
Li Rui frowned slightly and snorted dissatisfiedly.

What are you looking at?

Let's take a look at you and make you chopped pepper fish head!

The insignificant voice penetrated the spiritual defense and exploded in the giant fish's mind.

Like an airplane that suddenly lost control, the giant fish swayed in the sky and broke a building, finally stabilizing its body.

"Shaq, what's the matter with you?"

The teammate on his back "jumped" in time, hovering in the air, looking at it in horror.

"I...I want to retire..."

After a difficult time, Shaxesser glanced at the back of Li Rui and others with a trembling, suddenly remembering the monster that ate his mother when he was a child.

"What's a joke? You can get the Holy Grail right away, you actually want to retire?"

"Trust me, there are monsters over there! They will be eaten!"

Faced with doubts from his teammates, Shaq persuaded him with all his heart.

On the other side, Li Rui ignored the commotion behind him and took his teammates to the central square.

The sparse teams were scattered around, looking at each other with great interest.

They are all Tianjiao saints of their respective planes, and it is rare to meet so many people of the same level, and the emotions of competing with each other are almost overwhelming.

The rebellious eyes collided back and forth, and if it weren't for the ultimate goal, it was floating above the head, maybe the entire battlefield of different dimensions would have been scorched.

Glancing around without a trace, Li Rui found that the closer to the core area, the higher the proportion of humanoids.

Although I know that most of them are just mimicry, but you can also see that the humanoid form is more in line with the power of the law.

Otherwise, why many gods will walk on the earth in a human manner?

The distracting thoughts in his mind flashed away. Li Rui saw a few familiar figures and was about to go up to talk. A giant more than three meters tall and his muscles like a rock stopped in front of him.

"Are you a team in the atrium?"

The harsh words like cement rubbing into his ears, even after a systematic translation, Li Rui could feel the bad intentions in his tone.

[Jingzhe·Do not use]'s concealment effect also has side effects. Enemies who don't know the truth will increase their courage by 100%, and any cat or dog will dare to bark their teeth with him.

Looking back at his team again, the all golden ranks are particularly eye-catching in this area, no wonder some people treat them as soft persimmons.

Reluctantly shook his head, Li Rui didn't bother to pay attention at all, walked past the giant without squinting, and met the beautiful blond boy in the distance.

The grin on the giant's face slowly solidified, and endless anger burned in his chest.

Originally just wanted to embarrass these arrogant [Atrium] teams, now he has changed his mind!

"I'm going to ask you something!"

Turning around and grabbing at Li Rui's shoulders, the thick five fingers are like short metal sticks, with the terrifying power contained and not letting go, only glowing around the skin that is imperceptible to the naked eye.

As far as this hand is normal, the powering skills that the original stone steps can master are enough to prove that this guy does have two brushes.

However, Li Rui didn't even turn his head, a huge palm helped him stop the enemy's attack.


Obviously it was a collision of flesh and blood, but there was a dull metal clashing sound. The giant stared blankly at the ferocious human who grabbed his wrist with a face full of scum, and he didn't react for a while.

what's the situation?

Even golden humans dare to stop me?

No, this force...

"Ask you paralyzed! What kind of thing are you?"

Wang Lei grinned, his five fingers slowly increasing force like a 10,000-ton hydraulic machine, and the giant's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle eye.

Quack quack~

The metallic luster muscles could not resist the terrifying force, and twisted and deformed a little bit.

The giant fiercely turned his wrist, trying to break free from Wang Lei's capture, but as his five fingers tightened, his rough fingers were forcibly cut into a circle of **** grooves on his wrist.


The pain in the heart caused the giant's forehead to violently jump. He couldn't bear it anymore, and raised another huge fist, attacking Wang Lei's forehead with the power of falling stars.


The power of returning to nature did not leak at all, and it was completely poured into Wang Lei's body.

Just the impact sound wave caused the glass within a few kilometers to burst, and a terrible back shock came from the front of the boxer, and the giant's eyes widened in disbelief.

A faint golden light spread on the soles of Wang Lei's feet, and the fragile square slabs were not damaged in the slightest. Instead, cobweb-like cracks broke out under the giant's feet.

The giant knew that the enemy in front of him had eaten his full blow but... unscathed!

"this one?"

Pushing away the fist on his forehead, Wang Lei smiled disdainfully.

Several warriors wearing gold armor not far away saw this scene, sighed, casting sympathetic eyes at the giant.

An extraordinary street on the earth, ask who is father!

There may be a stronger presence in this world than Wang Lei, but there is nothing more reckless than him!

Oh! No, maybe there is one!

Looking at the slender back who walked straight forward without turning their heads, several people couldn't help but shudder.

These two idiots get together, shall we fight them with the head?

This 【Holy Grail of Fate】Don’t worry about it!

The discouraged thought just arose and was immediately suppressed.

Several people looked at the beautiful figure wearing the white Greek robe, their eyes gradually becoming firm.

The goddess will lead us to victory!

However, what they didn't know was that the omnipotent goddess in their hearts was also full of heads at this time.

One Li Rui is enough, another Wang Lei...

This is clearly embarrassing me Sae!

No matter how strong the power of God King is~www.wuxiaspot.com~, she is only a secret diamond level now, she is not sure of winning against Li Rui alone, and the strength of her subordinates is completely suppressed by a group of bandits on the opposite side!

Is it going to be eliminated again?

Thinking of the last round of the final round, the proud **** king felt aggrieved!

The key point is that those birdmen are not fuel-efficient lamps. [Brahma] Secret Realm also has a few masters this time...

After thinking about it, Sae Kazama was shocked to find that the overall strength of his team was unstable even in top 5!

And not far from them, Wang Lei also raised his fist, blasting into the giant's abdomen with a golden light and iron fist.

Even if the body guard's qi stopped most of the power, the remaining power still hit the giant's eyeballs, and he couldn't help but squat down.

A group of muscular brothers behind him was in a commotion, but when Aya Xiyi and others had no help, they forcibly endured it.

This kind of 1V1 man battle, whoever intervenes first will lose!

So the giant whose intestines were about to be broken endured the severe pain, with one hand wrestling with Wang Lei, and the other hand turned into a shadow of the sky, like mercury pouring in the ground, covering the space within a square meter.

"Oula Oula Oula Oula~~"

"Big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood~~"

"お前はもう死んでいる!" (You are already dead)


"Ah Yamei Butterfly"

"One Library"

In the narration of Huang Juncai's "Ulead Video Studio", Wang Lei's breath was stagnant from time to time, and he felt that the fist and fist suddenly changed.

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