Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1052: What is the difference between me and Cao thief?

They...or call them, they are all obviously inhuman.

On one side, it looks like a dragon composed of various complicated mechanical gears, and on the other side dozens of tentacles wave and wriggle, resembling a big octopus.

As his eyes drifted between the two enemies, Li Rui quickly focused his attention on the octopus, smashing it, smashing its mouth, slowly blurring, and disappearing in place.

Behind him, the two wounded who did not feel any temporal and spatial fluctuations looked at each other, and an unreal feeling surged in their hearts.

"Is that person really Your Excellency Li Rui? He came and went without a trace, it was terrifying!"

"I don't know, the feeling doesn't match the appearance in memory..."

Old Liu frowned and slowly figured out something wrong.

"Old Li, can you recall the appearance of that young man just now?"

"Nonsense! Of course..."

The words of course came to an abrupt end, and Lao Li's pupils shrank and realized the problem.

Not to mention the appearance, he can't even remember whether people are fat or thin now, as if a mysterious "mosaic" is embedded in their memory, blurring certain key information.

The most frightening thing is that this change was done quietly. If it were not for deliberate recall, the two would not have noticed that some of their memories had changed.

Glancing at each other, the two old partners swallowed together, feeling cold behind their heads inexplicably.

"Original stone steps back to basics?"

"The introversion of the original stone steps changes the temperament, so that even the appearance does not produce anomalies!"

After a pause, Old Liu shook his head solemnly.

"From the displayed characteristics, this is more like a memetic interference of a sealed object, which directly tampered with us from a conceptual level!"

"Hi...Should we not encounter any weird things?"

Rubbing the goose bumps on his arm, Lao Li took a breath and looked around vigilantly.

Just now when I was dying, I didn't have time to think about it, and now I recall it carefully. From the moment he appeared to the moment he left, he revealed a strong evil nature.

I don’t know how to come, and I don’t know where to go!

You know, the two of them are extraordinary golden ranks. Even if they attack the original stone steps, they can at least scream, so they don't know how to die.

But the young man just now didn't even know whether the opponent was a phantom or a real person!

It's like looking at flowers in the fog, watching the moon in the water, it seems illusion but not illusion, it seems true but not true!

"Don't think about it, I don't know about the others, but that bottle of [Balance Potion] is definitely true!"

Seeing the old man's horrified expression, Lao Liu suddenly grinned.

Old Li blinked, only to realize that he could sit up without knowing it, and the twisted and broken bones returned to their normal shape.

"Could our current cognition be just an illusion, but in fact we are still slumped in situ waiting for death?"

Squeezing his fist, Old Li asked with lingering fear, as if he wanted to get a reassuring answer from his old partner.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Lao Li to be so timid! Are you scared by the seal?"

Old Liu let out a full laugh, but found that the other party's face was a little gloomy.

"I encountered this kind of sealed artifact when I was young. In the end, only me and two other people escaped in a small team. In the end, within half a year, the other two people killed themselves and died. Only I survived the endless illusion torture and really got rid of The entanglement of that sealed artifact!"

Seeing Lao Liu's solidified smile, Lao Li bit his cheek.

"And the feeling that the young man gave me just now is very similar to that of the sealed artifacts back then! I don't even know whether I am alive or dead, and whether you are really old Liu..."

Looking at his healed hands, Lao Li's pupils flickered in confusion, and he seemed to vaguely recall the deepest fear in his heart!


Sitting up hard, Lao Liu stretched his arms and punched him with two punches.

"what are you doing?"

"Do you feel the pain? Pain is not a dream!"

"I really want to be able to distinguish this simple!"

Lao Li couldn't shake his head in tears or laughter, but he slowly exhaled a suffocating breath in response to the surging vitality in his body.

No matter if he is true or false, he is about to die anyway, he will not lose anyway!

Seeing the subtle changes in his old partner's expression, Old Liu smiled slightly and changed the subject without a trace.

"By the way, I just asked you to help take care of my family, you guys didn't do it! I can see you through!"

Hearing Lao Liu's joking remarks, Lao Li sneered and waved his hand awe-inspiringly: "I am greedy for another's wife, what's the difference between me and Cao Thief?"

Old Liu: "..."

At the same time, in the battlefield dozens of kilometers away, an illusory shadow hovered in the sky, looking down at the two inhuman laws fighting each other.

The two powerhouses in other worlds have already hit the real fire at this moment, completely ignoring the warnings of the two "ants" just now, unscrupulously swaying the power of twisting the world!

Watching the storm they swept closer and closer to the nearest village, the shadow of the sky melted in the sky full of wind, and silently touched the octopus behind him. UU reading

Li Rui, who escaped into the void, closed his eyes tightly, condensing all the killing intent, and at the same time urging [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] to interfere with the other party's spiritual induction.

Reaching out and grabbing it in the air, the brilliant blood red sword condensed and spread in the palm of his hand, condensing and forming in an instant.

Swallowing a sigh of relief, the surging divinity poured into the sword body, making the center of the transparent sword body dangled with a hazy colorful glow.

After a few seconds, the meridians swelled up with the accumulated power, and Li Rui suddenly opened his eyes, and a violent killing intent bloomed in the cold purple gold vertical pupil!

I, Li Rui, are an assassin!


The action of the big octopus in the heat of the battle suddenly froze, as if being targeted by a predator at the top of some food chain, and his spirituality was frozen and rigid.

The eyes of the giant mechanical dragon on the front lit up, and before it grasped the short-lived flaw, the void behind the octopus suddenly cracked a tiny gap.

Immediately, the gentle colorful divine light poured out, turning the whole world into chaos.

[Shenwei·New Moon]!

Inflicts divine damage from 160% to 260% of total attack power + 65% of maximum health.

[Crushing Slam]!

When activated, the next basic attack causes 200% extra damage,

The unstoppable horrible sword light flashed away, and the two giant magical figures in the sky were frozen in place, and it took a few seconds to slowly split.

And at this moment, a larger, indomitable terrifying worm emerged in the void, popping out its sickle-shaped claws, and stuffing the dismembered big octopus into its mouth!

Ha ha ha ha ha ~

The chewing sound that made the vest chilled resounded through the sky, and the blue viscous blood ran down the brutal teeth, spreading like a stream on the zerg.

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