"Fuck! Even I was hit!"

   Soy bean-sized cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and Zhao Gang swallowed his saliva, and his vest felt cold.

   "There is a problem with the slate! We must find someone who can dive into deeper dimensions and is indestructible from a conceptual level..."

   Peng Zhengyan said quietly, all the rest of them looked at each other and uttered four words at the same time.

   "[Indestructible Dragon]!"

   Soon, Zhao Gang frowned in distress.

   "But aren't they playing the [Holy Grail War] finals?"

   "There is no way, the earth is important, so they can only come back to deal with the trouble here."

   But as soon as the voice settled, a figure condensed on the [Beyond Golden Bridge] not far away, telling them bad news with a solemn face.

   "The finals of the [Holy Grail War] have undergone an abnormal change, and the dimension in which they are located is hidden and missing and cannot be observed!"

   "Li Rui and the others? Can I get in touch?"

   "No, you can't even find anyone in the [War Academy] watching system"

   The few people looked at each other, vaguely seeming to see a chain of conspiracies shrouded in the sky above the earth!

   Such a huge handwriting, it seems that only the gods can lay down...

   What do they want to do?


   Just as the earth became a mess of porridge, Wang Lei was happily chopping "dumplings" in the [different dimension battlefield].

   Hundreds of huge phenomena spread all over the sky and the earth, in a daze, this place seemed to become a battlefield of the gods, the terrible light raged and roared, quickly razing the entire plane to the ground!

   But even among the many phenomena, a golden giant is still invincible and firmly attracts everyone's attention.

   "Why can't I be imprisoned!?"

   "Soldiers stop here!"

   "His attack power is too strong to stop it!"

   "Be careful, don't get hurt in front of him, or you will be..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Lei on the other end had already filled dozens of people around him with [bleeding] passively. He felt that the energy accumulated in his body had made the meridians distended and painful. He took a deep breath and ignited the violent blood in his heart. .

   [Blood Fury]!


   Invisible power blooms from the heart, frantically flowing along the blood vessels of the meridians, the green veins and roots all over the body violently, the knotted muscles wriggle and roll like a python.

   Reflecting on the outside world, the golden giant swelled again, and the terrifying golden light condensed into a glass-like substance, which was attached to the skin like armor.

   "Unmatched power!!!"

   Even with the physique of [Indestructible True Dragon], his body was swollen and pained by this explosive force. Wang Lei roared, ignoring the attack that enveloped his body, dragging out a rich blood and rushing into the crowd.

   His eyes have completely turned into burning lava at this time, and the terrifying dark red flame dances around him like the substance, and the golden giant also rolls up blood clouds around him!

   Just the blood cloud that escapes makes it difficult for the surrounding enemies to approach, and the target he is chasing is even more desperate!

   How many hundreds of us can't beat him in seconds?

   What the **** is this?

[Blood Fury] Wang Lei in his state is like a **** and demon, and the blood clouds surrounding him have added infinite pressure to him. The escaped Secret Diamond Step looked back, and faced a pair of **** pupils, terrifying dark red. Guangyan almost burned his sanity.

   could no longer suppress the fear in his heart, the power of his whole body rushed straight up from his dantian, all the air in his lungs pierced his throat, screaming from the soul.

   "Don't come here!!!"

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and the tragic begging for mercy did not return the slightest sympathy. He watched the golden giant's feet slam in the void, stretched his figure, and lifted the axe above his head with both hands, as if pulling it to the extreme. The bow shows the ultimate violent beauty with static images!

   After a moment of sluggishness, the horror image fell from the sky, and the last picture in the line of sight was a dark red light concealing everything!


   Xing Tian axe cuts the magical image along the center line of the body, and alively split a strong secret diamond into two!

   [Noxus Guillotine]!

   Boom! !

   The terrifying impact that is indescribable blasted apart, and the unparalleled brutal breath shook the world and pierced the soul, causing all the "weak" minds to scream and escape!

   Most of the enemy's hearts seemed to be pinched by someone, and only felt a tingling pain from the tail vertebrae to the sky, and the whole skin was paralyzed like an electric shock.

   There are also some people whose faces are distorted in horror, their reason is dissipated by the brutal breath, and only the desire to live dominates the brain, running like a headless fly.

   "Ah, don't come here!"

"Do not kill me!"

   "Help me! Help me!"


   However, the cruel golden giant did not stop killing, and killed an enemy with an axe. An inexplicable sense of refreshment surged into Wang Lei's heart, and the surging power surged through the meridians, which made him feel irritated and spit out!

   So in the eyes of many enemies' futile attacks and despair, the golden giant "jumped up" happily one after another.

   [Noxus Guillotine]!

   [Noxus Guillotine]!

   [Noxus Guillotine]!


   Boom! boom! boom! boom…………

   One axe on a human head, the successive crits were deafening, and the enemies were chopped to death in an extremely cruel manner, and the blood cloud around the golden giant became more and more dense.

  The elite transcendents of the heavens and worlds experienced the charm of [Indestructible Dragon] for the first time, and they played GG amidst laughter and laughter.

   Not far away, the teammates hiding in Aya Xiyi's field saw this cruel picture, and their facial features were all wrinkled together, as if the axe was chopped on him, his face was painful.

   Even with the protection of teammates, UU reading www.uukanshu.com's death slash seemed to shake their souls apart. They could hardly imagine how desperate the real enemy would be when facing him.

   Ignore the attack and kill indiscriminately...Lei brother is too irritable...You can hide some respect for others, right?

   shook his head, Aya Xiyi felt the aura of the mages who were fighting against him trembling violently. Knowing that they were frightened by Wang Lei's horrible performance, the corners of his mouth opened with a sneer.

   Want to disconnect and run away?

no way!

   It is like two masters of internal strength are competing in the air. When the other's momentum is vented, Aya Kie immediately mobilizes magic power and counterattacks like a tsunami!


   I didn't expect dozens of people together to suppress her. A group of mages stared in disbelief. However, the tingling and oppressive sensation from the meridians of the Dharma phase was real, and even eroded into the body a little bit along the spiritual link!

  This degree of erosion is wrong, it is the domain power of the original stone steps!

   A trace of enlightenment has just risen in their hearts, and the illusory nether world slowly expands in their eyes, and the dim and deep gloom slightly obscures the sight.


  No...this is not a realm, this is...the kingdom of God! !



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