Without being integrated with the Dharma, Li Rui stood on top of the Zerg’s head, making movements in sync with his mouth, wriggling slightly, and at the same time watching with interest a bunch of “parts” combining and recombining not far away.

The brass-like mechanical gears rotate rapidly, and all kinds of intricate and gorgeous “parts” engraved with inscriptions gather in the air to reconstitute the shape of a dragon.

It's just that most of the body was evaporated by a single move, and the mechanical dragon after the "resurrection" looked extremely miniature.

And when it appeared next to the Zerg's Faxiang with a body length of several hundred meters, the figure less than ten meters long was like a tiny fly.

After regaining his consciousness, the first picture that came into view was a huge, horrible monster chewing on something.

Kozdet's pupils composed of high-energy streamers shrank suddenly, seeing the long tentacles hanging from the corners of the monster's mouth, and the blue blood flowing along its neck!

Gapa Gaba~

Every bite between the upper and lower jaws is like two mountain peaks hitting each other, and the sour bone breaking sound is transmitted into the ears. Kozdet watched as the stump of his rival was swallowed into the huge mouth. Chew into pieces...

The huge head is slowly drooping, and the appalling dark eyes are staring at him greedily and curiously... as if looking at a delicious snack...


Recovered from the initial shock, Kozdet did not hesitate to burst out with unprecedented power, and disappeared from the end of his sight in an instant.

Li Rui, who was about to ask, acted, frowning in confusion.

So decisive?

Or am I too scary?

Looking down at the hideous worm under his feet, Li Rui quickly shook his head.

The bugs are ugly and cute, they are not scary at all!

Gapa Gaba~

Chewing the "shredded squid" in his mouth like chewing gum, Li Rui's body tilted slightly, and the mountain-like insects instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

People who hit [Zhonghua] still want to leave?

I let you run for ten minutes first!

The huge Zerg hurried all the way at a speed that was not suitable for its size, and quickly caught up with the mechanical dragon that radiated void aura.

Sensing that the other party wanted to use the power of [War Academy] to teleport back to the mother plane, Li Rui's mouth evoked a grimace, and the zerg's chest under his feet began to condense the blue light of tuberculosis fusion.


A dozen kilometers away, a tyrannical roar exploded in the sky.

The energy ripples visible to the naked eye spread out and caught up with the enemy at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

Although it looks like a sound wave, in fact [Wild Scream] is a magic attack, and its range, power, and speed all depend on the energy injected and the structure of the spell.

As long as Li Rui is strong enough, it can even cause extensive damage at the speed of light!

But at this time, it doesn't need much power at all, the law of [silence] contained in it sweeps across the mechanical dragon, and the transmission light that has condensed half of its body is instantly disintegrated!

The magical energy sank inexplicably, sensing the arduous and stagnant energy movement in his body, Kozdet fell into deep despair.

That unknown enemy was too terrifying, even more powerful than some of the divine creatures it had seen before. It was only the aftermath of the attack that almost killed it in seconds. If it weren’t for the [mechanical aggregation] life-saving trump card, it might Just like the big octopus, it fell into the worm's mouth!

After a shudder, the desire to survive still overwhelmed everything, Kozdet ignored the damage to the core furnace, frantically spurred his wings and drew a straight ray in the sky.

However, a few seconds later, an endless shadow slowly enveloped it, and the danger of thorns on the back came from the top of the head, as if it sensed the greedy sight of the other party.

He didn't dare to look up at all, Kozdet was afraid of losing his last hope, but he drove his head forward!

The enemy is so big, I have a speed advantage, I can get rid of it...

Crazy self-hypnosis, Kozdet exploded at an unprecedented speed, but what made him desperate was that the shadow of death would always hang over his head, no hurry...

It seems to be observing an interesting insect. When you have enough play, the sickle and claws turn into a flash of lightning, like a mantis preying, and the mechanical dragon is captured in an instant!

Hundreds of meters long sickle claws "accurately" caught a "fly", the claw blades as thin as cicada wings were deeply embedded in the body, almost cutting off the mechanical dragon.

The jelly-like gilt liquid poured out along the wound, and the Zerg slowly raised its claws and placed the mechanical dragon in front of it.

Until this time, Kozdet, who was dying and struggling, found a human standing on top of the Zerg’s head. Its ordinary appearance seemed to be forgotten at a glance, but the cold, purple eyes were like the most terrifying abyss. His spirituality trembles.

"who are you?"

With the utmost courage, Kozdet stared at the human being not far away, his brain running wildly, looking for a chance.

"The guardian of [China], [The Immortal Dragon]·Li Rui."

A faint voice came into his ears, Kozdet's heart tightened, and endless regrets surged.

If you knew that the local forces had such terrifying guardians, UU reading www.uukanshu.com would not be able to fight this battle at all!

It's all right now, one was eaten alive and eaten in the stomach, and it is estimated to follow in the footsteps of the former...

Damn it, I have never heard of this [China] force. I thought it was a little-known organization. I didn't expect to have such a powerful guardian...

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and Kozdet's thoughts turn sharply, thinking about what he has to impress the opponent.

"Dear guardian of [China], this conflict was all caused by the big octopus, and I was also forced to be helpless..."

While using his brains while shifting the blame to the enemy, Kozdet looked at Li Rui who was smiling but not smiling, the more he talked, the more guilty he was.

"Really? But I felt two different divinities from my companion, one from you and the big octopus..."

The sickle's claws moved slightly, as if a guillotine slashed into the body. The seemingly solid metal parts could not resist the force of terror, and they were crushed little by little.

"Um... accidental injury... just accidental injury. I am the traveler of the mechanical mirror. I came to your place with friendliness. I did not intentionally cause damage. I will compensate for all losses. Please give me a chance to redeem!"

Kozdet endured the pain and asked sincerely.

There was a slight pause for the closing of the claws. Just as Kozdet breathed a sigh of relief, he looked up and saw Li Ruimo rubbing his chin with a thoughtful look, and an unknown premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

This gaze is exactly the same as the gaze it used to play with those ants!

The only difference is that now the roles are swapped, it has become the "ant" in the hands of others!

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