Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1081: , Rose, you have to hold on!

   grabbed Zhao Youxuan from her head. Amidst her screams of grievance, the giant black dragon shot her out with a motion of throwing a baseball.


   pierced the sound barrier as soon as he shot his hand. Behind the snake's head and feet, like a javelin, it drew a straight ray in the sky, and instantly disappeared from the end of the line of sight, leaving only the screams echoing in place.


   Li Rui gasped heavily, Rose’s divine backlash continued to tear the flesh and blood, and the black dragon’s carapace was like a dry earth, evaporating thick black smoke, cracking into a wound with deep bones.

   Sensing a certain rune full of law, the huge black dragon took a deep breath and swallowed the spiritual energy within a radius of more than ten kilometers into its abdomen like a whirlpool.

  【Wind of Recovery】·Secret Diamond Step

   Passive: After receiving damage from an enemy hero, store the power of the law and recharge the rune.

   Active: Continue to restore health for 10 minutes, the total amount is equivalent to 5000+40% of the lost health.

   The emerald green turbulent tumbling in the chest, the surging life energy rushes along the meridian blood vessels, so that the black dragon, which is almost exhausted, is temporarily exhausted.

   At the same time, a holy chant suddenly sounded in the clouds above his head, and an invisible light circle fell from the sky, covering Li Rui, endless psychic energy gathered madly, and there seemed to be some great power slowly descending in the void.

   The gathered psychic energy was compressed to the extreme, released suddenly, and transformed into the unique power of the system.

   The energy in the turquoise aperture was released suddenly, and a huge amount of light green mist rushed into Li Rui's body, rushing through the blood and blood of the meridians, and nourishing every damaged cell.

  【Redemption】·Golden Level


   The only initiative-[Redemption]: Choose an area within 5000 meters as the target. After a few seconds, summon a beam of light to heal 500 (+25x target level) health of allies in the range, and cause 500 real damage to non-friendly units in the range. When used for the healing effect of [Redemption], the healing and shield strength increase effectiveness is 4.5 times.

  【Redemption】Increase healing and shield strength by 25%,【Hot Censer】25%,【Mikael's Crucible】35%,【Suriya's Rhapsody】25%...

  And Li Wei’s golden passive [Life and Death Balance] increases all positive effects by 200%!

   310% performance increase of 4.5 times, close to 1400%!

   At this time, Li Rui's level is close to 600, (600×25+500)×(1+14), one [Redemption] down, more than 2.3 million healing!

   Even with Li Rui's physique, I feel like I'm going to be blown up!

  The black smoke on the body surface stopped escaping, and the shrunken figure gradually stabilized, and began to creep and expand again.

   "Brother, do you really need me to continue to treat you?"

   "No, help me speed up later."

   [Wind of Recovery] plus [Salvation], Li Rui instantly filled with blood and energy, and possessed almost unlimited life energy.

   But the injured body still needs time to repair.

   The muscles grow together, and then they are torn and melted. The remaining divinity of Rose and the damage allocated to the future timeline of the [Dance of Death] are simultaneously used, and the mass of blood is consumed with each other.

   The intense pain stimulated Li Rui's nerves, destroying and repairing the endless circulation in his body.

  'S swollen body became stagnant, and the fusion-like divine light in the chest of the giant black dragon flickered and flickered, like a heart beating.

  Looking like this, even if all the life energy is consumed, it cannot completely offset the previous damage.

   I must arrive at the new source of life early to offset the loss.

   With a thought, Li Rui seized the time to repair his body, and at the same time cast his eyes to the distance.

   At the end of the horizon, red to black light is reflected in the sky, colliding against the pink-green light representing the friend, even if it is hundreds of kilometers away, you can feel waves of heavy explosions.

   The red and green lights flickered, and the layers of dragons entangled with the fierce shouts of killing, forming a "vibrant" dining table in the pupils of the black dragon.

   As long as I regain 30% of my combat power, I will be able to fight back and eat the undead dragons to restore blood.

   Probably... it will take a few minutes...

   But thinking of Michael and these people waiting for work, Li Rui couldn't help but feel anxious.

   [God Eater] The big boss who paid a huge price to defeat the disabled, if they are robbed by Birdman, Sae and others, how can I be worthy of Xiao Huang's Spirit in the Sky?

   Rose, you have to hold on!

   Wait for me to eat you!

  'S cold and cruel sight penetrated time and space, as if seeing the mountain-like spider stalking left and right under the siege of the gods.


   But not long after, a strange tremor came from the ground under my feet, and the soil layer within a few kilometers rolled like liquid, sweeping up terrifying "waves".


   The vast and deep dragon chant came from deep underground, and the colorful divine light pierced the earth, and the five-element prohibition that was invisible to the naked eye was forced to manifest into entities, gradually disintegrating and fragmenting.


   The high-pressure magma formed a straight "water column" straight into the sky, and the rain of sulphurous magma enveloped the world, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into a hot red light, like hell.

   In this terrifying scene, a majestic and gorgeous five-headed dragon was suspended in the air, and the shadow of the dragon's wings seemed to cover the earth.

   Seems to have learned a lesson, Tiamat didn't have any nonsense this time, the huge dragon body was as vigorous as a goshawk, turning into a colorful streamer to kill Li Rui.

   "Don't worry, dessert will have to wait until after dinner..."

   Gazing at the dragon mother’s pupils, Li Rui gave a grin, and the black dragon in the Pang Ruo Mountain range instantly collapsed into a tiny dust spot and escaped into the void.

   [Walking in the Void]!


   Hearing the furious roar behind him, UU read www. Li Rui didn't look back, but communicated with [Rune Land], tampering with and distorting the basic laws.

   [Astral Insights]... interfere with shielding divine induction, suppress high-dimensional power!

   [Gaowei Magic Net]... solidify time and space, and prohibit non-friendly units from using the void to move!

  【Approaching speed】……Tampering with the concept rules and greatly slowing down the enemy's movement speed!


Tiamat habitually wants to tear up the space to catch up with Li Rui, but the spreading divine energy seems to hit an iron wall. The fragile time and space in the past have become cold and firm, no matter how he drives the energy, Can't open a gap!

   After a moment of stunned, he decisively fanned his wings, and his huge body whizzed across the sky like a meteorite.

   But a strange law that has never been experienced is shrouded in the body, every time the speed increases by one point, the strange resistance increases by two points.

   Even if the kingdom of God is huge, there is still so much authority?

   Is he really a Secret Diamond Rank?

   Seeing the black dragon's back figure getting further and further away, Tiamat's five-color dragon pupils were full of unwillingness.


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