Seeing the tattered metal parts of the mechanical dragon, Li Rui's eyes gradually became sharp.

It doesn't look very tasty...but the personality and rank are quite good...the strength has also been lost by more than 90%...


Just as Li Rui was sinking into deep thoughts, streamers shot from the sky, condensing into panting human figures beside him.

"Big...sir, you have expelled them..."

When I saw the tattered metal dragon in the hands of Zerg, several local guardians had a word, and couldn't help but stare at each other.

Where is eviction?

This is almost beaten to death, okay!

Although they run slowly, there is at most a few minutes of time difference between one and the other, but the Lord [Zhen Country Dragon] in front of him has beaten the two secret diamond steps into such a miserable situation in such a short time?

By the way, what else is there?

Aren't they the two secret diamonds from other worlds reported?

There were no remaining figures on the left or right, and the superhuman headed by the scalp flew to the side of the Zerg’s head and approached Li Rui.

"My lord, has another enemy escaped?"

"No, I ate it."

"Oh, eat...huh??!!!"

Nodded subconsciously, feeling relieved to know how to report back, the superhuman headed suddenly figured out something was wrong, and the smile on his face slowly solidified.

"That...sir, what do you mean by eating it?"


Li Rui glanced at this man strangely, and his puzzled look made him feel like he was asking a very stupid question.

"It means literally, the shredded squid is quite chewy..."

Holding a mass of air into his mouth and chewing twice, Li Rui vividly explained the meaning of these two words.


After swallowing, the headed transcendent returned to the team and couldn't help looking at the same chilling teammate.

Ma Ye, a secret diamond from another world was eaten alive. What is the origin of this [Dragon of the Town]? Why do you feel so evil?

What's more terrifying is that all this happened in just a few minutes. Two powerful secret diamonds died and the other wounded, and it seemed that they didn't even have the power to fight back!

Blinking their eyes, an unreliable thought suddenly flashed in their minds.

This metal dragon can live up to now, isn't it because it doesn't taste good?

I didn't know that I had guessed the truth by accident, the huge Zerg suddenly remembered something and pointed at the distance.

"There are two injured brothers over there, and they should be out of danger. You will take care of them in several people."

Everyone looked serious. The guardian in charge of this area was their comrade-in-arms for many years. Just now they were wondering why they didn't show up, it turned out to be injured.

The few people behind the palace immediately turned around and flew in the direction Li Rui pointed out, and disappeared into the devastated valley in a blink of an eye.

The wind stopped and the clouds were comfortable, and the energy storm raging across the world gradually subsided. Li Rui looked at the dying metal dragon in his hand and made a decision in his heart.

The mountain-like Zerg’s magic phase lights up all over the body, the mysterious magic circle is outlined out of thin air, and the hair-like gilt inscriptions rotate and combine to condense into a giant three-dimensional array!

The surrounding area began to rippling with time and space ripples, and the water flowed on the carapace, and slowly gathered and turned into a transparent beam of light to penetrate into the void!

The surging spiritual pressure forced the guardians to retreat again and again, until they were hundreds of meters away to gain a foothold!

A mysterious power descended in the underworld, forming a magical passage to the other shore.

It seemed that he understood that Li Rui was about to leave, the superhuman headed by him remembered his action report, and shouted loudly against Howling Reiki.

"My lord, what is your name? How should I report the captured enemy? Is it written dead or let go?"

"[Indestructible True Dragon] Li Rui, all enemies who have exceeded the rule will be punishable! Let the summoners spread the news in the [War Academy], and let the idiots from other worlds see the fate of those who violated my Chinese power!"

The dull but oppressive sound is like thunderstorms, and the energy between heaven and earth turns into particles visible to the naked eye, converging in circles at the feet of the zerg.

After the long guide was completed, the magic circle suddenly bloomed, and the huge magical form collapsed into a group of aura before everyone's eyes. With the prisoners who had no resistance in their hands, they crossed time and space, ejected into the void, and instantly disappeared in place.

The whistling and tumbling tides of magic quickly calmed down, and everyone was inexplicably lightened physically and mentally, as if they were relieved of a vital burden!


After exhaling a long breath, several transcendents looked at each other, and all saw a trace of excitement in the eyes of their companions.

"It's Li Rui, why didn't I recognize it just now?"

"It looks different from the photos on the Internet. It's probably a secret technique to hide the appearance."

"Master Li Rui's power is too terrifying, just standing there, like a mountain pressing on me..."

"Yes, if I were an enemy, I would be shocked to see him!"

"The most terrifying thing is that he didn't seem to contribute at all, and the two secret diamond steps were easily killed!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't even sweat, that's too much!"

"If I remember correctly, Master Li Rui is also a secret diamond, right? It feels like a fly in his hands as an extraordinary person of the same level as an elite of the outside world. UU Reading"

Thinking of the scene of a mountainous worm catching a mechanical dragon, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

Isn't this just a fly?

"Okay, stop talking, evaluate the damage, and the rest of you will go with me to see how Lao Liu and them are. Listening to Master Li Rui's tone, they seem to be seriously injured."

After the teammates were finished talking enthusiastically, the superhuman headed by them clapped their palms to draw their attention back.

At this time, Li Rui had returned to the [Rune Land] far away on another plane.

Unraveling the legal barrier that envelops the mechanical dragon, Li Rui nodded in satisfaction.

With the spatial control characteristics of [Void Stone], his ability to control all the laws of time and space has been greatly improved.

Originally the [Return to City] skill could not be used on other creatures, but now as long as the opponent does not resist, Li Rui can wrap him with his spirituality and bring him back to [Rune Land] together!

There can be two situations of non-resistance here. One is that the opponent takes the initiative to unload the defense and let Li Rui cast the spell.

The other is to be hammered to the point of death, and then imprisoned by magic, even if you want to resist!

Even, he has faintly figured out the technique of [Take People·Flash]!

It's just that the current success rate is not high, and it can only act on soul-connected teammates occasionally, and cannot carry "outsiders".

"Huh? Why did you catch a mechanical dragon back? It's still in tatters?"

The purple and black condensed on the top of the Zerg’s head, Aya Xiyi looked down at the mechanical dragon, and cast a disgusting look at Li Rui.

"Are you leftovers again?"

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