Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1056: Stepping stones

In the steaming smoke, the blue current flickered and squirmed, occasionally bursting out brilliant sparks.


The two sisters swallowed and took a step back.

Although they have seen more terrifying enemies with the president, they were not afraid at all at that time.

Because there is a more stalwart figure in front, which brings them an infinite sense of security!

But at this moment, only the two of them are left to face the powerful enemy...

For the first time facing an enemy far beyond his own energy level, Katavia took a deep breath, her eyes gradually firm.

Holding a huge shield almost as high as hers and waving a sharp sword with a wide palm in the other hand, she cautiously stepped out of the altar.

Following her sister, Olena tightened the staff in her hand, the panic on her face slowly disappeared.

"Kill them, I will let you go..."

A weird and evil whisper came into his ears, Kozdet's heart tightened, remembering how he used to hold two groups of "ants" watching them fight for fun, a hint of resentment rose in Scorching Furnace's heart.

As a mechanical mirror, it has been cared by the elders since its inception. When did it suffer this shame?

But the desire to survive still overwhelmed everything. It condensed the emotions in the heart and hid the hatred in the eyes.

Freed from the confinement of the zerg claws, the surging energy began to circulate in the body, and the complex and gorgeous mechanical gears rotated from slow to fast, releasing buzzing buzzing.

In the smoke that obscured the line of sight, two long and narrow red lights suddenly lit up, and the pressure of terror poured out, making the two sisters solidify on the spot.

The red light rose up, breaking through the dust and fog, revealing a slender and gorgeous dragon head.

As the enemy stepped out of the pit, dense wounds came into view, especially the hideous gap that almost cut it off, giving hope to the two sisters.

A gravely wounded and dying secret diamond step...maybe... there is a chance!


The stern light flashed away, and Cutavia subconsciously lifted the huge shield, and his hand was pained like a broken bone.

With just a swipe of his claws, Katavia was knocked off for hundreds of meters, and Kozdet was about to continue his attack, but another tiny human escaped the attack range at an unexpected speed.

【Rescue】·Bronze Step

The hero will gain a movement speed bonus when moving towards an friendly hero. The lower the target's health, the greater the bonus value. (Maximum 150% of bronze level)

When the hero heals an ally, the healing effect gains an additional bonus. The lower the target's health, the greater the bonus value. (Maximum 50% of the bronze level)

A substantive laser lighted up in his eyes, but after thinking about it, Kozdet gave up the long-range attack.

Now every energy is extremely precious to it, and bugs that can be crushed by hand are not worth consuming.

On the other end, Olena rushed to her sister without physical contact, her trembling arms immediately calmed down, and the imperceptible bone cracks healed quickly.

"Huh... even better than the stone man last time!"

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Katavia stood up holding the sword and watched the scarred mechanical dragon slowly approaching, staring at it without fear.

From the attack just now, she noticed that the opponent's power did not exceed her tolerance range, but the difference in the two-tier personality brought an irreparable "penetration" effect.

The spiritual power that penetrated into the body was like a hot knife cutting butter, easily disintegrating his spiritual defense.

But... if you can break through to the golden rank...

Knowing where his only chance of victory was, Cutavia tightened the weapon in his hand and burst into pride.

Originally, it has been several years since she reached the peak of silver. Coupled with Li Rui's training for her during this period, there was only a layer of paper between her and Jin!

As long as some kind of opportunity is lightly stabbed, the rest is a matter of course!

Concentrating calmly, his beautiful eyes became waveless. Looking at the huge figure of the metal dragon, Katavia understood that it was just a stepping stone on his way forward.

After breaking it, I can see the back of the president...

Like a female leopard laying down, her slender torso is full of explosive power.

Both legs slammed on the ground, and a faint golden streamer shot out towards the enemy!


Converging the Zerg's method, Li Rui descended from the sky to the ground, and a golden light fell like a meteorite, bombarding not far away.

"They are talented and hardworking!"

In the dust and fog, the tall and burly Wang Lei walked out and stood shoulder to shoulder with him, looking at the battle in the distance.

"But it's still too far away from us, isn't it?"

Li Rui smiled slightly and turned to look at Wang Lei.

"They are the jewels of dust. They were strayed when they were young, and they have not experienced systemic training, plus they are a type of accumulated accumulation..."

After a pause, Wang Lei looked at Li Rui and uttered a few words with emotion.

"Are the golden scales a thing in the pool, it will transform into a dragon in a storm!"

Hearing these words, Li Rui froze for a moment and looked away with a smile.

"Is it a dragon? I'll know soon."

"Are you not going to save them?"

"If you don't save it, use one [Resurrection] for a breakthrough, and you will earn money by trading blood."

"The [Holy Grail War] after that..."

"If they encounter enemies that can break through our protection, it makes no difference whether they have [Resurrection]."

"That's true."

Nodded, Wang Lei stared into the distance silently, and hesitated to speak after a long time. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Xiao Rui, Cutavia is a craftsman. I am going to teach her two tricks."


Li Rui suddenly turned her neck, her cervical spine made a click, and looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you going to accept her as a disciple?"

"Hmm...My identity is too sensitive, it is impossible to accept her as a disciple in public, I can only teach a few tricks in private."

Wang Lei shook his head regretfully, and two figures, one large and one small, collided back and forth in his determined pupils, his face full of appreciation.

Obviously he was a silver rank, but he was not afraid to challenge the Secret Diamond. This kind of courage and determination was too much to his appetite.

And beside him, Li Rui concealed his lips.

Is this the kind of heart between the Han Han?

Two iron-headed babies who lowered the team's average IQ!

Li Rui secretly slandered, but Li Rui's mouth filled with sourness.

Although he and Wang Lei did not have a substantial relationship between teacher and apprentice, from the point of view of inheritance, they are in the same line and inseparable.

And because of divine pollution, Wang Lei has never taken the initiative to teach him anything. Now that he is so optimistic about Cutavia, he actually offered to teach her two hands...

As if sensing Li Rui's emotions, Wang Lei laughed and shook his head.

"Xiao Rui, you are different from her."

"What's the difference?"

"You are born with the knowledge that you can grow into the most ideal form without ‘cultivation’. I can teach you very few things."

Staring into Li Rui's eyes, Wang Lei looked sincere and moved.

Today, I accompany my relatives to see the house. There are only three chapters. I will continue to add more tomorrow! (З」∠)

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