The dazzling pure golden earth spread under the feet of the Zerg, and with a piercing blast, the purple-black ferocious "mountain" instantly disappeared in place.


I let you run 4 kilometers first!

Seeing the terrifying alien insects that flashed by, the golden giant's eyes shone with envy.

If he had this speed, would he be like today?

Those Tianjiao saints who have shown him, one is counted as one, all have to kneel down!

Unfortunately, Wang Lei's basic movement speed is far inferior to that of Li Rui. It is also a percentage bonus. Li Rui can transform into a thunder to chase and kill the enemy, and Wang Lei can only follow him at best.

On the other side, using the secret technique to hurried more than ten kilometers in a short moment, the sphinx fell from the mysterious state, and the shining streamer condensed in the air into a huge lion-shaped silhouette.

Should I get rid of this time?

No longer expecting to kill the enemy, the Sphinx just wanted to survive.

Anyway, the sinners who offend Pharaoh's majesty will not end well, he just needs to watch them quietly and die.

Alas... the long sleep still made me confused, thinking that there was another group of ants to play, but I did not expect it to be a terrible monster!

Secretly reflecting on his impulsive behavior, the Sphinx fluttered its wings, while flying towards the sky, while subconsciously looking back.

Then, it saw the familiar and hideous giant mouth appearing not far behind.

The bright magic circle unfolded out of thin air, and the runes of complex life turned back and forth, like a tight can covering the sphinx.

[Runes imprisoned]!

The energy electric snake with a thickness of several meters rushed turbulently, even with the resistance of the divine creature, it was frozen by this powerful magic power for a moment!

It was a momentary delay, the giant insect grinned and opened its claws, confining it firmly like a mantis catching its prey!

With sharp claws embedded in the protective light, the Sphinx instinctively wanted to break free, and was overwhelmed by the breath of energy as soon as it was activated.

[Wild Scream]!

Roar oh oh oh!

The fan-shaped magic power was condensed into a beam of light visible to the naked eye, and the magic beam of tens of meters thick engulfed the entire upper body of the Sphinx, and directly disintegrated its divine light.

The law of silence interferes with the operation of divine power, like the dull tip of a giant carnivore, constantly roaring into my mind.

His head buzzed, the world seemed to be far away, no sound was heard, and his thinking was blank.

The divine power in the body disintegrated under the impact of the beam of light. Without the protection of the law, the upper body of the Sphinx was bathed in terrible high-energy light, and the skin was slowly melted.

Taking advantage of the opposing party being stunned, the Zerg dragged the enemy down from the sky, shooting like a meteor to the ground.

Eat my starburst and discard the cure!

Holding on to the "lion-shaped sword", the giant insect took its terrifying power and slashed towards the earth at several times the speed of sound!


All the destructive power was concentrated on the head of the "Sword", a giant mushroom cloud rose in the rainforest, and a miniature basin with a diameter of more than one kilometer appeared on the ground.

"Sinner, you will regret..."

The bruised sphinx spewed pale golden blood, and there was no trace of fear on the majestic face.

The towering Zerg slowly bends over, lowers its head, and its greedy and terrifying dark eyeballs are staring at its eyes.

Staring at each other for a long while, Zerg showed a humanized mockery on his face, and slowly spoke.

"I will wait and see."


[Stab of Fear]!

[Stab of Fear]!

[Indestructible Grip]!


After catching the enemy, he slashed his wings and limbs one by one, and the splash of pale gold blood flew hundreds of meters away, forming a hazy blood mist in the air.

With the power of transporting feet, the zerg raised its claws high and poured into the enemy's body instantly!


[Dark Harvest]!

The front chest was pierced into the back, and the sharp sickle stabbed the Sphinx to the heart, and hung it on its paws like a candied haw.

But even so, it still didn't die, and his dying face stared at Li Rui, as if trying to engrave him in his heart.

"You will regret this……"

"Hahahaha, from the moment you attacked us, the word regret belongs to you only, idiot!"

Raising their sharp claws high, a few hundred meters high Zergs stood in the "small" rainforest, just like ancient wild beasts, emitting a vast and primitive laughter.

The jaw opened like a snake, and the hideous and terrifying mouth became even more frightening. The Sphinx looked at the huge mouth that gradually enveloped him, and finally revealed a trace of fear in his eyes.

It is not afraid of death, death is just a destination for it, but this bug seems to not only want it to die, but to devour something more precious!

But before it can figure it out, rows of jagged fangs suddenly closed!


It was like biting a juicy tomato, and the hot fleshy meat splashed all over, like a waterfall flowing from the corner of Faxiang’s mouth, making the zerg more evil and hideous!

From a far distance, a group of people watched this scene silently, and fell into silence collectively.

"Has he... always been like this?"

After a long time, the withered old man recovered from the shocking picture, looking at the red-haired lady with complex expression.


The red-haired woman didn't look good and seemed to remember some unpleasant memories. UU reading

"This bug is also good... I like..."

After the initial surprise, the glamorous woman with dark gold skin stared at the zerg in the distance, drooling and biting her finger.

The greedy bite gradually became tyrannical, and in the sour biting sound, the coquettish woman actually bit off her finger and chewed excitedly.

"Don't mess around!"

An unremarkable man slapped her hand off and gave her a dissatisfied look.

"Ha ha……"

In the crazy and seductive laughter, the woman's face was stained with her own blood, and it seemed to be extraordinarily oozing.

Looking at the food, the gaze wandered around the man, but the man also looked at her without showing any weakness. The cold and ruthless gaze was intertwined with the crazy and evil gaze, rippling with colorful light from nothing.

After a while, the coquettish woman seemed to recover, and Youyou looked back.

Flesh and **** fingers squirmed quickly, growing white bones at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fascia, flesh and blood, skin...

In a blink of an eye, all the gnawed parts have healed!

"Look, it's done."

Dancing her fingers in front of the man as if offering treasures, the woman gave out a weird and charming smile.

But on the other side of the battlefield, the huge zerg suddenly stopped chewing happily and froze!

The Law of Swallowing was activated, and the expected delicious taste did not appear, but condensed into an incomprehensible state, rushing from left to right, trying to escape from the bottomless abyss.

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui had enlightenment in an instant, and the violent divinity emerged from the depths of his soul, continuously poured into his "mouth"!

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