Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1040: , Over [death]

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The illusory concept of death has turned into a river of substance visible to the naked eye, which makes it impossible for everyone who is still in the mortal stage to understand it!

"Don't think about it, your personality shouldn't be exposed to such a deep rule, just understand it as a familiar thing-Huang Quan!"

Hearing the two words in Aya Xiyi's mouth, Li Rui was shocked and took a deep breath.

"Huangquan, Styx...These are phenomena that can only be observed at the bottom of the dimension..."

"So, before we knew it, we were led to such a'deep' place."

Pointing to the pyramid on the other side of the river, Aya Xiyi smiled with inexplicable excitement on her face.

"The Egyptians use the Nile River as the boundary, dividing the living and the dead, living on the east bank and death on the west bank. Egyptians believe that after death, they can ride the sun boat to cross the river Styx and reach the realm of gods..."

"So... where will we reach after [death]?"

Aya Xiyi's eyes were misty, her petite body had just taken a step, Li Rui ruthlessly pulled her into her arms, and pinched her tightly.

"Don't mess around, give you a discount on your legs!"

Threatening viciously in her ear, Aya Xiyi slowly turned her head to look at him, and rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Let go, it's a mere river of Styx, and I can't help it."

"Fart, your paws were rotten to bones just now, and the dogs don't chew!"

Luo Li suddenly raised her head, feeling that someone was scolding her.

"Hey... let go, not only can I go by myself, but I can also take you there!"

Freed from Li Rui's restraint, Aya Xiyi tidied up her wrinkled clothes and gave him a disgusting look.

"Do we really need to go over? If the exit is in such a terrible place, how did the transcendents who entered [Death Valley] get out? Will there be another passage in the range of [Birth]?"

Looking back at the vibrant rainforest behind him, Li Rui asked worriedly.

"There is a high probability that there should be a ferryman in this river, but I don't bother to look for it. Let's go directly."

With that, Aya Xiyi took a step forward and was suddenly held by a big hand.

"Well, can't we fly over? The river is not wide, it's really not good, we can jump over it! No need to go into the water!"

Wang Lei gestured to the width of the river, puzzled.

After an awkward silence, Aya Kie sighed and explained to him patiently.

"Can you use flying and jumping to cross the concept of [death]?"

"Don't look at it as the form of river water in front of us, but in fact it represents a certain natural law!"

"Invisible, intangible, but ubiquitous natural laws!"

"Unless you can practice [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] to the extreme, truly immune to death from a conceptual level, and eternal immortality, otherwise, you will never be able to leap over this river!"

After listening to Aya Xiyi's explanation, Wang Lei fell into deep thought, and after a long time, he slammed his palm.

"I understand. After all, I still don't have enough skill. If I practice [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] to reach its peak, then I can'jump' over!"

Aya Xiyi: "..."

"In a sense, you are right..."

I don't know if he is great wise or foolish, Aya Xiyi looked at Wang Lei deeply, trying to find a trace of wisdom in his firm eyes.

But after a while, she gave up and turned to the river.

At the moment when his toes touched the river surface, Li Rui moved slightly and couldn't help but want to hold her, and immediately forced her down.


The thin and dull voice unfolded under Aya Xiyi's feet, and the purple-black ice crystals slowly bloomed and spread rapidly. In just ten seconds, they condensed into a crystal clear boat.


A tired smile was just raised on her face, Aya Kie's expression suddenly changed, and she looked up at the sky.

Li Rui and the others also felt the terrifying killing intent and raised their heads in unison.

In the distant sky, an insignificant black spot quickly magnified in the line of sight, and the shadow of wings that covered the sun all day instantly enveloped everyone.


A roar exploded in the spiritual network, and Li Rui and others tacitly turned into streamers, but Aya Xiyi hesitated for a moment, and the other foot also left the ground and stepped into the boat.

"I entered the realm of [Death]. He can't hurt me. You fight quickly. The law of crossing death won't last long."

"no problem!"

Li Rui grinned and took the enemy away from his teammates.

He was mainly afraid that the two sisters of Cutavia would be killed by the inexplicable AOE. Faced with enemies of this level, his teammates could drag on for a while even if they could not win.

In just one second, he flew nearly a kilometer away, and a beam of raindrops of light fell from the sky, covering Li Rui within a few hundred meters.

Huh huh~

With the thickness of the thumb, high-energy rays like a sharp arrow poured into the earth and easily penetrated hundreds of meters of soil, leaving behind bottomless black holes.

The rays that hit Li Rui's body were blocked by a layer of illusory golden dragon scales, and the metal melted high temperature ripples.

As soon as his complexion changed, in just a few seconds, the [Vi and Blood Shield] fell rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Li Rui didn't dare to be careless, the surging divinity surged in his body, expanding the spirituality in his heart!


The terrible Zerg appeared in the eyes of the world again. The tens of meters-thick body guard light and the hard chitin jam resisted the rain-like rays, allowing Li Rui to look back at the familiar and unfamiliar enemy.

With a wingspan of nearly 2,000 meters and a body length of hundreds of meters, the majestic lion exuding the golden light of the sun is suspended in the sky, and the pupils above it are vast and cold, without a trace of humanity.

It is covered with a layer of mysterious rune gold armor. Colorful gilt gold flows through the lines. The handsome face also grows a stick-like beard with Egyptian characteristics. The golden cobra on top of the head is more agile, and the head follows people. The emotion of the face sways.

"I said, sinner, you will regret it!"

The magnificent and solemn voice was like thunder rippling. At this moment, Li Rui was extremely grateful that [Festival] was able to cool down [Feast].

It's not that I can't beat him without this trick, but I am happy to have another bite!

The buffet is delivered to your door voluntarily. Is there anything better in the world?

If so, please do it again!

"I also said that the word regret belongs to you!"

"Stupid mortal, you know nothing about the power of gods! Go to **** and repent!"

One up and down, one is majestic and deep, the other is greedy and tyrannical, the two lines of sight are intertwined, and the hideous worms show a humane smile.

Before the Sphinx understood what he was laughing at, a stern whistle suddenly came from behind his head, and when he turned his head, the overwhelming brutal light obscured his vision!

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