The noise interference was forcibly shielded, Wang Lei shook off his arms, and the shock wave of fist and front attack flattened the surrounding buildings and slowly "expanded" the wide square.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the two in the battle, and many people were horrified that a golden rank human could actually face the Secret Diamond Giant without losing the wind!

People with higher horizons have seen Wang Lei's more terrifying defensive power through appearance, and his twitching eyes are full of question marks.

What kind of monster is this?

After fighting for a long time, the land around the two of them had already cut a thick layer, but the stone slab at Wang Lei's feet was unscathed!

This shows that the power of the giant didn't break through his outermost defense at all. It seemed to be evenly distributed, but in fact it was useless.

The ensuing battle also confirmed their point of view. With a dull and explosive sound, the giant's wrist was abruptly squeezed and twisted into a strange angle.

The green veins scurrying around on the forehead like an earthworm, but the giant endured the pain of the severed limb and continued to blast Wang Lei with his red eyes!

The intense pain inspired a certain secret technique, and the giant's attack speed soared instantly, and a layer of substantial red light condensed on the vigorous fist front.

The red boxing shadow gradually overwhelmed the golden boxing shadow. Even without the bonus of Xingtian Axe, Wang Lei's unarmed combat power still crushes the enemy, but he can't stand the speed of others' hands...

Wang Lei, who was suppressed by the attack speed, became more irritable as he hits. In the end, he didn't bother to take care of the opponent's attack anymore.





The dull impact sound like a pile driver shook the world, and the surrounding teams twitched, as if they were beating with the attack.

At first the giants could still hurt each other, but soon his strength began to decline, the bones between the chest and abdomen were pierced out of the body, and all the internal organs were broken into mash!


Seven holes of the giant, more than three meters high, ooze thick black blood, slowly kneeling down in front of Wang Lei.

Stopping the attack in his hand, Wang Lei's face was splashed with viscous blood, and he looked around the wild, grinning provocatively and threateningly.

The brutal smile made everyone secretly frowned, and some grumpy transcendents had to go up and chat with him on the spot, but they were firmly held back by their rational teammates.

Gold hitting a secret diamond is like a father hitting a son. The most important thing is to behave with ease, without revealing where the limit is. Why do you provoke him with such hob meat?

"Brother, forget it!"

"This iron-headed baby will not live long, you can let him live and die, why bother to do it yourself?"

"That is, [Holy Grail of Destiny] is here, the overall situation is important! The overall situation is important!"


While pulling left and right, he finally calmed down the irritable brother in the team, while Wang Lei sneered, his contemptuous expression almost detonated the explosive barrel.

Throwing the tattered "baby" in his hand back to his team, Wang Lei turned around to meet the excited eyes of his teammates, as if he had done a trivial thing and shrugged easily.

"Lei brother cowhide!"

With a strong high-five with Huang Juncai who rushed up, Wang Lei squeezed his Tianling Gai easily, showing a "gentle" smile.

"What were you screaming at?"

"I...I think your playing is too boring, add some special effects..."

"I almost got angry when I stepped on a horse!"

"Ah? Is it because I'm too nasty? Next time I change the loli voice..."

"And next time?!"

The brutal five fingers began to spin and shrink, almost failing to unscrew Huang Juncai's Tianling Cap.

"Fuck, Brother Lei, lightly, the head is about to fall, lightly! Lightly! I am wrong! I am wrong!"

And not far from them, in a peaceful area of ​​Holy Light, Li Rui was smiling and greeted the beautiful boy.

"Oh, Michael, long time no see."

Withdrawing his gaze from Wang Lei, his holy and pure golden eyes stared at Li Rui faintly.

"Summoners from other planes are forming an alliance against us [Atrium]. They want to eliminate us in the finals. That person is just a bird, and there may be further actions in the future. What are you going to do?"


With his head tilted, Li Ruiman shrugged indifferently and sneered with disdain.


"The gods of the heavens and the world are not such simple enemies!"

"Can they be united enough for Brother Lei to fight alone? If it really doesn't work, I can add another Aya Xiyi!"


Thinking about the power of these two people together, the breath of the three blazing angels was slightly stagnant.

Michael shook his head, put some negative emotions behind his head, and stared at Li Rui with shining eyes.

"Also, after the last World War, my [Archangel Legion] dropped out of ranks. What did you do?"

The smile on his face froze slightly, Li Rui's eyes rolled around, and countless reasons flashed in his mind.

In the end, he chose to blink his eyes innocently, with a look of ignorance: "What are you talking about? [Archangel Legion] What's wrong?"

Three sharp line-of-sight lasers scanned his face, even with the thickness of Li Rui's face, he couldn't help but flush slightly.

Didn’t you just eat a few bites of your rice?

Can you be so stingy?

He secretly slandered, but Li Rui's face was pure and he looked at him without guilty conscience.

Look at my sincere look, UU reading is like someone stealing chicken wings?

Being choked by his appearance, the three blazing angels convulsed their faces and their chests violently rise and fall.

If it weren't for you, I must let you taste the wrath of God today!

"Oh, don't pay attention to the minutiae, I have business with you."

With an arm around Michael's shoulder, Li Rui attached to his ear like a close friend, her eyes suddenly becoming serious and solemn.

"Have you noticed the breath of the evil god?"


Looking at him in surprise, Michael was silent for a moment, and shook his head in doubt.

"We have also been paying attention to this aspect, but to be honest, we have not found any trace at all."

"Perhaps after the last battle, they were scared of being killed, knowing that we don't have any chance to be together, so we simply gave up?"

Grace leaned forward and sneered brightly.

"Or, they have a more vicious conspiracy, but they hide better, we didn't find it!"

Perceiving the arrogance in her bones, Li Rui shook her head uncomfortably.

"what have you found?"

Perceiving Li Rui's emotions, Grace immediately reacted.

"From the moment I entered the finals, I felt...a kind of awkwardness..."

"It's as if something is entwining me little by little, wrapping up, and dragging me into a bottomless abyss!"

Upon hearing this, the three blazing angels became serious.

It is not something ordinary evil gods can do to make Li Rui feel this way!

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