Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1075: , The taste of fear

   The evil laughter quickly went away, Li Rui took a deep breath, suppressed the rage in his chest, brewing the most decisive killing intent.

   Rose... You wait for me... You can taste the taste of fear in no time!

   Angrily turned back and laughed, the twisted arc raised at the corner of Li Rui's mouth, and the golden snake danced wildly in the brutal purple-gold vertical pupil, condensing into a fusion-like light.


   Even with the confinement of [Spider Web], Li Rui's speed is still getting faster and faster, and a sword intent of the death of all things condenses in his chest.

   "Ah! Someone poked my butt! It hurts! My **** hurts! Damn it, still poking it?

   "Captain, I have been poisoned, this is so toxic, I may not last long..."

   "Ruijun, I released [lover], there is no one who can approach me for the time being, don't worry."

   "Xiao Rui, you don't have to worry about me, this silly X poison I can last a week!"


   had already synchronized his plan in the mind network, and several teammates tacitly disconnected the link after being attacked to prevent Li Rui from being distracted.

   The heart thumped and thumped wildly, and the infinite power surged to the limbs, and a trace of bottomless black fainted in the purple golden dragon pupil, and then the whole eyeball gradually turned into pure black.

   Come on... see who is faster!

   was full of layers of [Aura], Li Rui's figure suddenly changed from movement to silence, and solidified in place without warning.

   opened his arms, as if he was about to embrace the sky, his pure black eyes penetrated the [Abyss Magic Net] and saw a magnificent and mysterious egg-shaped giant shrouded in chaotic gray mist quickly descending.

   The chaotic essence accumulated by tens of millions of summoners burns wildly, Li Rui's muscles are tumbling and swelling, the veins soaring, five fingers are viciously grasping, a little bit of pressure, as if dragging some giant!

  On the spiritual dimension, a giant spider occupies the center of the dark and deep spider web, and countless transparent spider silks hang down from him and spread to the battlefield of the "lower plane"!

   Except for a few people who can observe the existence of "spider silk", every supernatural being is being entangled and wrapped a little bit.

   Many people have been wrapped in mummified corpses on the spiritual level, but the physical bodies are still resisting in vain on the material level.

   flicked the silk thread, picked up a snack from the "lower level" and put it in the mouthpiece for chewing, the giant spider groaned with pleasure.

   However, at this moment, a stern **** knife light bloomed in his mouthparts, and the destruction blade intent that condensed all the power pierced the divine body, blowing the little half of his head.


   The spider wailed in pain, and under the light of the colorful gods, the ragged flesh and blood slowly squirmed to heal.

   "Damn stuff, I will swallow your roots one day!"

   was shot through the head by some of Li Rui's teammates just now, but he had just recovered and was severely injured. Rose issued a stern curse, but never dared to attack them easily.

   He can see that, except for the first two rookies, Li Rui's teammates are not easy to mess with.

   Not only do they have to kill twice, but they also have to be careful not to bite again!

  With this skill, it is better to eat those fragile mortal things first, and then come and chew these hard bones at the end.

   The evil eyes moved downwards, he carefully threw down a fragment of his thigh, the spiritual and material transformation, following a mysterious trajectory, fell in front of Li Rui.

   "Chuck, this time I have left you a big piece, enough for you to spell out one-fifth."

   Seeing the white thighs falling in front of him, Li Rui's eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

   Luo Li...

   The heart is like a poisonous snake biting, and thousands of emotions turned into a grinning smile. Li Rui looked up at the sky, his gaze seemed to penetrate the dimension, and he saw the huge spider entrenched on the plane.

   "Rose! I will destroy your country, annihilate your seed, devour your source, and let you go to death in despair and fear!"

   The colorful compound eyes met the black hole-like eyeballs, and the tall spider trembled inexplicably, and a trace of regret appeared in his sinister and bloodthirsty mind.

   Those dark, spiteful, crazy, cold, and destroying eyes...

   Maybe... I shouldn't irritate him like this?

   not only failed to dissolve his fighting spirit, but made him even more crazy?

   Not right!

   Why should I be afraid of a mortal?

   Even if he is expected to become the new **** of [Atrium], he is still just a mortal thing!

   is still the mortal thing caught in my spider web!

   instantly extinguished the regret in her heart, Rose whispered in Li Rui's ear with a more brutal and crazy voice.

   "It's up to you? Useless waste... Let's put together a complete teammate first!"

   "Yes, just rely on me! I am now! Soon! I am going to smash you into pieces!"

   The mad laughter penetrated the dimension, as if thunder was shaking in Rose's ear. In the darkness, he seemed to sense something, and he raised his head in confusion, staring at the boundless void of the higher dimension.

   This pressure...something is falling...

   The powerful divinity has insight into fate, and vaguely saw a hazy chaos covering his spider web.

   The shadow of death obscures the sight, there is no escape!

   The eight huge arthropod spider legs subconsciously want to put away the spread [web] and pull them away from the covered plane.

   However, everything is too late!

   An egg-shaped plane wrapped in chaotic gray mist tears apart the void, dragged down by some invisible force!

   Eight blood-red compound eyes looked down involuntarily, a small figure raised his hands and volleyed, his fierce muscles trembled crazily, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

  This...he dragged it down?

   Is this... his [God Kingdom]?


   He is a secret drill!

   10,000 steps back and said, UU reading even if this is his [kingdom of God], doesn't he know that such a violent collision will cause both [countries] to suffer huge damage?

  Once [country] is damaged, he may never be able to set foot on the throne, he can only be a mortal thing all his life, and finally die tragically!

   But seeing the cruel smile on Li Rui's face, Rose understood.

   This crazy guy doesn't care about this at all, he just wants to die with himself!

   instantly understood his situation, and thought of the power injected into his body...

   Divinity, authority, and even uniqueness!

  If he falls, he may lose thousands of years of accumulation!

   Damn lunatic! How dare he? How is he willing?

   Unbelievable mad curse in her heart, and Rose can't restrain her feelings of regret.

   He originally thought that there was no existence that could harm him in the mortal world, so he boldly injected a lot of strength into the present body.

   But now it seems that the greater the bet, the greater the loss!

Do not!

   I haven't lost yet. Even if the kingdom of God is broken, I can still retreat with my whole body. The power of mortals cannot destroy this body!


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