Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1049: , [Storm Gathering]


Taking a breath, Li Rui shivered with excitement.

It is worthy of being the most powerful passive skill in the game, and the more terrifying it becomes!

Even more frightening is the 1500% maximum cooling reduction. With Li Rui's current skill control, in actual combat, he no longer has to withhold the cable to calculate the cooling!

The dawn of unlimited firepower does not seem to be as far away as imagined!

With a longing smile, Li Rui retired from the spiritual dimension in an instant, and the dark eyes of the twinkling stars turned into bottomless vortexes, condensed into a tiny star point that is indistinguishable and emits black light, then disappeared.

The entire Runeland quietly rose up in purple and black. The teammates looked curiously at the surrounding changes, and waited until Li Rui took the initiative to turn around before staring at him with scorching eyes.

"You seem to have developed some incredible power again."

Aya Xiyi walked around him, looking left and right, he was amazed.

Squeezing his fist, feeling the endless flame radiation of evil stars in the depths of the soul, and the surging evil force roaring in the meridians, Li Rui showed a humble and shy smile.

"Billions of small improvements are not worth mentioning."

"Tsk tut~"

She squatted her mouth, and Aya Xiyi's disgusting glance saw through his wailing.

"Ha ha."

Li Rui in a good mood didn't care about her disgust, and focused on the rune page.

With a move of mind, the endless magic power in the void condenses like a tornado whistling, spiraling compression, and the huge pulling force will never stop injecting energy into the center of the storm, forming a bottomless black hole of energy.

The power of the mysterious law transforms the spirituality, Li Rui only feels his whole body tingling, a violent and obscure eternal storm descends from the void, and a layer of never-ending "tornado" envelopes his spirituality.

The surrounding psychic energy quickly gathered and was pulled into the "eye of wind" by the "hurricane". The gentle and introverted aura flowed along the meridians, and the moisturizing matter quietly nourished every cell.

The faint, stable, and continuous sense of fullness spread along the limbs, and Li Rui couldn't help groaning with satisfaction.

Gently squeezing his fist, he seemed to perceive that he was getting stronger!

And this time, he knew it was not an illusion!

【Storm Gathering】·Secret Diamond Step

Gain 1-50 attack power every 30 days. (According to the aura concentration of the host's space)

[This ultimate rune cannot take effect on the plane of no magic]

50 o'clock a month, 600 o'clock a year, 6,000 in ten years, and 60,000 in a hundred years!

Like the [Extraordinary Evil Power], this is a late stage rune that needs time to develop, but even ordinary people who have this rune talent, for decades, have achieved attack power comparable to top extraordinary ones.

If the longevity species obtains it, even if it sleeps every day, it will be invincible in hundreds of years!

And put it on Li Rui...

Clenching his fist, feeling the "tornado" that is absorbing the surrounding spirit all the time, Li Rui feels a little subtle...

The strengthening of [Storm Gathering] is indeed going on every second, but the average magnitude is not obvious to him now!

More importantly, its principle is like a dehumidifier. The greater the "humidity" in the air, the stronger its effectiveness.

But the current concentration of aura on the earth plane seems to be unable to run at full speed at 100%!

Even if the concentration of aura reaches the standard, he will give 600 points of attack power for nothing a year, plus [Dragon Heart], he will grow close to 800 points just passively!

But he just killed the Sphinx and made a fortune, and suddenly increased his attack power by nearly 4,000 points. It seemed a bit awkward to get a "dead salary"...

Alas... It is easy to change from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality!

With a sigh of emotion, Li Rui restrained his emotions and left distracting thoughts behind.

The weaker Golden Tier attack power is only around 1000 points. I grow one gold a year, what bike do I need?

What's more, the passiveness of the white prostitution, as long as the nutrition and aura are sufficient, it is completely automatic growth, this kind of golden seed or even the mythical seed has the ability, I actually dislike it?

It's really floating!

Taking a deep breath, Li Rui laughed and shook his head.

"Huh? Your spirituality has changed, curious about the special structure!"

Aya Xiyi, who was watching him in secret, suddenly spoke, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.

"Can you see?"

"Well, there is a soul connection, I can see a little bit vaguely."

Big black eyes stared at Li Rui for an instant, and the brilliance in Aya Xiyi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Interesting, this rule structure... is very similar to some archaic mythology..."

Looking back and forth in circles, it took a long time before she focused on Li Rui's face.

"Li Rui, are you really human?"


"Some powers in you are rare even in the most ancient and powerful mythological species, and you...have almost ownership..."

"Although it's just a rudimentary form, and it's not strong alone, your strength is obviously growing, and it's not the same as those who rely on "talent" to eat."


Wang Lei frowned, confirming that Aya Xiyi had not said about him, and then looked away vigilantly.

"Moreover, with so many powers in you, there is no It seems that there is a higher-level, systematic rule that harmonizes them and integrates them together. I have never seen this phenomenon! "

The more he talked, the more excited Aya Kiyi waved his little hand, not even noticing the surprise in Li Rui's eyes.

This guy is vaguely aware of the existence of the system!

"Ahem, don't think about it, there are some things you will know later."

Rubbing her head, Li Rui said perfunctorily.

Sensing his emotions keenly, Aya Kiyi's excited eyes calmed down instantly and nodded obediently.

"In addition, it is estimated that there will be some time before the next [competition]. We have worked hard for these two days. Let's go out and relax."

Clapping his palms, Li Rui smiled and gave his teammates a fake.

Tensing your nerves for a long time makes it easy to get tired, so naturally you have to relax when you return to the "safe zone".

Otherwise, the tight "string" might be broken someday!

After all, the transcendent is not a **** who never gets tired, and a proper combination of work and rest is more conducive to growth.

"Rua~ I want a big meal! I want a big meal!"

"The cricket is only worthy of eating soil!"

"Grandson of the earth traveler! I will kill you! Snake-head hammer!"

"Luo Li, go shopping with me."

"Okay, is Xiyi going together?"

"No, the novels and comics I am after have been updated."


Watching his teammates walk out of the light gate of [Rune Land], Li Rui looked at the Corneus sisters who stood still and twisted.

"Is there a problem?"

Taking a deep breath, Cutavia mustered up the courage and nodded fiercely.

"President! Please teach us how to become stronger!"

"You have grown fast enough in the past few months, you don't need to be impatient."

Li Rui smiled and shook his head, softly comforting.

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