Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1047: , I am so sorry

"Um... During your retreat and breakthrough, something happened on Earth."

"What's the matter? Is there another invasion by foreign gods? By the way, what happened to His Excellency Wang Lei in the end? Did the dragons of China save him?"

It wasn't until then that she remembered the biggest concern before the retreat, Siwaya asked curiously.

"Um...I saved it."

"The strongest golden step in the world, how powerful is he? Can it really rival the original stone steps?"

Siwaya made a brisk clash of accessories all over, like a fawn in the forest after the rain, and her sapphire-grey eyes were full of innocence and yearning.

Suddenly, she frowned, remembering what Li Rui had said before.

"Li Rui also participated in the rescue operation, right?"


"Then he..."

"I solidified the scene of their fight, you can see for yourself."

Unable to hit her lover, Ajani lightly nodded her brows, took out an imaginary ball of light and hit Sivaya's forehead.

The terrifying scene flows in my mind, and the innocent eyes gradually enlarge and slowly lose focus...

This... are these two people?

Like a basin of ice water dripping from head to toe, Siwaya trembled slightly involuntarily, and was so excited by the battle of gods and demons in his mind that he could not speak.

In just a few seconds, the seven-day war was completely absorbed. Although it was a remote monitoring screen with an artifact, the terrifying battle still left an indelible nightmare in Siwaya's heart.

There is an internal taste... That's how Li Rui hammered us in the Secret Realm of Atlantis!

With the passage of time, the Tianjiao of the past have grown into pillars of various parties, but the shadow left by Li Rui is still entrenched in my heart and will be awakened every time I face him.

He really did... he defeated Wang Lei alone...

Can I really defeat this terrifying monster?

With vague muttering in his mouth, Siwaya's smart eyes quickly dimmed, and his beautiful eyes slowly lost their luster.

"Don't be discouraged, your master was not confused when you were defeated by a golden rank. What are you?"

Rubbing the apprentice's head distressedly, Ajani gently comforted.

"Golden rank? Lord Wang Lei?"

After returning to his senses, Siwaya was surprised at first, then suddenly realized.

In this world, the golden rank that can defeat the [Brahma Saintess], it is estimated that only the first generation of [Indestructible Dragon], Wang Lei!

"Well, so don't worry, maybe Li Rui will be inexplicable someday, and you will have a chance to catch him."

"But... with his current strength, my advanced myth may not be able to defeat him..."

Siwaya lowered her head like a dead gray, and murmured like a gnat.

"Ahem, cheer up, you just have the power of [Brahma]. When you advance to the rough stone, the mythical arsenal will be open to you, and then you are completely likely to defeat Li Rui!"

Of course, the premise is that Li Rui has been standing still during this period, and don't get any new weapons from [Zhonghua].

In case the whole [Xuanyuanjian] or something...

After a shudder, Adjani silently slandered in her heart, but frantically instilled chicken soup on her apprentice.

After being beaten by the master for a while, Siwaya regained a little confidence and nodded solemnly.

But soon, she remembered something, looked at her master hesitantly, and sent out a soul torture.

"Then...Master, can you defeat Your Excellency Wang Lei now?"

Adjani: "..."

You can't talk about it anymore!


"Xiyi, what's your background? How did you know that Anubis? Also, isn't [Prime Covenant] one of the seven gods? Why is it related to [China] again?"

Returning to the familiar [Rune Land], Huang Juncai could no longer contain the curiosity in his heart, and asked softly in front of Aya Xiyi.

Ayan Xiyi sneered proudly with his cold eyes.

"There are some secrets, you still don't know it."


"Because just knowing these secrets can cause irreversible damage to fragile things..."

After taking a deep look at Huang Juncai, Aya Xiyi slowly uttered a few words.

"For example, a mortal like you"

Huang Juncai: "..."

I am so sorry to be born.

"Don't pretend, choose what you can say!"

At a glance, Aya Xiyi was pretending to be X. Li Rui slapped her Sky Spirit cover and rubbed it twice.

After hiding twice without escaping from Li Rui's clutches, Aya Xiyi turned around and stared at him angrily.

"Mortal! You are playing with fire!"

"Playing with fire, right? Very good, your yang feast is gone!"

The expression of arrogance and disdain suddenly condensed, his delicate face collapsed instantly, and he stared at Li Rui unwillingly.

"How can you do this? Say so that I can get full!!"

"Then talk to me, don't pretend!"

Li Rui squeezed the white cheeks viciously, and Li Rui gave a contented grin.


With a gritted teeth, Aya Xiyi finally succumbed to the powerful evil forces and shrank her neck.

"The current [Prime Covenant], one of the Seven Gods, was actually created by [Zhonghua] and several other Primordial Gods at that time to divide the sphere of influence, protect the earth, and unify the outside world."

"But with the decline of the spiritual energy, the ancient gods could not adapt to the environment and began to fall on a large scale. Those who did not fall were hidden deep in the dimension, and could no longer interfere in the real world."

"However, in the last period of time, the Primordial Gods jointly made a covenant, and when the divine nature returns, they will return to the earth and regain their own authority."

Speaking of this, Aya Xiyi sneered, her face full of disdain.

"The ancient civilization that lost the gods quickly fell. Only us, even if we lost the power of the gods, still did not fall into madness, did not self-destruct, and continued to this day."

"And with the return of divinity, the [Prime Covenant] is likely to split into more than a dozen gods, and the pattern of the seven gods will also change..."

Listening to her quiet report, Li Rui and others fell into a long silence.

"So... [Zhonghua] is actually the founder of [Swire Covenant]?"

"You can understand that."

"After doing it for a long time, we are the big boss behind the scenes? Are all the people outside?"

Huang Juncai scratched his hair, his face full of emotion.

"It's just a loose alliance, not one's own person. Once the benefits are sufficient, betrayal is commonplace!"

Aya Xiyi shook his head and corrected his statement.

"Moreover, there are not a few ancient gods who are brutal and bloodthirsty. They are far less gentle than the new gods that emerged later. If they really return to the earth, it may be a disaster that swept across the heavens and all realms."

As if feeling something in her heart, Aya Xiyi frowned and stared at the void faintly.

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