Platinum lightning flashed across the horizon, Luo Lifeng's sharp fangs spread his lips, gloomily glanced at the distant back, and turned into a light lightning in a posture that violated the laws of physics, rushing to several other enemies with residual blood.

Farther away, Zhao Youxuan and Teacher Hannah horned each other as the third layer of defense to protect the back row. At the same time, they transformed into spell turrets and firepower turrets. The terrifying range of AOE crosses a small half of the world, in line with the continuation of Aya Xiyi. Suppress the madness and destroy the body and mind of the enemy.

Whenever someone is struggling to break through the layers of interception and blockade, trying to kill these "fragile" long-range occupations in close proximity, a bright and white forehead can immediately let them experience the malice from the world!

"Snakehead hammer!"


Zhao Youxuan patted her small head proudly, but she couldn't find the huge shield in Katavia's regretful relaxation behind her.

She is already ready to face the test, but it seems that it is not yet her turn to play...

Glancing sideways at his sister, she found that she was healing the injuries of the front row remotely through the soul link. Katavia felt that she was drifting outside the entire team, and her desire to become stronger became more intense.

"Don't worry, you can protect me."

Withdrawing her empty eyes, Aya Xiyi kept the spiritual suppression of hundreds of secret diamond steps, while encouragingly patted Katavia on the shoulder.

Endless courage seemed to ignite in his chest, Katavia's eyes beamed, and he nodded firmly.

Aya Xiyi smiled when he saw it, and reactivated his mana, using the rudimentary [God Kingdom] to continuously erode the enemy and completely suppress their power!

Therefore, in the absence of Li Rui, the absolute main force, facing the siege of dozens of elite teams, [God Eater] not only did not show signs of decline, but instead used a highly layered formation to brutally crush the audience!

This made some transcendents who had conflicted with the [Atrium] **** system in the Primordial Era to realize the fear of being dominated by the ancestors!

In the legend...Only the most powerful gods can occupy a place in the [Atrium]. After thousands of years of spiritual energy decline, do these gods still maintain such a terrifying dominance?

Following Wang Lei's rampage and joyous jumping, these people's offensive gradually turned into a defensive one. With their morale declining, they couldn't help but have courage in their hearts.

Are we sitting in the well and watching the sky, or is there something special about the **** system to which this [God Eater] belongs?

Has the other besieged [Atrium] teams eliminated?

However, what they didn't know was that the situation of the other besieging teams was not much better than them, the same dire situation!


"Billion Stars·Archangel Legion"

The seraph with six pure white wings stood on the cloud and raised the red cross sword towards the sky. With beautiful eyes, the ancient well was waveless, and he uttered a few words coldly.

Endless light flickered around him, shining the gloomy world into a holy heaven.

The beautiful and hazy holy light enveloped the world, and also expanded the embryonic form of the kingdom of God, sweeping hundreds of enemies into it.

As if following a certain tacit understanding, the boundary between the Netherworld and the Holy Light Paradise stopped at once, and then retreated slightly, keeping a proper distance.

And in the area shrouded by the Holy Light, hundreds of otherworldly arrogances desperately discovered that they were the one being besieged!

The whole world is shaking and twisting, endless holy lights converge in the clouds, one after another, four-winged, fuzzy-faced angels condense and descend from the light, almost covering the entire sky!

The densely packed, pure white wings that spread to the end of the line of sight are like clouds hanging down from the sky, gradually falling with a sense of terror and oppression that destroys everything, and for a while, uncontrollable despair spews from the bottom of my heart.

All are Secret Diamond Ranks! to fight?

Li Rui: I teach you how to fight! Let go of those chicken wings...No, let go of those angels and let me come!

Of course, normal transcendents do not have the resilience of Li Rui's fighting to raise wars. When they see tens of thousands of angels, each exuding the breath of secret diamonds, the first reaction in their minds is not **** the enemy. , But how to save one's life!

Even if these summoned humanoid creatures are not strong individually, they can easily pile up any enemy with the blessing of their numbers!

But soon, something more desperate happened.

Grace and Raphael, who stood beside Michael, turned into a miniature sun at the same time, and their solemn and solemn chants pierced through the fields, layer upon layer, like the sound of thunder.

"In the beginning God created heaven and earth."

"The ground is emptiness and chaos, and the abyss is dark."

"The Spirit of God runs on the water."

"God said: "There must be light," and there will be light."


The dazzling incandescent light spreads like flames, instantly "igniting" the four-winged angels all over the sky, as if there are hundreds of millions of miniature "suns" floating in the sky at the same time, under the light shining, the light of all Dharma forms is instantly weakened to be ignored Regardless of the degree.

The two largest "suns" opened the wings of light that enveloped the sky. Only a few saints holding artifacts could look straight at the pure white light and see the looming silhouettes of human figures in the "sun".

"Old Testament·Genesis·Light Day"

With the solemn and low muttering the world fell into pure white, as if returning to the moment when the chaos first opened.

The pure energy of the Holy Light ravaged the world and melted everything it touched.

When the light dissipated, many otherworldly transcendents discovered painfully that most of their physiognomy had been worn away, and the translucent body was full of surging, seeming to disintegrate at any time!

However, when they raised their heads stiffly, they found that the tens of thousands of miniature "suns" in the sky exuded brilliant divine light, and the illusory sacred flame enveloped them, as if the entire sky was burning!

It turns out that the attack just now is just a side effect, and the real purpose of that trick is to strengthen these summons...

If the angels just summoned were only at the level of ordinary secret diamond ranks, then each of them now exudes the wave of elite secret diamonds, and the resonance between each other makes the whole sky ripple visible to the naked eye.


The red cross sword held high pointed downward, and the miniature "sun" turned into a stern pillar of light, "falling" like raindrops!


There was only time to let out a desperate roar, and hundreds of otherworldly transcendents were instantly submerged in endless pure whiteness.

However, they are not alone. Not far from them, a golden light gleams in a field surrounded by a sea of ​​thunder, which permeates vigorous collisions and howls of pain from time to time.

On the other side, in a peaceful and beautiful field, a giant peacock phantom thousands of meters long spread its wings and shed colorful light.

Under His feet, the endless divine energy condenses into a lotus platform, suppressing all enemies in the domain!

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