"Has it started?"

In the dark deep sea temple of the Pacific Ocean, a group of fuzzy-faced figures form a ring, and a half-person-high quaint stone monument in the middle exudes strange waves.

"[The Cobweb] has been unfolded, and they have begun to fall into the unobservable field..."

A black shadow wearing a hood retracted his gaze at the void, as if he was faintly relieved.

"[Plague] The surface layer of Gaia spiritually polluted, the dimensional shell is already fragile enough..."

The other black shadow was evaporating, condensing and dispersing, and finally spiraled into a weird entity the size of a fist.

"Then... let's start too..."

Accompanied by the evil whispers that seemed to come from the depths of the earth, the obscure and deep divine energy surged in the temple, and the stone stele engraved with disorderly patterns released pure chaos that could not be described in words, a little bit overwhelming reality, falling into A deeper dimension...


Almost at the same time, a few thousand kilometers away from the [Mechanical Sect] Pacific base, sirens continued to sound, and all observing stations found a wave of terror that had never been seen before.

"what happened?"

The commander of the original stone steps on duty soon appeared in the command hall, and the surging data torrent raged in his eyes.

"Something seems to be changing in the trench, all the energy values ​​are beginning to be disordered!"

The intelligence agent issued an anxious answer, checking his eyes over and over again.

On the screen, the crazy changes of various values ​​that were originally orderly, like a roller coaster, went up and down, making everyone's hearts tremble.

Behind these numbers are the parameters that support the real world. If they really change like on the screen, the problem may be a bit serious...

"Report the emergency to the [Security Council] immediately, and also, synchronize all the intelligence in the target area to me!"

The commander's eyes quickly brightened by quickly accessing the intelligent mastermind of the base.

"We have found abnormal readings eight times and sent deep-sea submarines to field surveys. No suspicious signs were found. It was initially determined that the system readings were wrong..."

Muttering to himself, countless messy characters flowed endlessly in his eyes, and quickly condensed into a dull light.

"Go! Get the captain who performed the detection mission!"

"Yes! Commander!"

The messenger next to him quickly left the command hall, but after several minutes there was no movement. Instead, a scalp-numbing scream suddenly sounded inside the base.

"What's the matter? Enemy attack?"

In an instant, he felt dozens of energy conflicts. The commander's expression changed and he suddenly stood up from the command chair.

"Commander! A rebellion occurred in the base... No, it was polluted by the gods. Many people fell into madness and began to attack everything around them indiscriminately!"

"Where is the military police? Suppress it!"

"There is also a riot within the military police!"

"Damn it, ask for support from America Command Command!"


"What are you doing in a daze? Perform my orders!"

"That... the Americas Command has also been polluted. [The Security Council] is the latest news. Now there are tens of thousands of riots in the world at the same time, and the basic order has been paralyzed in a short time..."

"What about our support?"

"It is estimated that it will take 30 minutes to be transferred!"

"Fxxk, why this time..."

He slammed the table fiercely, a few centimeters thick alloy exposed a fist depression, but the owner of the fist suddenly solidified.

Global riots...pollution...[psychological plague] source...the eighth deep-sea exploration mission...

As if there was a needle connecting the chaotic clues together, the commander trembled and his eyes widened in disbelief.

Bypassing all procedures and instantly syncing his own guesses to the [Council] auxiliary intellectual brain, a dark and mysterious light spread quickly on him, condensing into a thick science fiction armor.

"Hand over the command of the base to the deputy commander, suppress the rebellion as soon as possible, and provide me with real-time monitoring data!"

Amid the sound of hydraulic pressure, the command chair deformed and shrank, and dropped to parallel to the floor.

The sci-fi warrior, more than three meters high, stepped aside and walked straight to the door.

"Confirm to receive command authority!"

Behind him, the deputy commander entered the area where he was before, and the complex and gorgeous command chair deformed and closed, quickly wrapping him.

However, shortly after leaving the command hall, a strange scream sounded in his ears. Wearing the [Mechanical God Cult] base uniform, it was almost impossible to see the human-shaped monster pounced on it. The mollusk-like mouth was full of hideous jagged teeth.


Amidst the insignificant buzzing, the monster suddenly settled in mid-air, except for the asymmetrical deformed eyes that turned chaotically, revealing crazy spiteful eyes, the rest of the body twisted and wriggled, but could not move.

Carefully looking at the enemy condensed by the [Impound Force Field], hundreds of scanning ripples were released on the sci-fi warrior's mask.

The energy level was contaminated by some kind of power, and it was forcibly raised to the secret diamond level, but the real combat power is not as good as the golden peak...

A preliminary conclusion was reached in an instant, and his eyes slowly focused on the dog tag on the monster's chest.

Howard Kitty...

Isn't this the member who performed the detection mission?

"What did you see?"

Suspicious muttering to himself, UU reading www. uukanshu.com The sci-fi warrior walked away without turning his head back, turning his hands gently and slowly clenching them.

The monster floating behind was squeezed by the invisible force, and it chirped, like a crushed orange, shooting and splashing everywhere!

Ignoring the screams from all over the base, the tall dark figure pulled out a straight ray, which instantly disappeared into the violent sonic boom.

However, just a few minutes later, when he rushed to the depths of the Pacific Ocean, a middle-aged man wearing a simple Taoist robe was frowning and staring at the sea under his feet.

And behind him, half of the gorgeous and mysterious golden bridge spread and stretched out of the void, and another hazy silhouette descended here through the distant time and space.

[Beyond the Golden Bridge]...It's a good thing...

There was a trace of envy in the eyes hidden under the full-covering visor, and the tall science fiction warrior immediately accelerated to move closer to them.

"Peng Zhengyan, why are you here?"

"[Zhonghua] The riots over there are not serious, let's take a look at the situation first."

The ordinary middle-aged man took out a thick black and yellow charm from the sleeve of the Taoist robe, and painted it with some difficulty.

"Jerome, do you have any discoveries about the Mechanical Gods?"

On the golden bridge, the illusory aura condensed into shape. An old lady with a kind face paced gracefully, stepping on her toes slowly like an ordinary old man, but suddenly moved to the two of them in the next second.

"There is no clear evidence, but I suspect that [the old ruler] is awakening in this underground!"

Pointing to the deep, dark ocean beneath his feet, the plain words made the rest of the two people's breath stagnate.

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