Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1072: , Abyss Demon Web comes

  The stretched and wriggling cobweb braids convulsed like an electric shock, and then returned to normal under the control of the magnificent divine nature.

  Can't interrupt skill guidance?

   His control is not right!

   His pupils shrank slightly, and in a short moment of divine confrontation, Li Rui clearly felt that Rose Queen was completely different from the ordinary Cthulhu human body.

   Although the Cthulhu human body of the past was powerful, it was only a trace of will cast in the air after all, and there was a clear feeling of "bulky and dull" on the spiritual level!

   And Rose seems to carry the power of the ontology in a true sense, the divinity and the flesh are merged into one, rather than a pure dependency relationship.

   Could it be said that he merged part of his will with this body?

  Impossible, how can the body of a mortal thing carry the power of God?

   A flash of surprise flashed between the electric light and the flint. Before Li Rui could continue to sort out his clues, the biting ice instantly froze him into a large ice pile.

   "The Coffin of Eternal Night!"

   Withered Farazul brandished his bone scepter, the dark blue ice coffin swelled crazily and compressed towards the center a little bit.

  The colorful glow penetrated the ice layer like a phantom, pierced Li Rui's chest and abdomen, shaved away the pale golden dragon scale phantom, and tore apart five hideous claw marks.


The glare of purple gold flashed, and the ice coffin condensed into a small mountain exploded. Li Rui looked at the thin layer of purple magic shield left on the surface, and touched the wound that penetrated from the left chest to the right abdomen. , The pupils hidden in the shadows are full of deep.

The last time he was accused of beatings seemed to be just after his awakening. With the upgrade of [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] and [Mercury Boots], he has not experienced the feeling of "stopping in place" for a long time. !

   However, he didn't notice, the eyes of Farazul, the dragon of night, were almost glaring out.

   The [Eternal Night's Coffin] that I had been brewing for so long was broken in one second?

   That is a mythical magic that can freeze even the angel rank. Where does your secret diamond rank have such high resistance?

   "Chuck chuck... What a strong body, even my minions can't tear your defenses..."

   Not far away, Tiamat’s pupils glowed with a hot red glow of molten metal, lightly licking the red and narrow nails, his face was full of excitement and twisted smile.

   The skin trauma between the chest and abdomen shrank and closed at a speed visible to the naked eye, disappearing without a trace. Li Rui glanced at the evil dragon **** who surrounded him one after another, and the corner of his mouth evoked a smirk.

   Change the scene, these two guys are the high-end ingredients delivered to the door in his eyes!

   because they triggered three conceptual weapons at the same time!

  【Dragon Blood】·Golden Rank!

   Damage to dragons increased by 50%.

   [Deadly natural enemy·Dragon]!

   When you break the defense against a creature with the concept of a dragon and cause substantial damage, +10213 real damage.

   The final physical damage caused by creatures with the concept of dragon is -9111 points.

   [Deadly Predator·Evil]!

   When you break the defense against a creature with evil attributes and cause substantial damage, +1580 real damage.

  The final physical damage caused by creatures with evil attributes to you-1627 points

   You need to know that Li Rui's defense is already strong enough to guard against the sky. In theory, hundreds of thousands of points of damage have been weakened layer by layer, but the actual eventual possibility is only 10,000 or 20,000 points.

   If the two kinds of [Fatal Natural Enemies] are superimposed on the physical damage reduction, the evil dragon below the myth level has no power to fight back in front of him, and can only be slaughtered!

   To some extent, Li Rui has become a real enemy of the evil dragon!

  , that is, Tiamat and Farazul are ridiculously tall, and the divine penetration can offset his conceptual suppression, otherwise the combined force of the two may not be able to penetrate Li Rui's defense!

   Ignoring the greedy gazes of the two dragon gods, Li Rui cast his cold gaze on Rose, who was motionless, posing a stab, and instantly disappeared in place.


   Even the [Different Dimensional Battlefield] could not withstand the explosive power of the Creator. There were deep gaps in the place where Li Rui disappeared, and the void rolling could be vaguely seen.

   Concentrating all the power on the top of the blood crystal sword, the entanglement of qi, blood, and divinity merged into a colorful streamer as thin as cicada wings.

   But when Jianfeng reached Rose's neck, a coquettish smile bloomed in Li Rui's pupils.

   "It's late, [Abyss Magic Net], come!"

   Accompanied by evil and crazy thoughts, Li Rui's stab lost its target, and the deep and dark fog swallowed Rose, expanding infinitely in an instant!

it's dark!


   In the darkness where the five fingers could not be seen, Li Rui felt the blood crystal sword pierced into the air, and suddenly there was a strange feeling of weightlessness all over his body.

   The chaotic senses flooded his mind, and he couldn't even determine whether he was falling or on the ground!

  The sticky darkness wraps the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, wanting to penetrate the body and protect the body.

   Li Rui feels like a bug that has fallen into the glue, and is irreversibly dying!

   "Li Rui, my [country] was crushed."

   Ayaki's cold voice sounded in his mind, and it seemed dimly from the horizon.

"You are hurt?"

  The unfolding kingdom of God was shattered frontally. Needless to say, Li Rui can imagine how severe Aya Kiyi's soul injury is!

   "It's just a minor injury. The key is that the entire plane is falling. I lost my teammate's position..."

   Before I finished speaking, a desperate roar suddenly exploded in my mind.

   "President! There are assassins!"

   Eyes condensed, Li Rui's thoughts spread along the soul link, but before he could touch the target, the weak link broke, only a scalp-numbing chewing sound was heard.

  Ktavia is dead!

   Sensing the return of the soul to [Rune Land], Li Rui's cold pupils lit up a tyrannical flame.

   Originally, he was still guarding against the sneak attack of three evil gods, UU reading didn't expect them to slaughter their teammates!

   But at this moment, another soul link quietly broke.

   In the face of a sneak attack by the evil gods, Olena of the Silver Tier instantly disappeared, and there was no warning until the moment of death.

"Glitter... Your teammate tastes really good, but it's a pity that they disappeared halfway through the meal, leaving only the two lumps that I managed to intercept... Um... After losing the origin, it will be tasteless, or give it back to you Right."

   quack quack~

   The sound of chewing on crunchy bones echoed around, and in the erratic laughter, two pieces of harmless objects hit Li Rui, and they appeared in the Zijin Dragon Eye.

   Those are two arms that were torn into twisted shapes by brute force, and the broken sections are **** and fleshy, revealing the stubble of the forest, like the leftovers that have been eaten by beasts.

   "Sucking...who should I eat next?"

   The cruel laughter from left to right gradually faded away, and a pure sun flame burned in Li Rui's palm, instantly burning his stump to ashes.

   Rose Queen...

   The vast purple and golden dragon pupil burned out black light of destruction, and the extreme tyrannical killing intent filled his mind, frantically pushing up [Sword Intent of Killing God].



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