What kind of bug is this?

I haven't seen it before...

This idea just came up in Sphinx's mind, and the claws haunting the arc slashed straight down, slashing precisely on its waist at a speed that didn't fit the size.


The body guard shattered like a bird hit by a baseball. The sphinx disappeared instantly, leaving only the blood-stained feathers falling on the spot.


A small mushroom cloud rose up on the ground in the distance, but before Li Rui and the two could catch up, a golden light emerged from the smoke and fleeed towards the sky without looking back.

Want to run after offending the abbot?

Li Rui twitched his mouth, thinking.

"Xiao Wei, give me speed."

The jade-like jade-like green aura instantly enveloped him, and the cold and cold light flooded his limbs, causing the air around the body of the hundreds of meters high to tremble at high speed, as if it was covered with a hazy mist.

【Miaowu Shenghui】·Golden Stage

The hero restores 500 (+100% spell power) health and gains 70% movement speed, which decays within 2 minutes (up to 8 charges)

When attached, the attached ally becomes the target of this skill

[Life and death balance] With the passive bonus, Li Rui's movement speed skyrocketed by 210%, and his terrifying speed tore the sky into a straight vacuum channel visible to the naked eye, and shot towards the rising Sphinx.

The huge lion's claws stepped out thick ripples in the void, and the Sphinx was galloping on the grassland like a majestic lion, but his brows became more frowning.

The ten-meter-long hideous gap in the waist slowly creeps, and the pain is wave after wave, but no matter how it agitates the divine power, the speed of healing is always like a snail.

After careful sensing, more than a dozen strange laws of magic entangled together, attached to the flesh and blood of the wound, and resisted the divine expulsion and suppression.

These invisible intangible energies are like bone gangrene, which not only prevents the wound from healing, but also tears the body's aura, penetrates the internal organs, and quietly swallows its vitality.

What a sinister divine power!

With a chill in his heart, the Sphinx was about to mobilize his entire body to expel these "toxicities" from annihilation, and suddenly there was a chill in his head.

Looking back, the ferocious worm zoomed wildly in his sight, and it seemed that he could hear his low growl vaguely.

"Don't run!"

With an agitated spirit all over, the Sphinx chrysanthemum shrank, like a cat with its tail stepped on, bursting out of unimaginable potential in an instant, like a bolt of lightning shooting into the sky.

The more and more powerful death power eroded, and the gilded runes on the Zerg’s carapace gradually became dull and even began to crack slowly.

Li Rui, who was chasing behind the Sphinx, frowned, knowing that he couldn't drag it anymore.

Not to mention that he is a Secret Diamond Rank, soaking in this concentration of [Death] for a long time, even mythical creatures will gradually decline!

The mountain-like giant worm flashed through an obscure spatial fluctuation, and the spiritual sense locked the position in front of the Sphinx, but Li Rui was suddenly taken aback.

Divine interference?

After a pause, the corners of his mouth slightly raised a hideous arc, and Li Rui's eyes slowly shrank, covering a layer of lavender mist.

【Void Stone】——Space Control!

Captured a fleeting opportunity in the powerful divine interference, the towering giant worm instantly collapsed into purple-black void particles, suddenly disappearing in place.

[Walk in the Void]!

Suddenly sensed that the threat of the thorns on the back disappeared. Before the Sphinx looked back, the time and space in front suddenly cracked. A terrifying Zerg was carrying an overwhelming purple-black void energy tide, landing from a high dimension and descending Before it!

Sphinx: "..."

How did he find his position in the interference?

Is he the new **** who controls the authority of space?

There is no time to think about it, just like a kitten happily throwing into the arms of its owner, the Sphinx plunged into the void tide, its heart was ruthless, and its mouth spit out a substantial pure gold beam.

It's a pity that it was not the owner's warm hug that greeted it, but the cold and sharp sickle claws...

"Oh oh oh~"

With a stab in the face, the pure golden beam of light was split apart, and the two claws of the giant insect set off the shadow of the ruining knife, and the Sphinx instantly felt it fell into the meat grinder.

The old wounds have not healed, and new small wounds are constantly emerging all over the body. Although it is not as vicious as the previous one, it is worse than the quantity!

There were dense gaps all over the body. From a distance, the poor "cat" didn't have a good piece of meat on his body, and the pale golden blood almost soaked his mane.

As if feeling the threat of death, the golden cobra on the sphinx's forehead stared at the giant worm insidiously, and the invisible gaze quietly penetrated into the zerg.

The last gilt inscription on the chitin carapace extinguished, and the delicate and long sword and light sword shadow suddenly stopped, like a stone suddenly stuck in a precision gear, and the enclosed meat grinder cage broke itself.


Catching the enemy's flaws, the Sphinx let out a deep roar, waves of energy surging out, penetrating the aura of the protective body, and shaking and disintegrating the magical power in the Zerg's body.

The breath stagnated, Li Rui didn't lift it up in one breath, and could only watch Longhudou slip away from the palm of his hand!

But before the Sphinx who had escaped and ascended into heaven had time to be happy, he saw the cruel and stern dark red light on the face. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Go down to Lao Tzu!"

Wang Lei grinned, and the golden giant raised his axe in both hands, descending from the sky with an aura of tearing the earth.


At the moment of the moment, the Sphinx spread its wings and issued a crisp and vast eagle.

Time freezes at this moment, a certain mysterious power lingers around it, and the thunderous thunder flashes away.

Immediately, time continued to elapse, the golden giant's destruction axe fell, and the grinning smile on Wang Lei's face instantly disappeared.


With an all-out effort, he smashed loneliness, and the axe fell on Li Rui's body. After forcibly closing, he almost flashed Wang Lei's waist.

"It's time to chop off its chicken wings just now!"

After expelling the paralyzing divinity in his body, Li Rui couldn't help grinding his teeth.

After the lesson just now, the Sphinx has obviously increased the divine interference, and it is basically impossible to accurately locate it in front of it.

And according to their current speed, a little further away, they can travel a hundred and eight thousand miles in a disguised form, it is better to catch up directly!

"Xiao Wei, let's speed it up!"

[Miao Wu Shenghui] The blessing is about to end, Li Rui patted her chest, once again gathering psychic power.

But this time, he added another layer of insurance to himself.

【Ghost Walk】·Secret Diamond Step

Increase the movement speed by 70, (omitted) for 1 hour.

The speed that was already shocking the world soared again, the mountain-like giant insect slowly squatted down, and the anti-joint legs were like gradually compressed springs, accumulating strength crazy!

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