Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1079: , Royal Order! Destroy the world!

   "No, you have no chance!"

  The faint words echoed in the sky, and the three of Rose's hearts were chilled, and they all raised their heads together, seeing six magnificent and mysterious lights breaking through the chaotic gray fog and covering the whole world.

   At some point, Aya Kiyi, who had disappeared from the world, condensed and formed in the center of the six divine lights.

   The six divine lights in the revolving circle seem to represent the six natural laws between the heaven and the earth, docilely crawling under her feet, like a loyal courtier guarding the queen.

   "Cause and effect are obvious... the six reincarnations!"

   The pale little hand leaped into the void, and a bright golden talisman condensed between his fingers out of thin air, absorbing the six-color light like a whirlpool, turning it into a pure purple and black charm.

  The purple and black charms that are as thin as a cicada's wings are as heavy as stars, and Aya Xiyi slowly raised his hand blankly, and in a daze, the "all beings" under her feet seemed to see a destructive lotus flower blooming above her head covering the sky.

   "Emperor Order! Destroy the world!"

   With a lightly flick of his finger, the purple and black lotus that was condensed from the six colors of light revolved and fell, like a giant star, slamming it towards Rose.

"Do not!"

   As if sensing the other party's intentions, Rose let out a bitter and bitter roar, eight huge claws pierced the ground, and the terrifying head was raised high.

   The evil divinity gathered in the center of his eyebrows, and the remaining dead gray compound eyes rekindled blood red.

   Regardless of the soul injury, Rose's unreserved momentum condenses a layer of vigorous cobweb on the spiritual level, trying to resist the purple and black lotus that destroys the "world".

   Between the electric light and flint, the lotus flower collided with the spider web, quietly smashing a huge hole in the center of the spider web, and then rotated and contracted, condensed into a palm-sized print on the eyebrow center of the spider's queen.


   A terrible loud noise erupted from the spiritual level again. As the purple black karma fire burned from Rose's body, the already severely damaged [Abyss Demon Net] shattered again.

  The fragments of the Kingdom of God disintegrated into entangled particles, like two entangled stars. The huge [Rune Land] law captures these "primitive masses" and madly absorbs them.

   "Why can she expand [country] in Li Rui's kingdom of God?"

   Grace looked up at her old opponent, her beautiful golden eyes shocked and dull.

   Aya Xiyi’s destruction of black lotus is actually to manifest and weaponize her kingdom of God.

   is essentially the same as Li Ruina [Rune Land] hitting people, but it’s more efficient.

  The problem is that even if they belong to the same **** system, when different gods expand [the kingdom], their gods instinctively exclude each other.

   This kind of rejection is not affected by subjective will, it is purely a "heart barrier" between different souls.

  Even if they are close relatives and brothers, as long as they belong to different independent individuals, their souls cannot be completely connected.

   The only special case is the Kingdom of God of the cross religion [Supreme Heaven]. Due to the relationship of monotheism, their several blazing angels are actually different parts of the same [kingdom], so they can not exclude each other and are in harmony.

   But... Aya Xiyi and Li Rui are obviously two different existences.

   Then why can she unfold the kingdom of God in [Rune Land] without causing any rejection?

   This is unscientific!

   Is there some kind of unknown connection between the two of them deep in their souls?

  【Indestructible Dragon】……【Creation Sacred Dragon】……

  【Eternal immortality and immeasurable catastrophe】……【The return of chaos to the source of Zihuang】……

   Grace trembled all over, as if he had caught something in his mind, but after careful consideration, he found nothing.

   Damn it!

   After the revival of spiritual energy, what terrifying experiment is [Zhonghua] trying?

   How come I shudder instinctively?

   I didn't know that he had discovered the truth in a certain sense, and then quickly ran away. The more Grace thought about it, the more flustered, she couldn't help but raise a sense of anxiety that was surpassed and left behind.

   At the other end of the battlefield, Li Rui, who had accumulated for a long time, finally reached the critical point, and the drooping head hidden in the shadow suddenly lifted, revealing a pair of terrifying pure black eyes.


   Accompanied by a low roar that seemed to come from Jiuyou Hell, black flames gushed from Li Rui's pupils, instantly covering his body surface.

   The blazing black flame expanded infinitely, and Li Rui's body was expanded along with it!

   Muscles squirmed, bones swelled, and thick and sturdy black dragon scales grew all over his body. A pair of dragon wings broke out from behind, spreading crazily.

  【The Devil Dragon Comes into the World】·Secret Diamond Step

   Passive: (omitted).

   Active effect: The hero becomes a dragon, increasing the maximum health by 300%... (omitted)



   The sharp and fierce dragon claws are like Optimus Prime, supporting the expanding and spreading torso!

The spirituality of the Zerg and Devil Dragon is entangled with Li Rui's physical body, turning into a weird monster with a body length of 1.5 kilometers and a wingspan of more than 4 kilometers. It looks like a black dragon but has two more sickle claws and chitin bone spurs. .

   The solid and heavy dragon scales are all over the mysterious inscriptions, and the gilt-golden particles flicker in these runes from time to time, giving Li Rui's ferocious appearance a faint light, giving the evil and terrible incarnation a trace of contradictory holiness and majesty.

   tyrannical, powerful, greedy, bloodthirsty...

   The terrible coercion covered almost the entire world, fighting against Rose, who had been hit hard twice.

  Clearly, in the eyes of the summoner, there is a green light that symbolizes the friendly side, but all the contestants can't help but feel a trace of instinctive fear.

   Just looking at it directly, as if seeing the fear in the depths of the nightmare become reality.

   That is engraved in genes and souls, UU reading ancestors' fear of death and being swallowed!

   is the fear of predators at the top of the food chain!

   Even if it was not his target, Tiamat and Farazul were still stiff for an instant.

   Rose, who was falling into the tearing pain of the soul, trembled even more.

   The black behemoth covered with chitin "mountains" exhaled a breath of substantial energy, instantly evaporating the surrounding earth.

   Even if the energy is not deliberately released, the high-temperature flame still slowly melts the ground it is on, forming a bright red magma ocean.

  The invisible black flame spread around and lingered, and the evil and gorgeous purple-gold cloud patterns suddenly appeared and disappeared. Li Rui lifted up the mountain-like body and looked at the spider **** queen from a long distance.

   Even if the eight slender arthropods and claws are removed, the giant spider is still a lap larger than the ferocious black dragon, but at this time, he is obviously at a disadvantage in the coercive confrontation.

   The crazy killing intent contained in those dark dragon pupils was like a sharp sword piercing the soul, almost causing him to be injured again.

   A pure killing intent locked him in, and Rose seemed to see the light of destruction reaching her throat, the boundless coldness spread from the bottom of her heart, and even the divine nature fell into a moment of freezing.


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