Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1038: , I didn't believe you, I just wanted to open my eyes!


The closed huge mouth squirmed hard, making a sharp rubbing chewing sound.

The law of swallowing crushes the "sturdy" protective layer like a grinding disc, squeezing out the delicious and precious source little by little!

It seemed that he understood that he couldn't retreat all over the body, and the divine condensation trapped in the giant mouth burst into flames, forcibly tore a gap in the swallowing confinement law, and instantly drilled out of the giant worm's teeth, hiding in the depths of the dimension.

"Sinner, you will regret..."

The curse of anger and hatred lingered in his mind. Li Rui regretfully smashed his mouth, and carefully swallowed the blasted divinity of the other party into his abdomen, recalling the delicious taste full of exotic customs.

Is this a repeater?

I will only regret and regret, without any new words...

However, the taste is quite good, and it must be very good to use as a dragon and tiger...

"He escaped into reincarnation, and when he returns from death next time, he will become stronger!"

Aya Xiyi quietly condensed on the top of the Zerg's head, looking through the void, faintly staring at the distant sky.

However, Li Rui's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this.

"Unlimited refills of the buffet? This feeling is good!"

Although he didn't gnaw well this time, he also tore off a large piece of meat from the other party, enough for Li Rui to eat, and he couldn't digest more!

After all, the [Feast] and [Greedy and Glutton] of the Secret Diamond Rank cannot completely eat the divine creatures in one bite. If the other party has its own fresh-keeping technology, it will be very comfortable to send them one by one!

The hideous worm showed a humane smirk, Aya Xiyi squinted his eyes in dissatisfaction, and stamped his foot on the hard chitin carapace.

"Every death and reincarnation will allow him to regain the power of the ancient times, and the next time he will appear before us, it may be a genuine mythical creature!"

"What about mythological creatures? When it's reincarnation is over, I might have set foot on the throne, and I'm afraid it will fight a dragon and a tiger?"

Li Rui retorted unconvinced and shook his head, trying to throw Aya Xiyi off his head.

However, the petite shadow is like welding on a chitin carapace, no matter how the Zerg shakes her head, she doesn't move.

"Hehe, normally a reincarnation does take a long time, but with the help of that pyramid, the enemy can return from death in a few hours at most. What do you take to set foot on the seat of God?"

With a sneer at the corner of her mouth, Aya Xiyi pointed at the magnificent pyramid in the distance, taunting every word.

The head shaking suddenly stopped, and Li Rui sneered dryly: "No way? So fast?"

"It's so fast! That's why He said you will regret it!"

Aya Xiyi angrily lifted his foot on top of the Zerg's head and stomped fiercely, the mountain-like magic phase slowly disappeared, revealing Li Rui's body.

"Then what are you waiting for, quickly find a way out, let him come to the Imperial Capital to find me!"

Pushing Aya Xiyi's shoulder while walking, Li Rui suddenly felt that someone was pulling the corner of his clothes.

Looking back, Zhao Youxuan bit her finger and kept swallowing, her watery jet-black eyes staring at him for a moment.

" it delicious? What's the taste?"

Li Rui: "..."

After a long silence, Li Rui gently took her little hand, showing a petting smile.

"I didn't taste it just now, let me take another bite and tell you."


The cute little face looked confused, but seeing Li Rui's "sordid" smile getting closer, Zhao Youxuan seemed to understand something, her expression gradually distorted.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do? Don't come here! Ooh! Help! Li Rui has a snake!"

With two red marks on the pink cheeks like milk jelly, Li Ruicai satisfied Zhao Youxuan, who was squirming and struggling, and smashed his mouth.

"Now I'm telling you clearly that Dragon Tiger is delicious, and you'll know the specific taste if you grab a bite."

Holding her little face, Zhao Youxuan huffed into the arms of Teacher Hannah.


Li Rui: "?????!!!"

"Come here, you can explain to me what is longhorn beetle. If we can't say we will eat snake soup tonight!"

"Okay, let's go, what's the situation is still making trouble here!"

Unhappy with the devil's claws that Li Rui stretched out into his arms, Hannah teacher hugged Zhao Youxuan like a calf, urging him to go quickly with disgust.

With a slumped mouth, Li Rui turned his head cursingly, a beautiful body with a Q bomb immediately snuggled up, his arms plunged into an indescribable familiar touch.

"Captain, I am actually quite delicious, do you want to try it?"

The whisper attached to his ear was like a feather fluttering in his heart, Li Rui trembled all over, looking at Luo Li in disbelief.

The azure and clear eyes are like silky eyes, with a touch of anger and jealousy.

Unknowingly, the youthful and beautiful girl has a touch of mature femininity, like a green peach gradually exuding a sweet fragrance.

Swallowing fiercely, Li Rui groaned for a long while, staring directly at her eyes, sighing heavily in her charming eyes.

"Still, it's illegal to eat pet dogs."

Luo Li: "..."

The shy and timid smile slowly solidified, UU reading's misty eyes turned gloomy, and the sharp little tiger teeth began to creak.

"You are a pet dog, I am a wolf, Frostwolf!"

"The wild ones can't be eaten anymore, there are viruses!"


Luo Li was so angry that she grabbed Li Rui's palm and gnawed fiercely, biting her hands full of teeth marks and still not letting go, kicked him again, and then rushed back to Teacher Hannah angrily.

"Teacher, the method you taught is not good at all!"

"That's because your Taoism is too low. Next time you will directly drill into his bed. Whether you are a wolf or a dog, just sit on him and he will squeeze out your brains!!"

With a disdainful sneer, Teacher Hannah's slender and plump five fingers slowly and ferociously pinched, as if squeezing an invisible fruit into dregs.

"This...Is this not good..."

An angry Luo Li instantly became shy, clutching her flushed face and twisting.

"What's wrong? You have known each other for almost ten years? Haven't you taken him down yet? Too bad! Don't say it's my student when you go out in the future!"


"But what?"

"But you don't have actual combat experience. What's the use of theory?"

"Hehe, stupid, I don't need actual combat experience at all, just one look can make a man kneel at my feet!"

"That...I didn't believe you, I just wanted to open my eyes!"

At Nunu's mouth from the back in front of him, Luo Li smirked and pushed her, with a narrow smile on her face.

Who is the strongest king? Give it a try?

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