The tiger glared, and Li Rui gritted his posterior molars with angrily.

"Why are you so innocent?"

"What innocence? Didn't you catch the stone man the other day?"

Li Rui's breath stagnated, his face flushed, the blue stripes on his forehead bloomed, and he argued: "That's obviously I caught it for the Katavia sisters to use for leveling!"

"Then why don't you catch someone with flesh and blood? Last time it was stone, this time it was metal, and it was not because of the teeth, it was not delicious!"

Aya Xiyi sneered, already seeing through the truth.

"To level up is to have something harder. I am adding difficulty to them, not because this stuff is not delicious!"

Li Rui waved his fists angrily, and it was difficult to understand one after another, what leveling sandbags can't be considered leftover... The tool man should gnaw the hardest bones, delicious... Bah, fragile enemies can't improve their combat effectiveness!

For a while, the top of the Zerg's head was filled with cheerful air.

"But did you grab a secret diamond this time and come back too wide?"

Looking at Li Rui's sophistry with a smile and without a word, Aya Xiyi asked when he stopped talking.

The two sisters of Cutavia have one silver and one bronze. Even if they are systematically strengthened, they cannot fill the gap between two or three energy levels in just a few months!

"It was hacked to death by me once, and it was resurrected with a secret method. The energy level and personality are all there, but the true combat power has been out of ten."

"Even so, it is not an existence that the two sisters can contend with."

Aya Xiyi shook his head coldly. With the same basic attributes, a difference in personality can open a gap that ordinary people can't imagine, not to mention the second and third levels!

After all, not every member of the [Secret Banquet Association] is called Li Rui, who can overwhelm the enemy with the second and third tiers!

Normally, even if the myth is reincarnated, it is difficult to do such a thing...

"It doesn't matter, the greater the pressure, the greater the motivation!"

With a smile, Li Rui looked into the distance, looking across a long distance, and saw the scarred two sisters in the center of the altar.

The emerald green life energy oozes from the rune cuts on the altar slab, condensing into entangled particles visible to the naked eye, continuously nourishing their wounded bodies.

Although their bodies were bruised and bruised, their spirits were extremely refreshed, and their faces were full of vigor and vitality.


With a jump of his eyebrows, Li Rui suddenly realized that the sisters' progress was a bit beyond expectations.

Mind moved slightly, opened the system panel, and the detailed numerical values ​​were clearly displayed before his eyes.

【Olena Yekis】

Race: Human

Energy level: Bronze (spiritual strengthening)

HP: 6021/8913

Mana: 5016/16988

Armor: 153

Magic resistance: 140

Attack power: 811

Spell Power: 1389

Compared to the health value of a thousand years ago, Olena, who has digested the three-piece killer set, can already be called a bronze-level steel cannon!

Except for the double resistance, which is slightly stretched, other attributes are completely crushed at the same level, and even compared with silver!

But compared to the auxiliary nurse hiding behind, the sister who faces the pressure is even more terrifying!

【Katavia Yekis】

Race: Human

Energy level: Silver (spiritual strengthening)

Health value: 17254/28125

Mana: 2912/4350

Armor: 890

Magic resistance: 911

Attack power: 1103

Spell power: 233

This dual resistance, this health value, this attack power...

Li Rui smashed his mouth, a slight sourness appeared in his heart.

To be reasonable, he experienced hard work that year, and his attributes were about the same as that of Cutavia when he was in the Silver Stage!

What's even more frightening is that her growth rate has risen several times over several times, far exceeding Li Rui's expectations!

Although there is credit for the system equipment, more of it is that she has begun to fulfill her talent!

【Immortal Shield】

The power of the soul is attached to flesh and blood, the will is immortal, and the divine shield is immortal!

Like the [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation], the greater the pressure, the more she can stimulate her inner potential. Anyone who can't kill her will only make her stronger!

If she was born in the celestial dynasty, the second generation of [Indestructible Dragon] probably won't have anything to do with Li Rui!

Originally, Li Rui was more optimistic about the potential of his sister Olena, but after nurturing and training, she found that her sister is the real thigh!

This talent that is visible to the naked eye is really drooling!

Soon, Xiao Huang will have another father!

And there is an offensive and defensive [Immortal Shield] to protect the back row, and Li Rui, the crispy mage, can take the silly people to enjoy the waves!

Imagining the future happily, Li Rui frowned suddenly.

Spell power 1233?

It looks like a lot, but except for the equipment bonus, the natural growth is only single digits? ? ?

No way? No way? There is another Tiehan Han in the team?

Surprised, Li Rui carefully observed Katavia's body and soul, and finally covered his forehead in pain.

"Their progress even I look down upon. With two such excellent subordinates, what are you suffering?"

Aya Xiyi stared at Li Rui strangely, unable to understand his logic circuit.

" one is perfect, I'm just feeling that the average IQ of the team has been lowered again."

"Ha? You still dislike others? Aren't you and Wang Lei who lowered the average score?"

Li Rui: "..."

"I am a mage! The strongest Secret Diamond Mage on earth! I am the existence that raises the team ceiling!"

Li Rui snarled indignantly, and Aya Xiyi's mocking sneer faced him. U U Reading

"The strongest mage? Have you ever asked me? Do you want me to test you with two questions?"

Li Rui: "..."

Quietly opened the system panel, glanced at Aya Xiyi's ability to surpass his own spell power and blue volume, Li Rui's eyes were sharp and he waved his hand.

"No need!"

"Huh, indestructible, Han Han."

After winning the war of words, Aya Xiyi in a good mood snorted and melted into the sky, drifting away in the wind.

After she left, Li Rui curled his lips and looked down at the dying mechanical dragon in his hand.

The decision is yours, Pikachu!

Raising its sharp claws, the Zerg stretched its limbs, and threw the captive in his hand like a baseball.


The force of horror pushed up several times the speed of sound, and the mechanical dragon of more than ten meters rubbed against the air to create a fierce tail flame, like a meteor across the sky.

In the center of the far away altar, the two sisters enjoying the nourishment of life energy were talking and laughing, and suddenly turned their heads together, watching a small spot of light rapidly enlarge in sight!

"Golden rank cleared, then try new enemies."

Familiar voices sounded in the soul network, and the two sisters looked at each other and quickly got up to meet the enemy.

During this period of time, as the enemies defeated became stronger and stronger, their confidence gradually built up, and there was already a hint of strong demeanor.

However, when the enemy entered the sensing range, their faces changed all at once.

Secret diamond?


The huge meteor dragged the long tail flame and bombarded a deep pit with a diameter of more than 100 meters not far away.

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