
"Does the racial talent understand? Do you need to learn to **** blood? Do you need to learn to eat shit, bah, and meat? We Succubus understand this by nature, and there is no need to show it!"

Teacher Hannah's white face gradually flushed, and she slapped Luo Li in a rage.

"If you don't have any experience, don't teach me the tricks that you can use every day!"

After keenly catching a certain keyword, Luo Li gave her an angry pinch, and said in a gloomy threat.

"Short answer! When the two of you are alone, put in neutral, and then use your work to rub him, push him, and ensure that the effect is outstanding!"

Holding Luo Li's chest and squeezing fiercely, Hannah teacher gave out an idiot-like weird smile.


With a scream, Luo Li broke free from her claws, protected her chest with both hands, and stared at her with a flushed face.

"You are the most compelling among all the people, and you still have the face to say me?"

"Ahem, just ask you if this trick is the best? It's best to find a time after bathing, so that it will not appear abrupt, but also can perfectly convey the temperature and touch. If you succeed, you can directly enter the fighting state. It also smells good..."

"Okay, okay, don't say anything, you won't be able to pass the trial if you continue!"

To stop a certain old snakeskin that got more and more excited, Luo Li blushed almost bleeding.

"Cut, I still have one hundred and seven Sanshou tricks, which are deadly! Come here!"

Teacher Hannah glared at Luo Li angrily, and the two heads came together, screaming shy and excitement from time to time.

Li Rui, who was opening the road ahead, shuddered inexplicably, his vest was chilly, and looked back strangely at the two girls whispering.

There are other people who want to harm me!

Secretly guarding his heart, Li Rui turned his head and saw Aya Xiyi's contemptuous sight.

"What are you looking at?"

"Oh...stupid mortal!"

"What did you say? Is there a way to say it again?"

"It's nothing, let's open the way."

"Where did the mage open the way? What should I do if I encounter danger? Brother Lei! Where's Brother Lei?"

Wang Lei: "..."


"At the end of the battle, you participated in the killing of a divine hero-level unit, and won a brilliant victory, S-level evaluation, basic reward × 2."

"You have gained 369216 (184608×2) experience points."

"You got 42282 (21141×2) gold coins."

"You killed a divine unit and gained 11835 Chaos Essence."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 20000+ (26415) permanent HP growth, and the number of feasts +1."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 168 permanent spell growth."

"You have obtained a mythical treasure chest."

"You have upgraded!" ×6

Looking at the harvest data on the system panel, Li Rui pondered for a moment and glanced at the skill description.

【Feast】·Secret Diamond Step


[The upper limit of life swallow of Secret Diamond Rank 20000 (+2% permanent maximum health) points]

Slightly estimated, it was found that the total life growth of 46,415 points has not even reached the upper limit of the Secret Diamond Stage swallowing!

His current blood volume is more than 1.4 million, based on 2% of the immortal maximum health value, the additional upper limit should be above 28,000 points, which adds up to 48,000!

There are also very few experience and gold coins, and it is not worthy of the face of divine creatures!

The only good news is that [Qing Ding Shen Xian] has harvested enough soul energy to complete the forced cooling of [Feast]!

But on second thought, he didn't kill the Sphinx in a real sense. At most, he swallowed a small part of its origin. It would be good to have such a harvest.

It's close to 50,000 life growth in one bite, which is more than the total blood volume of a golden tank. What bike?

Following Wang Lei, Li Rui sighed and shook his head.

But soon, the rainforest that covered the sky disappeared, and a dazzling beam of golden light shone on his face, making him unable to help but slowly raise his head.

The neck was gradually raised, and the towering pyramids thousands of meters high came into view, and the "sun" hung high in the air was emitting a strange light.

A feeling of insignificance and humbleness slowly emerged in my heart. Only when they came to the foot of the pyramid, everyone intuitively understood how magnificent and magnificent it was!

Even the top group of transcendents in the world is still like dust around it, the invisible pressure is like the overturning of Mount Tai, even breathing becomes a little difficult.

It wasn't until the touch at his feet suddenly changed that Li Rui realized that they had set foot on the golden desert again!

There seems to be an invisible line that cuts the border between the rainforest and the desert. Not far away, a wide black river is guarding the pyramid like a moat, surging quietly and silently.

"If the material world is the world of [life], then the first secret realm we enter is the world of [death], without any living things..."

Looking at the dark river ahead, Aya Xiyi came out more and more, muttering thoughtfully.

"Later, we entered a deeper dimension and came to another cycle of [life]..."

When she walked to the river, she stared at the pure black river rushing under her feet, slowly squatting down and sticking out her palms.

"So, after passing [sheng], where will we enter?"

The white and delicate palms plunged into the river water, Aya Xiyi held up a smear of pitch black liquid, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the river water quickly corroded and melted her palms, leaving only the dull and rotten bones.

"what are you doing?"

Li Rui appeared next to her instantly, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com was about to cut off the pitch black that was spreading along her palm to the elbow.

"It's useless, you keep [death]."

The other intact palm stopped Li Rui's movements, and Aya Xiyi smiled at his angry and distressed eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, don't forget, what I do best is dealing with [Death]..."

Looking around, Aya Xiyi looked at her palm with dry bones, and slowly uttered two words.


The faint purple light flashed, and the power of the obscure and mysterious laws surged back in time. The rotten and melted flesh and blood re-growth, returning to its original white appearance in just a few seconds.

"Look, I'm fine."

The cold jade-like catkins dangling in front of her eyes, Li Rui gave her an angry look, grabbed it, squeezed it, smelled it, and swung it away when she was sure there was no problem.

"What the **** is this river water? Can't even resist you?"

Even though she was thrown away her palm, she was not angry, Aya Kiyi stared at the river with a smile, her pupils shining with brilliance.

"It's not a gadget, it's the concept of death itself! It is the manifestation of the laws of nature! Unexpectedly, we have come to such a ‘deep’ place before we know it."

Taking a breath, Li Rui looked at the endless black river water in disbelief, and could not speak for a long time.

There are two more chapters later, it may be later, so let's read it tomorrow.

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