Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1048: 、【Extraordinary Evil Force】·Secret Diamond Step

The new Kentucky deluxe package is online!

An inexplicable word flashed in his mind, Li Rui smashed his mouth, and suddenly felt that the sphinx that had just been nibbling was not fragrant.

Shaking his head to suppress the thought of melon skin in his heart, he focused his attention on the harvest of this trip.

Health increased by about 9%, double resistance for a few hundred points is better than nothing, and spell power increased by about 4%...

The most terrifying thing is the attack power, which skyrocketed by 50%!

Of course, this is based on the premise of his own attack power pulling his hips.

Not counting the equipment bonus, simply more than 8000 points of basic attack power, can not be called the top in the ordinary Secret Diamond Rank!

However, if you include the equipment bonus, just a [Giant Hydra] can provide access point attacks, not to mention the fully activated Golden Tier [Atama's Reckoning], which can provide 4% of maximum health. Attack power bonus.

That's more!

The two pieces of equipment are superimposed... more than ten times the basic attack power!

Therefore, in the actual combat environment, Li Rui's peak attack power is more than 100,000, and he does not need to rely on the pitiful basic attack power.

But the basic attributes must be as many as possible. Looking at the abundant undigested values, Li Rui narrowed his eyes and rubbed his chest and abdomen with his palms unconsciously.

If the data in the system panel is a visible harvest, then some unquantifiable things are even more precious!


In order to break the shackles of the [Feast] Law, Sphinx blew himself up twice, each of which was equivalent to sacrificing the strength he had accumulated over the years!

Although it is not a complete body, as a divine creature that has survived from ancient times to the present, Sphinx has accumulated a vast amount of heritage.

Even if only a small part of it was swallowed, the divinity in Li Rui had already surpassed the peak of the original stone!

When he fully refines and absorbs this part of the exogenous divinity, the progress of the divine transformation will be further improved. When he is promoted to the original stone, the gods and gods that make ordinary transcendents desperate will no longer be an annoyance for him!

On the contrary, how to quickly integrate dozens of divine outfit powers into his own source is the real headache for him.

Shaking his head, leaving his future troubles behind, Li Rui cheered up and looked at his skill panel.

When using the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] to kill the Sphinx for the second time, through the mysterious [Slaying Sword Intent], he saw the illusory entity behind the target that stretched in countless time and space dimensions.

In Fuzhi's mind, he had a clear understanding of certain laws and forces related to time accumulation. Two powerful passive skills that had been stuck for a long time suddenly loosened, revealing the dawn of promotion!

Concentrating calmly, Li Rui's pupils instantly lost focus, and the dark universe of twinkling stars spread out from the depths of the pupils, gradually covering the whites of the eyes and filling the entire eye sockets.

Unexpected ripples rippled in the runeland, and the teammates stared at Li Rui, who was standing with his hand.

And in the spiritual dimension that no one can observe, a planet burning with blue and black flames emerged from the depths of the "universe" and quickly enlarged in Li Rui's sight.

As if zooming in at a speed surpassing light, the terrifying planet instantly filled the line of sight, and there was only an evil and mysterious blue-black flame in sight.

The huge planet contracts and beats like a heart, and the wildly burning evil inflammation radiates into the depths of the universe, illuminating the endless darkness with strange brilliance like stars.

A smile was raised on the absent-minded face, and Li Rui understood that this is the projection of the true posture of the [supernatural power] in the soul!

Staring quietly at this magnificent and weird star, Li Rui's soul tentacles go deep into the star core, feeling the unique evil power condensed and sublimated in it, waiting for some kind of opportunity...

It’s just a little bit, all the power of the law has been fully realized, only the last switch...


With a light snap of his fingers, the two upgrade options were thrown into it. There was obviously no vision, but Wang Lei and others felt inexplicably tight!

It seems that something terrifying has awakened from the depths of the long river of time!

The pupils gradually shrank, and the dark eyes of the twinkling stars were dyed with a hint of purple, and on the spiritual level, Li Rui's eyes turned into the vast and cold purple and gold vertical pupils, without sorrow or joy, urging dramatic changes in the heart!


An unreal and unreal loud noise came from my ears, endless spiritual power poured into the core of the planet, and the entire spiritual universe oscillated with it. All the scenes fluctuated like water ripples, as if they were about to collapse in the next instant.

Spirituality is continuously injected, the huge star slowly expands, and the purple and black evil flames on the surface of the planet burn wildly, as if to swallow the entire universe!

Soon, Li Rui felt the exhaustion of his own spirituality, the indifferent Zijin Longtong ancient well was waveless, and the profound divinity continued to be injected, compressing, condensing, recompressing, and condensing the star core infinitely...

woo woo woo woo……

The weird whispering whispers echoed in his mind. The huge power that is not part of the plane shocked the existence at the bottom of certain dimensions, and the spread of chaotic and crazy ideas descended in an attempt to pollute Li Rui's It condensed him hard The stars detonate!

Purple and black veins spread around the eye sockets. Li Rui accelerated the compression while shielding interference from the depths of the dimension.

The boundless purple black evil inflammation sprayed from the surface of the star, forming a "prominence" that stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers in the spiritual world.

The blue-black evil inflammation inside gradually liquefied, and finally, as if reaching a certain critical point, the whole star suddenly shook, the escaping energy rolled back, and the huge star shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The murmur in the ear suddenly magnified and turned into a scream that pierced the soul, but Li Ruisi was unmoved, instead mobilized all [Sword Intent of Slaughter God], and slashed back following the induction in the dark!

Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, after a bitter and angry scream, his babbling stopped abruptly!

Eliminating the last trace of interference, the shrinking star condensed slightly, and the fluctuating energy on the surface instantly calmed down.

The roaring solar storm blew on his body, his body shrunk in half, and the star releasing the twisting evil inflammation was reflected in the purple dragon's pupils, and Li Rui finally showed a smile on his face.

【Extraordinary Evil Force】·Secret Diamond Step

You are the most powerful demon in the universe, and you can even attack the Sea of ​​Origin!

And you will only get stronger!

Every day, you can get 8 Extraordinary Evil Powers, which can be stored up to two years.

After killing a hero unit, you will harvest his spirituality and transform the supernatural power. Every bit of supernatural power transformed will permanently increase your spell power!

Current stock: 05840.

[Each 100 layers of extraordinary evil power passive can increase the cooling reduction of all heroes' skills by 10%. (The secret diamond limit is increased by up to 1500%)]

With 5840 evil power reserves, it means that every year it grows nearly 3000 spell power, 30,000 in ten years, and 300,000 in a hundred years!

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