
   seemed to feel Li Rui's crazy mood, Li Wei called out anxiously, but received no response.

   At this time, Li Rui's brain was running frantically, looking for every possible means to break the game.

  Put in real eyes, teleport the collection?

   No, this **** named [Abyss Demon Net] has very strong [Darkness], [Capture], [Importance], [Binding] and other attributes!

  Unless one's [Astral Insight] and [Gaowei Magic Net] reach the myth level, it will be difficult to break the rule suppression and cast space spells in the opponent's kingdom of God!

   Actually, not to mention space spells, even the movement of the physical body is now greatly affected.

   The thick darkness around it is like the substance, and every movement conveys a sense of adhesion and lag.

   seems to be a worm that really fell into the spider web. The more struggling, the more it is bound and wrapped by the spider silk, and finally it is entangled a little bit into a "mummy", which becomes a Chinese meal of a "spider".

  【Abyss Magic Net】……

  【The Kingdom of God】……

   Anxious emotions rolled in his chest. If he simply faces the enemy, Li Rui is definitely worthy of three incarnations of evil gods.

   Relying on the restraint of conceptual weapons, he even has the confidence to resist the two evil dragon gods alone!

   There is a lone Rose left, facing Lei Ge, Aya Xiyi, Fierce Snake, three Seraphs, and a certain four-generation **** king, I am afraid that he will not be beaten into a burst spider!

   However, the advent of a kingdom of God has changed all the situation, and the one who has been completely crushed by the overall strength can only fight separately, and everyone may face the siege of three evil gods!

  The enemy is dark and I am bright, 1V3, one side is a mortal body, and the other side is an evil **** clone...

  Under all kinds of adverse conditions, even with Wang Lei and his own strength, I dare not say how long it can last under such an environment.

   Damn it! How did Rose descend from the kingdom of God?

   Without a strong enough bearing point, the ethereal kingdom of God cannot descend into the material world at all!

In the past, Monichka relied on the world-destroying-class sealed artifact [Lovers], and Tiamat relied on tens of thousands of high-level dragons to form a myth-level magic circle, which supported the distortion of reality in the kingdom of God. .

   What’s more terrifying is that [Different Dimensional Battlefield] is not an ordinary material world. It exists in the gap between illusion and reality. It is more difficult to use the kingdom of God to erode this domain than to descend on the main plane!

   But Rose silently completes the erosion, even if he counts his [tricky] and [concealed] authority, this kind of control is too exaggerated!

   This is not like an operation that can be done by a remote projection, but like a "miracle" performed by the **** himself descending on the earth!

and many more!

   The perception of the confrontation just flashed in his mind, and a bold guess surged in Li Rui's heart.

   Didn’t Rose use the [Incarnation] and [Human Body] operations, but actually brought part of her will and power into that body?

   In this way, the bearing point also makes sense, the gods themselves are the best cornerstone of the kingdom of God!

   But another problem has arisen. The body of the mortal can't carry the power and will of the gods. Except for the abnormal [shen body] of Brother Lei, Li Rui can't imagine the picture of the mortal containing the gods.

   Even if it is only a small part of the divinity, it will be like an elephant squeezed into the ant's shell, and it will be alive!

  The facts are in front of you, no matter how incredible the conclusion is, Li Rui can only believe that Rose has really obtained a [divine body] comparable to Wang Lei!

   narrowed his eyes, Li Rui smelled a hint of conspiracy.

   I and Rose have no grievances, why didn't he go all the way to the earth to get me?

   and also risking huge losses!

   That’s right, although the deity himself can display a mighty force that is irresistible to all things, but correspondingly, it will also cause huge risks.

   Power and will are not remote projections, which means that Rose cut part of herself and perfectly injected it into the [Divine Body].

   And once this body falls, even if he can withdraw part of his divinity in time, he will still lose part of his power forever.

  Especially when his enemies possess the authority of [Swallow] and [Predatory], it is not impossible to lose all the power of betting!

   This is a big bet. If you lose your blood, what benefits can you get if you win?

   swallow the elites of the heavens?

   Or is there any deal under the water that I don’t know?

   In a daze, Li Rui seemed to understand that Rose and the three were just knives exposed on the surface.

   The person who really held the handle of the knife was hidden in the deep darkness, and only vaguely revealed a familiar taste.

  【Fallen Council】……

  What do you want to do?

   launched three cannon fodder to test the strength of [Atrium]?

   Won, and wiped out the elites of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and lost, it was Rose and the three who died. There was no substantial loss to them?

   doesn’t seem right...

   Countless thoughts flashed between the lightning and flint, Li Rui racked his brains and couldn't figure out the reason for the [Degenerate Parliament], so he could only temporarily put aside and focus on the current predicament.

   Recalling the previous experience of blasting [Dragon Kingdom], Li Rui knew that to break the kingdom of God, he must destroy its anchor point.

   Whether it was Hanna’s teacher taking back [lover] or he cut the body of God Tiamat in another world, it was all in order to destroy the foundation of [God Kingdom] attached to the material world.

   Otherwise, just being an immortal will make the other person invincible forever!

   But the problem now is that he can't find where the other party is!

   If the [Dragon Kingdom] is to strengthen one's power in all directions, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's [Abyss Demon Net] is to point all attributes to the disgusting enemy.

   [Hysteresis], [Confinement], [Darkness], [Dizziness], [Package], [Entangling]...

  Any one of these characteristics is deadly enough, all superimposed on each other, even with Li Rui's resistance, it is difficult to be extreme, one can imagine how desperate other people are in facing such an environment!

   In addition, there are three stinky shameless evil gods hiding in the dark sneak attack, let alone a group of mortal creatures, that is, angel-level mythical creatures will have to hate on the spot!

   If you can’t break [Abyss Magic Net], this is a dead end!

   clenched his teeth, Li Rui quickly counted the cards in his mind.

  Rose’s personality is too high, even Aya Xiyi will be defeated in front of his [Abyss Demon Net], presumably Michael and Sae are not much better.

   Relying solely on one's own power, it is almost impossible to destroy [Abyss Magic Net]!

  Thinking about it, it seems that there is only one hole card to reach the level of [God Kingdom]...

   Take a gamble!

   The purple and golden dragon's pupil shrank fiercely, Li Rui urged all spiritual forces to break through the dark interference, linking a behemoth in a distant dimension...



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