"This may be spiritual feedback on future destiny. How about Aya Nozomi? Does Aya Nozomi have any feelings?"

"It's the blame, she doesn't feel anything."


The three seraphs all breathed a sigh of relief and smiled relievedly.

"That's okay, it should be your illusion."

Li Rui: "..."

Do you look down on my spirituality?

Lao Tzu is a mage!

Glancing indignantly, the three blazing angels continued to pierce him without knowing it.

"Maybe the last finals left you a psychological shadow, that's why you have hallucinations. Don't be too sensitive about everything."

"Yes, take ten thousand steps and say, even we and Aya Xiyi are shielding the conspiracy of interference, you can't feel it!"

"Xiao Rui, don't worry too much~"

Raphael, like the big sister next door, touched Li Rui's head with a gentle smile on his face.

Angrily broke away and touched gently, Li Rui gave the three of them a helpless look and waved his hand fiercely!

"Vertical, inadequate and conspiracy!"

When Li Rui walked out of the realm of Holy Light, the smiles on the faces of the three blazing angels slowly subsided.

"Michael, what do you think?"

Without moving his lips and teeth, the freedom of thought passed between the three, and a trace of worry flashed in Raphael's eyes.

"The high probability is his misjudgment, but we have to be prepared."

"Do you really not unite with them?"

Grace hesitated a little. If Li Rui could really feel threatened, then the conspiracy behind it was enough to threaten them!

"We did not feel the ripples of destiny, so it is very likely that it was a conspiracy against the [God Eater], just to let the evil **** go to the bottom."

Michael smiled slightly.

"Anyway, they have the [Resurrection] imprint on them, regardless of victory or defeat, we can see the limits of [God Eater]."

"When they have all their cards out and are in desperation, we will save the world again."

"This will not only win the final victory, but also allow our lord's reputation to spread to the heavens and all realms, and also make [China] owe a big cause and effect, why not do it?"

The beautiful face of non-male and non-female showed a dreamy smile, and the majestic golden pupils exuded dim holy light, the line of sight seemed to penetrate the endless time and space, seeing the future ending.

On the other side, Li Rui returned to the team cursingly, suddenly his eyes lit up and he found a group of golden iron cans not far away.

"Yo, Saejang, long time no see~"

He greeted him with interest, but within a few minutes, he returned cursingly.

"what happened?"

"Madan, the whole world is targeting me Lao Rui!"

"What is it for you?"

"They all look down on my spirituality. When I heard that you didn't notice anything, they all said I was nervous!"

"It seems there is nothing wrong."


As she was about to chat with Aya Xiyi up and down, the cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

"The second [Holy Grail War] finals is open. Please fight each other to determine the final winner!"

His complexion changed suddenly, Li Rui's eyes widened, and the teammates beside him couldn't believe it and put their eyes on him.

This is not my schedule!

Who has twisted my rules!

A chill rose in his heart, and in a daze, Li Rui seemed to see a pair of terrifying eyes peeping at him from the deep darkness!


If you want to distort the rules I set, you must first erode the final carrier of the [different dimension battlefield]...

The vest trembled, and Li Rui finally understood why other people could not feel the strangeness!

This force is eroding his creation, and his induction is not based on spirituality, but system feedback!

Fortunately, [War Academy] is just a branch of system power, and [Holy Grail War] is a branch of [War Academy], and the final battle of [Different Dimensional Battlefield] is a continuation of [Holy Grail War]...

Layer by layer, the enemy hidden in the dark can only tamper with his outermost rules, and cannot touch his core secrets at all!

Or, he felt the power of the system, and he did not dare to go deep into the original power that reached the chaos!

The distracting thoughts in his mind flashed, Li Rui instantly synchronized his thoughts in the mental network, and his teammates tightened their nerves and looked around vigilantly.

At this moment, they looked like everyone was behind the scenes!

Unanimously, a team slowly surrounded them, with a smile that seemed to be pitying and mocking.

In the distance, the teams of Michael, Sae Kazema and others were also surrounded, and for a time the team in the [Atrium] became enemies of the heavens.

"Kill these arrogant guys first, and then we will fight for the Holy Grail."

A monster with a fish head and human body made a vague sound, and shook a ten-meter-long sharp serrated soft sword, cutting out a series of fierce sword marks on the ground.

"I heard that you were the last champion? [God Eater]? Ha ha, let me, the descendant of God, come and see how you can devour God..."


Before I finished speaking, a stern golden red sword light swept across, and there was an extra channel on the whole land that went straight to the end of the line of sight.

I was irritated with the powerful enemy in the dark, and there were still people around me who dared to whistle and crook, Li Rui shot angrily, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com shot the bird out with a single sword.

However, the opponent is worthy of being a strong man who can make it to the finals. Li Rui's sword with no attached skills has not been able to stop it, and there seems to be a trace of vitality faintly.

And this sword seemed to be the signal to send orders. Hundreds of otherworldly summoners all shot together, and the overwhelming destruction spell turned hundreds of meters into chaos.

"Stupid guy, dare to fight back!"

"If I were him, I would immediately apply to retire. This kind of competition system is a dead end for them!"

"Hehe, what's the use of being strong? Mu Xiuyu Linfeng will destroy it, the stronger, the more he will die first..."

Although shocked by the terrifying sword light, many alien summoners are still full of confidence.

A group of golden ranks, no matter how strong they are, there is a limit. On the contrary, the other [Atrium] teams are dominated by secret diamonds, which may waste some effort, so they came to pick a soft persimmon.

However, just as they were talking and laughing, a deep and deep golden light suddenly burst into the distant ocean of chaos.

A pair of huge golden palms ripped away the chaos, and the 100-meter-high golden giant looked like a god, with mysterious golden inscriptions wandering around, revealing the unharmed team under him.


The smiles on their faces instantly solidified, and they seemed to see the hideous smile on the golden giant's face.

What made them even more disturbed was that the guy who seemed to be the captain of the [God Eater] did not even look at them directly, but turned sideways and cast his gaze on the void, as if something more important was attracting him. .

"Brother Lei, leave it to you."

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