Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1074: 、【Divine Poisonous · Spider Queen Rose】

   "Gluck... so delicious, these snacks are so delicious... quack quack... I'm right this time..."

   The vaguely evil babble reveals a greedy and bloodthirsty appetite.

   In the thick and rolling darkness, the screams of the teammates before their deaths are intertwined with the infiltrating chewing sounds, forming an erratic background sound, making every extraordinary person who is deep in the "cobweb" frightened.

   "It is the kingdom of God! It is the real kingdom of God, why are there gods participating in this game?"

   "Is [Holy Grail War] a trap for the gods to lure us?"

   "No! I don't want to die! I want to retire! I want to retire!"


   is surrounded by the thick and chaotic darkness, and the whole world seems to be alone. The deep despair begins to erode the soul and destroy the rational defense of the contestants little by little.

  And in such an environment, a hazy sun illuminates an area of ​​more than ten meters in a circle, and the beautiful seraph frowns and looks around dissatisfiedly.

   "Here heresy..."

   muttered to himself, he gently lifted the red cross sword, a cold light hit the blade, bounced a strange arc, and cut the white skin on his wrist.

   The weird divine power penetrated the defense, spreading upwards quickly along the wrist.

   Looking at his black and rotten flesh and blood, Michael furrowed his brows, and the holy flames burned, pushing the divine poison out of his body little by little.

   "It is actually the power of the body...Aren't you afraid of death?"

   The corrupted flesh and blood slowly returned to normal, but even with Michael's purifying authority, he could not easily expel the poison, and could only slowly wear away the alien divinity in the body.

   "Death? Does it depend on you weak new gods? You only deserve to be my food!"

   The roar resembling a giant carnivore sounded behind him, but Michael didn't look back, and walked straight ahead.

   Even if he is disturbed by the kingdom of God, he can sense the terrible thunder shock ahead.

   As long as the forces of a few teams on the earth are assembled, they may not be able to destroy this kingdom of God violently!

   The big deal is to make Li Rui die again, he should be able to resurrect anyway!

   And almost at the same time, Li Rui also suffered a cold light.

   Not as sharp as Michael’s spiritual reaction, he didn't react until the cold light and body, and subconsciously spurred [Eternal Immortality], forming firm golden dragon scales on the surface of the skin.


   The harsh metal friction sound made the bones sour, and the cold light as thin as a cicada's wings cut through the dragon scales, leaving a blood line on the arm.

   "You are only corroded by [Divine Toxic·Queen Rose]!"

  The skin on both sides of the blood line swelled and purged at a speed visible to the naked eye. Li Rui's pupils shrank and felt the unparalleled pain spreading along the blood. The musculoskeletal, internal organs, and even his own spirituality were slowly melting...

  【Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity】!

   [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]!

  Simple physical defense can't resist this kind of high-status erosion. Li Rui can only mobilize two magical powers with all his strength, using absolute numbers to eliminate the toxicity in the body.

  【Divine Poisonous · Spider Queen Rose】...Uniqueness!

   He really dropped part of the body to the ground!

   Although there was a faint guess, when he really faced the reality, Li Rui couldn't help but scold his mother!

   This is different from [Incarnation], [Human Body] and other things, it is equivalent to Rose extending a hand into the material world!

   Except for energy level restrictions, He can use almost all mythological authority!

   No wonder it easily dragged all the gods on the earth into the kingdom of God!

   The piercing pain was transmitted to the brain, and the blue veins on Li Rui's forehead jumped wildly, but his eyes were cold.

  Pain, anger, killing intent...

  All the negative emotions were transformed into the black light in his heart and the rising [Dragon Fury], just waiting for him to break [Abyss Demon Net] and release destruction!

   Tap your toes lightly, and Li Rui slowly accelerates in the deep darkness, gradually dragging out a dark red tail feather that stretches for more than ten meters.

   [Dead's Plate Armor] +1 momentum! +1! +1! ...

   "What is he doing?"

   In the boundless darkness, two dragon gods stood side by side, watching Li Rui run aimlessly all the way.

   "Perhaps to avoid Rose's attack."

   Farazul shrugged and looked away.

   "Leave him alone for now, go eat those small snacks, and save the dinner for the end."

   swallowed, the flesh and blood on the face of the withered old man was peeling away and corrupting, revealing hungry, bloodthirsty, cloudy eyes.

   "If you don't do anything, they will be eaten up by Rose!"

   A weird growl like a broken bellows came from his mouth, Farazul slammed a bone scepter, and countless phantoms condensed around him, turning into a deep breath and a fuzzy face.

   Then, one by one, thick bone dragon claws came out of the void, and hundreds of bone dragons descended into this world!

   Dragon Lich, Bone Dragon, Ghost Dragon, Vampire Dragon...

   All kinds of strange alien dragons spread out around him, flooding the earth like a tide.

   "Go, devour their flesh and blood, **** their spirituality, and enjoy this feast!"

   Farazul opened his arms, and the dark green divine light spread out, covering all the summoned dragons, forming an oil-green flame on their bodies.

   Tiamat next to him licked his nails, looked reluctantly at Li Rui's back, and turned around to join the killing.

  I can't take him down in a short time, so it's better to eat first!

  Farazul is right, you can't let Rose eat alone!

   On the other side of the battlefield, Li Rui has no idea how long he has been running wildly. UU read but did not sense the breath of his teammates along the way. Instead, bad news came from time to time in the intermittent network of minds.

   "Brother Rui! Someone attacked! I returned a shot, I don’t know if it was hit!"

   "Here again, this environment is too restrained, I don't even know where to run!"

   "It's over, my [Resurrection] was knocked out, GG Smecta..."

   Huang Juncai’s howls of joy in suffering quickly fell into silence. After a while, a round object slammed at Li Rui amid the sound of juicy chewing.

   Seeing the familiar yellow from a distance, Li Rui burned his internal organs with anger in his chest, but his eyes did not fluctuate at all.


   A golden red flame burned out of thin air, Huang Juncai's head instantly turned into fly ash and disappeared into this world.

   "Gaba...grumbling...well, your teammates are so delicious, I've never eaten anything so delicious!"

   In the sound of chewing and swallowing, Rose's frantic smile oscillated back and forth, but Li Rui ignored him at all. While urging the divine nature to communicate with the distant dimensions, he rushed.

   "Hmm... your reaction is really boring, but the benevolent Rose will still give you the leftovers, so you may be able to piece together a complete teammate, hahahahaha~~~"


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