The slightly paused talisman movement immediately accelerated, and the surging divine energy was injected, causing the obscure cloud patterns on the mysterious yellow charm to light up.

"Xiao Rong, help me later."

Peng Zhengyan glanced at the kind woman, swiping his fingernails lightly, dripping out a few drops of gilt blood with colorful rays.

The blood infiltrated the spell instantly, and the complex cloud pattern seemed to come to life, following a mysterious trajectory gently squirming.

Just looking at it, he felt trapped in a viscous liquid and unable to breathe. Jerome quickly looked away, not daring to spy on the treasure of "China", which represents a certain Dao law.


Peng Zhengyan, who was engrossed, let out a suffocating breath, and the mysterious yellow spell in his hand turned into an aura that instantly blended into the sea beneath his feet.


A bright divine light suddenly burst out of Gu Jing Wubo's eyes, and with Peng Zhengyan's low roar, the ocean that stretched for thousands of miles burst into flames!


The huge waves nearly a thousand meters high are surging endlessly, and the invisible mighty force descends from the void, separating the bottomless sea a little bit...

The water wall with a thickness of more than ten kilometers slowly expanded in the eyes of the three, exposing the dry seabed below... and a strange area shrouded in chaos and darkness.


After finding the source of the problem, the kind woman pinched the law decision, forcibly distorted the laws of physics, and anchored the "hole" in the middle of the sea.

"It's not [old], someone has opened a deep gap in reality, no wonder the physical constants are beginning to be disordered!"

Jerome couldn't penetrate the darkness after scanning for a long time, gritted his teeth and prepared to explore the grass.

"I'll go down and see!"


A big hand that was as gentle as jade stopped him, and Peng Zhengyan shook his head solemnly.

"This is a channel to penetrate the depths of the dimension. Even the rough stone cannot sink too deep, otherwise there is a risk of melting."

"Then what to do? The divine power can't detect it to the end. Someone must be sent to stop the passage from continuing to deepen!"

Jerome put away his impulse and asked anxiously.

This channel is like an oil well drilled into the ground. Once it penetrates into the oil layer, the turbulent and viscous "oil" will gush out along the gap!

The only difference is that the squirting stuff does not know what it will condense into!

The chaotic and disorderly power in the depths of the dimension is combined with the real matter, and the most typical result is the [Seal Item]!

What's more terrifying is that if the magma layer is opened up, a permanent channel is torn open, forming a "volcano" that continuously releases chaos...

Just thinking about that scene, Jerome couldn't help but shudder.

"Old Peng, what's the matter?"

At this moment, a burly old man walked down from [Golden Bridge on the Other Shore] and looked at the slowly expanding chaos and darkness under his feet with a dazed expression.

"Old Zhao, you came right in time!"

Peng Zhengyan's eyes lit up and he waved to him quickly.

"What's right? How do I feel that you want to hurt me again?"

Zhao Gang frowned and came to him, looking up and down warily.

"Cough cough, those who can do more work, the channel below penetrates into the depths of the dimension, except for your indestructible element, no one can hold the erosion, only you!"

Patting the old man's shoulder, Peng Zhengyan looked serious.

Looking away suspiciously, the golden thread spread in the pupils of the sturdy old man, but just staring at the depths of the chaos, he seemed to hear some evil and deep whisper, and his skin was itchy.

"Goodbye... I have never seen such a deep channel..."

Rubbing the goose bumps on his arm, Zhao Gang couldn't help but smack his lips.

"How is it? Can you go down?"

"I don't know, I have to try."

The muscles all over his body were tumbling and squirming, and a layer of golden dragon scales mixed with dark red appeared all over his body, and the vigorous body protection light condensed into a glass-like entity.


Without any nonsense, Jin Mang dragged the dark red tail flame into the chaos, disappearing into the darkness in an instant.

"Is he alright?"

Jerome stared at his feet anxiously, a faint unease in his heart.

"The number of people is meaningless in front of this [depth], if he can't do it..."

The eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and various plans flashed through Peng Zhengyan's mind, and finally fixed on the two "sincere" faces.

The calm situation didn't last long. The darkness manifested by the power of chaos rolled over, the golden red light burst and burst, "spraying out" an embarrassed figure.

Like a mortal who was about to suffocate, Zhao Gang gasped for breath, and the light of the body guard was almost completely wiped out. The golden dragon scales all over his body were dim and dull, cracking strange black wounds.


The kind old woman pinched out the mysterious magic seal, and the light and mysterious light shone down, melting Zhao Gang's body like a gangrene black.

"Old Zhao, how is it? Have you found the source?"

Peng Zhengyan immediately greeted him and held his hand, filled with surging divinity, and quickly stabilized his trembling body.


Zhao Gang took a second breath, and the burnt black attached to the wound faded away, revealing bright red flesh and blood.

"A group of ghosts and ghosts surround a stone tablet, still drilling deep!"

Hearing this, the eyes of several people all lit up, and they asked in unison.

"Who are those people?"

"Stele? What stone?"

"Did you stop them?"

Being quarreled so much, Zhao Gang waved his hand and motioned for them to come one by one, UU reading

"The opponent is all shrouded in a fog of concepts, and I can't see clearly. I don't have the means of attack that penetrates the dimension, I can't reach them..."

At this point, Zhao Gang suddenly knotted his brows.

"As for the stone tablet, there are some strange patterns carved on it. I really want to see it somewhere..."

Recalling the image in his mind carefully, Zhao Gang didn't notice it. As he peeped at the hazy memory over and over again, a strange bloodshot spread from the depths of his pupils, quickly spreading towards his cheeks like a spider web.

Seeing this scene, Peng Zhengyan's pupils suddenly shrank, and did not hesitate to take out a bright yellow charm, with a palm printed between Zhao Gang's eyebrows.

"Focus on, hold Yuan Shouyi! Taiqing Xuan heart curse!"

It burned almost as soon as it touched the skin, the bright yellow charm instantly turned into ashes, and the released mysterious light sank into the forehead, slowly suppressing the spread of bloodshot eyes!

Forcibly suppressing the subconscious counterattack, although Zhao Gang still did not understand what had happened, he still allowed the other's divinity to invade into the most vulnerable soul.

"Lao Zhao, you are contaminated, quickly block out the memory just now!"

An anxious roar sounded in his ears, and Zhao Gang was taken aback for a moment. He had never seen his old partner so gaffe before!

In a blink of an eye he understood his situation, he cooperated with the invading divine nature to tamper with the memory, and permanently erased a certain picture engraved deep in the soul!

As if they had lost their anchor points, the black blood vessels that wriggled like earthworms under the skin quickly receded, the "cobweb" disappeared from the face, and finally disappeared deep in the pupils.

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