Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1041: , Let you run for 10 minutes!

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when! !

The metallic wings swept back and collided with the violent light of the axe, making a deafening roar.

But since both condense the energy and restraint, in addition to shaking the air out of visible ripples, there is not a trace of excess destructive power leaked!

Axe light pierced through the rich body protection divine light with difficulty, cut off the glazed ornate feathers, leaving a bloodstain more than ten meters long.

But this kind of injury on the mountain-like body is just a skin trauma. With a volume of supernatural power, the [bleeding] law attached to the wound is quickly expelled, and the pale gold and flesh are squirming and closing quickly.

"I found my strength in the cycle of death, and you small things will be reduced to ashes in my anger!"

The huge lion's claws flashed away, and the sorrowful cold light passed by, and five deep claw marks were added to the golden giant's chest, which spread to the lower abdomen, almost cutting his chest and stomach.

Dodging the enemy's ensuing attacks, the golden giant was evaporating and filled with a faint blood mist.

"Xiao Rui, this thing seems to be a bit of a mythical creature!"

Feeling the tingling pain coming from his chest, Wang Lei couldn't help grinning excitedly.

He hasn't encountered such a "sharp" enemy for a long time, even Li Rui is only powerful, personally unable to compare with the divine creature in front of him!

The long-lost excitement of dancing on the tip of a knife is back!

"No, it hasn't crossed the most critical step, it can only be regarded as a pseudo-angel order at best!"

Zijin Longtong saw through the enemy's essence, and Li Rui couldn't help showing a greedy smile.

As long as the sacred fire is not really ignited, it is still acceptable to them.

"However, Brother Lei, your seven-fold [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] Divine Transformation has no effect on it. Would you like me to take the damage?"

"Joke! Even if there is no 90% reduction in injury, believe it or not, I can still hammer it!"

Li Rui smiled slightly and did not refute.

Although Wang Lei's divine transformation has been broken, the seven-fold [Eternal Immortal Infinite Tribulation] can still provide 40 to 50% damage reduction, but it is not as good as before!

But counting the [Dance of Death] and [Inspiring Armor] that Li Rui bought for him, the decrease in "hardness" will be offset by the "stamina". Overall, his frankness has been greatly improved.

Carrying a pseudo-angel rank is more than enough.

And as we all know, a protracted battle with [True Immortal Dragons] generally has no good end, let alone fighting two [True Immortal Dragons] at the same time!


The giant zerg broke out at a speed that did not match its size, and instantly tore a vacuum channel, rushing towards the sphinx in the sky.

"Come here, what else to bring to eat, how embarrassed!"

The zerg protruded its claws, its breath soared, and the purple and black flames burned, as if to melt the whole world!

Unraveling the self-limitation, the divine nature that has been cultivated for many days is ignited in the depths of the soul, and the infinite power surges to the body, bringing Li Rui's omnipotent pleasure!


With the sickle and sharp claws protruding, the hundreds of meters high Zerg's magic phase expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye it grew to nearly a thousand meters high!

Seeing the terrifying shadow that was a lap larger than himself once again shrouded, Sphinx was dazed.

Turns out... Just now this bug hasn't used all its strength?

Didn't I come to serve food again?

As a "wise man," it quickly assessed the strength of the enemy and us, followed its inner guidance in an instant, and turned into a stream of light to escape into the distance.

Li Rui: "..."

So decisive?

Not even a ruthless word?

Li Rui froze for a moment, and couldn't help but give a compliment to the enemy's crash.

The last second was still saying I would regret it, the next second I ran like a ghost and couldn't catch up!

This idea is too clear!

After hesitating for an instant, Li Rui looked at the golden light in the distance, then at the crystal boat floating in the Heihe, slowly narrowed his eyes, and the depths of his pupils began to burst out with destruction.

[I regret] It's all on, so I feel sick if I don't cut it!

Besides, it is a rare goal to trigger three [War of Glory] at the same time!


Detect powerful enemies that are entangled with your future cause and effect, and mark them as special existences. (When the mark is generated, fate peeks into shape, no matter how far away in time and space, you can clearly sense the other party's location.)

After you kill the target, you can harvest all the entanglement, and permanently plunder a small part of its attack power and spell power!

Perhaps it was because the sphinx was not strong in the first stage, or it did not have a deep causal entanglement with itself, so the three-piece killer did not move when it was killed for the first time.

However, when it returned from death, the huge divine power and the entanglement of cause and effect immediately triggered the [Glory War]!

Except for Wang Lei, this is the first time that Li Rui has encountered a truly "powerful" enemy.

Moreover, the other party also has a deep killing intent towards him!

So... in order to save time, take it to seconds...

"Xiao Wei!"

With a thought in his heart, UU reading www.uukā burst into a dark green light, and the howling spirit can linger around the body, shaking the body of the Zerg into a hazy blur.

[Meow dancing brilliance]!

[Hot incense burner]!

[Sureya's Rhapsody]!

[Swift Songs]!


The dense state is superimposed on layers, and the originally appalling bonus effect becomes extremely terrifying under the increase of [Life and Death Balance].

Endless power emerges from the body, Li Rui guides these energies, mixes his own magic power of blood and energy, compresses and condenses...


A tyrannical and boundless aura exploded, and the terrifying divine light distorted the world, shrouding the huge Zerg magic in a shimmering black light.

The strength that had been cultivated for a long time exploded at this moment, and Li Rui's attributes on the system panel soared at a terrifying speed.

Health: 3 million...... 5 million......

Attack power: 10,000……20,000……30,000……

[Ghost walking quickly]!

[Phase Rush]!

[Travel speed]!

[Crushing Slam]!


The force of law locked the golden light away, and a smile appeared in Li Rui's brutal eyes.

I let you run for ten minutes first!

Like a gradual compression spring, Zerg’s anti-joint legs slowly squat down, endless power condenses in the body, and the bright golden earth spreads under its feet.

The tyrannical boundless black light of destruction covers the sickle and claws, and all power is condensed and compressed.

The Zerg Faxiang raised its sharp claws with difficulty and made a stab action, but the ethereal black light seemed to be heavy as a star, and the mountain-like ferocious Zerg could not help trembling slightly.

The surging black light finally condensed into an impenetrable dark gloom, attached to the tip of the claw, and the trembling zerg suddenly stopped, and disappeared in place in the next second!

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