but was disturbed by strange forces everywhere, and received no feedback.

Trees covering the sky blocked the view, but faintly, it seemed that a behemoth could be heard moving in the dense forest.

Soon, the crackling trees collapsed and torn sound became clearer and clearer, and there was a noticeable tremor from the ground. Without any reminder, the team automatically adjusted its position and waited.

But just when the other party was about to show up, the rumbling and tremors suddenly stopped, and there was dead silence between the world, as if time had frozen at this moment.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment, my pants were all taken off and you braked at the door?


The piercing roar broke their doubts, and an invisible sound wave fell from the sky, directly razing to the ground within a radius of several hundred meters.

The thick elliptical barrier stood firm in the ripples. With the removal of the obstacles, everyone finally saw the enemy's appearance.

It was a strange creature with the body of a lion and the face of a human being about a hundred meters long with wings on its back.

It wears a magnificent crown on its head, fan-shaped headscarves hang down on its ears, a gold-cast cobra sits on its forehead, swallowing snake letters like a living thing, and its cold golden vertical pupils are condescendingly watching the people under their feet. UU reading

Its color is gorgeous and majestic. Its open wings cover the "sun" at the top of the pyramid, and against the light, it seems to be covered with a divine luster.

Sphinx... Sphinx!

Seeing such a classic image, Li Rui instantly understood the identity of the other party and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

According to legend, the sphinx is the guardian of the underworld and tombs, which means that the opponent is probably a divine creature!

What's more serious is that in the world beyond material, anything important has a strong symbolic meaning.

Looking at the sphinx and the pyramid behind it, two things that symbolize the supreme imperial power overlapped and merged with the "sun", Li Rui's spirituality trembled slightly, seeming to have a hint of enlightenment.

The sun sets between the pyramids and the Sphinx. This phenomenon is described as the "horizon" in ancient Egyptian sacred texts.

It symbolizes the reincarnation and rebirth of life!



Before Li Rui could understand, a small hand grabbed his cuff.

"Li Rui, it has a snake on its head, and it can do a dragon-tiger fight by itself...uuuuu..."

With a palm of the excited Zhao Youxuan, Li Rui looked up at the majestic creature in the sky like the holy spirit, and hesitated how to communicate.

"Excuse Pharaoh's sleep, death!"

The magnificent and low divine roar reached the soul, and the huge lion claws pressed against them in the air, transforming into mountain-like energy ripples.

Li Rui didn't have to worry about how to communicate anymore, a sigh of hostility flashed under his eyes.

Since you don't give face, then don't blame me for eating dragons and tigers...

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