Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1078: Lift the table

  【Abyss Demon Net】is a top-level kingdom of God. Once it unfolds smoothly, it will be a mighty and divine punishment for a small creature, and there will be no chance to resist.

   This can be seen from the fact that the prototypes of the kingdom of God such as Seraphim’s [Holy Light Heaven] and Aya Kiyi’s [Netherworld] were easily crushed.

   Even the unreasonable [Atrium] gods, at this level, they still have a limit!

   Therefore, Rose and the three people think that they are invincible, as before, use the game-playing mentality to play with and devour prey, and draw nourishment from their flesh and blood and despair.

   But when Li Rui smashed [Rune Land] unreasonably, the situation was instantly out of their control.

   Even in this situation, the iron-clad facts are in front of them, they still can't believe that Li Rui can make such a high-level, such a terrible counterattack!

   You need to know that [Abyss Demon Net] is based on Rose's body as a carrying and expansion. In theory, there can be no rivals in the mortal world.

   Our plan is perfect, but why did it become like this?

   The three of them all cast their sights on the bruised man.

   The drooping head can't see any expressions, but the heart-pounding black light is steaming on his surface, and a certain destructive sword intent is condensing and sharpening in his body.


  Why can a mere mortal thing carry such a huge kingdom of God?

   This is impossible in the known system of laws!

   began to doubt that the gods of life had an inexplicable trace of understanding in their hearts.

   No wonder [Fallen Council] invited them to participate in the competition...

   It turned out that it was not that they had a more important plan, but that they were not sure to kill Li Rui this anomalous factor!

   No matter how perfect the plan within the rules is, you can't resist someone using power outside the rules to directly lift the table!

   And Li Rui is such an unpredictable unstable factor!

   Because this guy doesn't play cards according to the routine, you can't detect where his upper limit is!

   It's like fighting the landlord. It is clear that the two kings and four two are in his hand. Rose said that you can beat me with 17 cards?

   Then the opposite backhand threw 17 Kings on his face, smashing him on the spot.

   Is this all possible?

   Is it reasonable?

   Do you still follow the basic laws of the universe?

After    was forced, Rose's heart was filled with endless resentment.

   Damn [Fallen Council], you count me on the horse!

   The divine body they took out is simply a bait containing poison.

   Once he put strength into it, he would do his best to fight against Li Rui just to keep the cost.

   Unlike Tiamat and Farazul who only sent the regular [human body], even if they fall, a small amount of authority is deprived, they will not be hurt.

  Rose is different. He is equivalent to a part of the body descending, and he can't bear the huge loss of the fall. He will definitely take out all his cards to entangle the [Atrium] new gods.

   With Him in the front, [Fallen Council] can safely implement the plan within the "rules", without fear of a certain unstable factor suddenly jumping out to give them a sentence: Sir, the times have changed!

   Actually, the calculations of Rose and others are not too faulty.

   The only thing they didn't expect was that the despicable traverser, or despicable alien system, did not speak martial arts at all, and did not abide by the underlying laws of the plane.

   [Rune Land] Is it really Li Rui's kingdom of God?

   Strictly speaking, it is not, or temporarily not.

   It is the manifestation of the laws of the system, condensed by the love of countless summoners.

   In essence, it is an existence between the illusory kingdom of God and the real secret realm.

   If Rose expands the [Abyss Demon Net] on the main material plane, to be honest, Li Rui has no great countermeasures. He can only burn himself indefinitely, attack indiscriminately with the power of his body, and gain that insignificant trace of vitality.

   But by the way, Rose didn't know the relationship between Li Rui and [War Academy], and rashly started the kingdom of God in the [different dimension battlefield] he created.

   even invaded the rule structure of [War Academy], tampering with the schedule!

   So the system said, if you do this, I have something to say!

   Immediately after that, there was a terrifying scene of [Runeland] bursting [Abyss Demon].

   Not to mention the true fall, just this collision of the kingdom of God, in fact, has already severely traumatized Rose's spirit, and even [Abyss Demon Net] has also suffered irreversible fragmentation.

   Unless he can swallow all the summoners present and plunder the source of these new **** seeds to make up for his loss, otherwise this wave of him will be an epic blood loss!

   However, seeing the more than half of the summoners left staring at her, Rose, who was hit hard, trembled slightly, just trying to keep her body.

   However, the roles are switched at this time, and it is their turn to sink into Li Rui's [God Kingdom]. If they want to leave, they have to ask his opinion.

   "Is this Li Rui's kingdom of God? Why is it so huge?"

   Looking far away, the dim world has spread to the end of the line of sight. If it is not known in advance, everyone will think that this is a real plane!

   Even the gods such as Michael and Sae Kazema could not help being shocked when they saw such a huge kingdom of God.

  Isn't Li Rui a cruel fighter?

  The [country] of the God of War is generally small, far inferior to the gods of the law system that can "create the world"!

  No, he is now a secret diamond step, where is the kingdom of God from?

   Like Rose, the new gods of the earth have also fallen into a collective mess, but fortunately they have long been accustomed to the operation of Li Rui's Three Views and soon returned to calm.

   No way, when you see him devouring the gods for the first time, you will be horrified, the second time your scalp numbs, the third, fourth, fifth time...

  Slowly, you will get used to it.

   Now there is no more than a kingdom of God, it seems that it is not impossible to accept.

   Once they accepted this setting, Michael and the others couldn't help but curl their mouths, pull out their weapons and flex their hands to look at the mountain-like spider god.

   Kill him, the harvest this trip is no less than the destruction of a small **** system!

   That is a divine body with all kinds of original authority!

   By the way, there are two evil dragon gods!

   You danced happily in [Abyss Demon Net] just now, and now you fall into Li Rui's kingdom of God, then we are not welcome!

   "Rose! Hurry up!"

Tiamat and Farazul revealed their true appearances. The five-headed dragon with a body length of more than a kilometer and the strange black dragon whose body surface is constantly peeling off and peeling off their flesh and blood are suspended in the sky, densely guarded by the undead dragons, like a cloud cover. Sky.

   "Stop them, I need to take back [Abyss Demon Net] to have a chance to tear this [country]..."



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