Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1071: , Dragon Mother, Spider Queen, Night Dragon

All the conflicts in several battlefields are reflected in Li Rui's soul, but he has no energy to pay attention to the growth of his opponent at this time, and all his mind is devoted to tracking the invaders.


Where are you?

Filtering the basic law structure of [Different Dimensional Battlefield] over and over again, keen soul tentacles wandered around, but found no clue.


I am the creator of this world, and all changes cannot escape my eyes. Why can't I find the intruder?

A pair of purple and golden dragon pupils looked down coldly from a higher dimension, Li Rui's eyes flickered, and his brain was running wildly.



There must be an enemy in the world I created, but why can't I find him?

Obviously he is in the same "room", but he seems to be invisible...

Wait, invisible?

A thunder suddenly exploded in his mind, and Li Rui suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could I have found it and just turned a blind eye to him?

Something is interfering with my perception, directly distorting my consciousness, and removing the concept of the other's existence from my soul?

Shaking his whole body, Li Rui did not hesitate and directly activated his most precious skill-[Observer]!

【Observer】·Secret Diamond Step

Passive: The effects of divination, prophecy, psychic, curse, philosophical weapon, rule weapon, rule weapon, logic weapon, causal rate weapon, and mathematical rate weapon for the host are weakened or blocked. (This effect is affected by the enemy's position)

Active: Temporarily increase the spiritual dimension of the host, look directly at the long river of time, and get the information you want to know.


The soul swelled, and the senses that surpassed the mortal were reflected in the soul, and suddenly a layer of abrupt spider web appeared in the framework of the perfect and harmonious world!

Strips of invisible spider silks were linked to everyone on the battlefield, and even one slipped into Li Rui's own chest.

Being in a high-dimensional state, Li Rui subconsciously stretched out his finger and pinched it on this insignificant translucent spider silk.

Evil, mysterious, and weird fluctuations were passed along the fingertips to the soul, following a certain mysterious connection, Li Rui's consciousness turned into the tremor of spider silk, rolled up, and passed to the master in the center of the spider web.

A coquettish woman with dark golden skin and beautiful features suddenly raised her head and met Li Rui through the void.

"Gluck...Someone can actually notice my existence, but unfortunately, it's too late. The web has been unfolded, and we can meet right away..."


Rubbing his fingers, the spider silk that could not be cut with any substance gently broke, Li Rui's soul broke through the shield, and the equipment bar suddenly lit up with an unprecedented surging light.

[Fate and Glory Battle] ([Mystery Sword]/[Mega's Soul Stealing Volume]/[Leviathan Armor])

There was no time to check the trigger target of the Three-Piece Killing Set, Li Rui tore the space apart and appeared on the edge of the [Different Dimensional Battlefield] without warning.

Three weird humans came into view, and Li Rui glanced away, focusing on the braid that penetrated into the void like a cobweb in the back of the glamorous woman's head.

Without any nonsense, the blood crystal sword drew a mysterious arc, throwing out the colorful gilt sword light.

However, the attack that was enough to kill the ordinary secret diamond step was easily received by a white and plump palm. The multicolored particles were condensed into illusory dragon scales, and the sword light was crushed into pieces.

"I said, you are mine, you can't escape from my palm!"

The beautiful woman slowly approached Li Rui, her big wavy red hair leaping along with her steps, and a pair of reptile vertical pupils on her delicate and beautiful face shone with excitement.


Li Rui's heart trembled as he felt the profound divine fluctuations in his memory, and a trace of unknown premonition surged.

How did this guy get to the earth?

Isn’t it [Degenerate Council] that group of takeaway boys?

A gloomy light flashed in the Zijin Dragon pupils, and three deep dark karma fires reflected in the pupils, and Li Rui had a hint of speculation in his heart.

The three evil deities of the camp, maybe they have hooked up with the [fallen council]!

Or are they the cannon fodder launched by the [Fallen Council]?

Is this a trap?

The back of his head suddenly tightened, and Li Rui's eyes began to wander, fearing that the three of them would throw their cups as a sign, and dozens of evil spirits jumped out and beat him!

Just kidding, he [Indestructible Dragon] is still a mortal no matter how powerful it is, unable to withstand the beating of a bunch of gods!

But after a few seconds he didn't find the ambush, Li Rui suddenly remembered the scene of scanning the world just now.

The whole [Different Dimensional Battlefield] is only these three silly?

It shouldn't be, but the heads of those guys were chopped up last time, and a bunch of original authority was looted by the way!

With lessons from the past, dare three people come to start a group?

Who gave them the courage to do things?

Isn't this a food delivery?

Didn't the [fallen council] tell them the power of the earth gods?

Or, in other words, the three of them have the confidence to take me?

The situation was erratic, and Li Rui's eyes drooped, quietly assessing the strength of the enemy and us, and tolerated the urge to shoot.

In the face of the three gods, ordinary attacks are just tickling for them, and they are only if they are not moving. They must go all out when they move!

However, the red-haired beauty on the opposite side did not walking enchantingly in front of Li Rui, touching his face with plump and slender fingers in the depths.

"I once said that you will come to me. Look, isn't this coming?"

I'm here to find you!

Zijin Longtong looked at him without emotion, letting his fingertips slide on his cheeks.

"Who are they?"

His eyes crossed the red-haired beauty in front of him, and his cold eyes moved on the faces of the two gods.

"Rose, Queen of the Spider God, Queen of the Devil's Web of the Deep Pit, and the other one is Farazul, the Dragon of the Night..."

Before she finished speaking, Li Rui in front of her disappeared in an instant, and appeared behind Rose almost at the same time. The surging blood energy poured into the blood crystal sword and stabs the opponent's cervical spine without mercy.


The sharp point of the sword slammed into an invisible barrier, and the highly concentrated and condensed sword light burst into pieces, but there was still a hint of dark red luster that penetrated the target's body.

Farazul, who showed the image of a dry old man, condensed his eyes and looked at the sword in Li Rui's hand in surprise.

He didn't expect that the barrier condensed by his own accumulated power would be infiltrated with one blow!

And the dark red light with a hint of mysterious law submerged into Rose's squirming black hair, and there was a trace of undetectable ripples.

【Void Ball】·Secret Diamond Step

The hero fires a virtual ball at the target, causing 1000 (150 spell power) magic damage and interrupting the target's skill guidance.

The overflowing energy will surround the hero and provide a shield that can absorb 800 (55 spell power) magic damage. The shield lasts for 1 minute.

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