Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1035: , We are stupid!

"Brother Lei, go on!"

The irritable old man smiled grimly, grabbed a simple giant axe, and sent out an elegant and easy-going greeting.

"Dead Nima! Stupid X!"

Like a volcanic eruption, the magma-like thick and tyrannical energy turned into a stern axe light, easily splitting the ripples of sharp claws, and rolled up, cutting the huge lion claws into a hideous gap.


Unexpectedly, the seemingly weak enemy exploded with incredible power, the Sphinx let out a scream, threw out golden blood, and waved its wings to the sky.

Wang Lei squatted hard with his feet on the ground, and Aya Xiyi's voice rang in his mind.

"The sky here symbolizes death, try not to fight with it in the sky!"

Nodding slightly to express his understanding, Wang Lei kicked his legs and disappeared instantly.


Everyone fell into a shallow radial pit with a diameter of more than ten meters.


Let go of the whimpering fierce snake, Li Rui moved his joints, and his skin lit up with transparent dragon scales.

"I'll help Brother Lei beat it down, and you will support it on the ground."

The teammates nodded earnestly, only Aya Kiyi stared at him worriedly.

"Even with the resistance of [Indestructible Dragon], you cannot be immune to death, so be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, won't you run away when you die? We are fools again!"

Li Rui shook his head with a smile, and Li Rui turned his back to the crowd and gave a thumbs up, disappearing silently.

"I'm afraid that you will hit the head... two brash men..."

Aya Xiyi twitched her mouth and murmured to herself.

However, at this time Li Rui had come to an altitude of nearly a thousand meters, hiding as an illusory afterimage and sneaking towards the Sphinx.

The Sphinx, who was hitting his head and blasting his hammer by the golden giant, didn't even notice the danger behind it.

The golden red sword protruded out of the void, and the invincible sharp blade pointed like a poisonous snake with its fangs, without a trace of firework, quietly falling towards the enemy.

Use [The Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie] to shield your own killing intent and interfere with the sense of destiny and time and space. It was not until the blade reached the body that the Sphinx found a terrifying enemy behind!

However, it was too late!

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Stab of Fear]!

[Void Blade]!


The sharp sword light enveloping the purple-gold arc flashed away, penetrating the colorful body guard light, and cutting a deep-bone sword mark at the root of the broad wings!


The lion turned back and slammed a heavy blow with the other wing. The terrifying divine light almost condensed into substance. Li Rui's pupils shrank and was instantly annihilated by wings the size of a football field.

However, the Sphinx roared even more angry, because it did not feel any resistance at all, and it flapped its wings lonely!

Li Rui, who flickered hundreds of meters away, looked at the two behemoths wrestling thoughtfully.

The golden giant wants to drag the lion to the ground, but the lion wants to fly into the sky. Two mountain-like monsters are entangled together, like a brutal fight in the Colosseum!

This dragon and tiger fight...No, this lion attack and defense are far beyond the ordinary stone steps, but it seems to be a little short of the real angel...

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui pondered for a long time, before turning into a hazy afterimage again.

The Sphinx in the distance focused most of his attention on the enemy in the dark, and Wang Lei was being pressed down on the front battlefield a little bit!

But before the sneak attack, dozens of illusory magic missiles fell like a torrential rain, causing its body guard to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, a very penetrating bullet tore through the weak divine light and exploded a cloud of blood on its stomach.

On the earth, Huang Juncai and Hannah teacher divided the labor in a tacit understanding, one bombarded indiscriminately, the other charged crit.

The rest of the teammates were not idle either, and the two Katavia sisters, as the mascots of the team, were cheering for them.

Luo Li clung to the screaming snake and prevented her from rushing to make trouble.

On the other hand, Aya Xiyi wandered with a solemn face, wrapping the entire team layer by layer with an invisible barrier.


The golden red glaze sword aura was shining again, but with precautions, it was difficult for Li Rui to hide the spiritual sense of the divine creature, and was stopped and attacked by a beam-like lion tail.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Li Ruixin was ruthless, and the sword in his hand was even more fierce and violent. Not only did he cut off the body guard, but also shaved the skin and flesh, even the bones were split in half!

"Aw... Ga~"

The violent screams were not yet out, and a tyrannical axe blasted on his forehead, blocking the screams of the Sphinx abruptly!

With his head almost hammered into his chest, the dizzy Sphinx couldn't figure out where these two monsters had come, and had to instinctively flee towards the sky.

What happened to the outside world?

Obviously it is a group of low-level creatures, why is there such a terrifying power?

I regretted that I wanted to crush this group of ants to death without saying a word. Sphinx dodged the attack of the golden giant while thinking about the countermeasures.

They released the death ripples, which is a provocation to the Pharaoh's authority and must not be let go!

But... how can I defeat them?

As a divine creature that symbolizes wisdom, it is smarter than most of the so-called wise men, but facing two enemies, one bright and one dark, brutal and insidious, it can't think of a way to break the game for a while!

And in the dense forest not far from, a group of gorgeously dressed extraordinary men looked at the battle in the sky with different expressions.

"What kind of monsters are these two? One is at level 16 and the other is at level 20 at most. They actually hit the local guardian of the gods?"

The wrinkles on the dry old man's face were shaking, and the turbid eyes were full of doubts about life.

In his long life, he has experienced countless big scenes?

But he has never seen such a magical scene today!

It's not the higher level, nor the higher the two levels, but the more than a dozen levels of challenge!

The key can still hit the opponent, which is not magic...

And just when he doubted his life, the two monsters beside him looked like nympho, holding their hearts in their hands and staring at the sky, barely drooling.

"It's the man I'm fond of, really strong!"

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"It's the man I'm fond of, really amazing!"

He swallowed his saliva, the pupils of the two of them exuded evil light, and Li Rui felt a bit of coldness after a long distance.

what happened?

Looking at each other silently, the two naives did not find the source of the chill, which can only be attributed to the conspiracy of the Sphinx.

A mere dragon and tiger fight, not only does not surrender and die, but also dare to try to resist? !

Grinning with white teeth, the vigorous divinity boiled in Li Rui's body. A body of several hundred meters long, the phantom of the ferocious giant insect changed from virtual to real in the sky, turning the nearly 100-meter-long sphinx into A genuine "kitten".

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