Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1082: , Precious buffet

It's not that Tiamat has never experienced the feeling of being suppressed by [God Kingdom], but it was the first time in his life that it was suppressed by a secret diamond-level [God Kingdom]!

This is because normally speaking, possessing the kingdom of God, but also using authority to suppress opponents, is generally a skill that can only be mastered by demigods or even true gods.

but why?

Why are you so skilled?

The five dragons roared from cracking stones through clouds, but no matter how incompetent he was, he could not change the fact that he was suppressed in all directions.

On the other side, Li Rui looked at the [Essence of Chaos] like a dam releasing water, and blood was dripping in his heart.

This is the hard work of tens of millions of summoners to earn him, but looking like this, if they are all burned out, they will not be able to hold the three evil gods for a long time. They must fight quickly!

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui's huge body collapsed into void particles again, and when he appeared again, he had already appeared on the fierce battlefield.

Ignoring the giant spiders wrapped in a dozen kinds of brilliant lights, Li Rui cast his greedy eyes on the dense group of undead dragons.

Let’s have some appetizers...

Bright aura is blooming on the surface, but the mountain-like body shape turns into a black lightning at a terrifying speed.

[Meow dancing brilliance]!

Increase the movement speed by 140%, decay in 2 minutes!

The sickle and claws cut through the body protection aura at a speed beyond imagination, cut off the bone dragon with a length of more than 100 meters, and then grabbed it into his mouth.


Quack quack~

The crisp sound of chewing potato chips reverberated on the battlefield. The summoner who was entangled with the bone dragon felt that a flower was in front of him, and a terrifying dark shadow ghostly took away his opponent, chewing like a broad bean.


What is that stuff? ? !


Ignoring the surprise behind him, the ferocious black dragon chewed something in his mouth and let out a low growl of pleasure. The spiritual power of the bone dragon was stripped by the swallowing law, transformed into a cold and fragrant "liquid", slowly swallowing it into his throat.

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 1810 permanent HP growth, and the number of feasts +1."

The most basic source of the bone dragon was taken away and plundered in large numbers. Li Rui carefully converged the power of [Feast], accurately controlled and divided the huge damage, and immediately estimated the income of the undead dragon.

The undead dragons are completely different from the [Archangel Legion]!

But they all have a common feature, that is, as a summoned object, its source quality is completely inconsistent with its energy level!

Obviously it is a secret diamond energy level, and only has less than 2000 HP growth?

Are you sending a beggar?

A strange cold spirit escaped from his mouth, like a candle in the wind, teetering back into Farazul's body.

As Li Rui expected, these false lives did not have a real death, and the law of devouring [Feast] did not fully take effect.

However, this is exactly what Li Rui expected.

Only by constantly killing the enemy, a certain magical skill ignoring the undigested health value and forcibly cooling [Feast] can the effect be maximized!

Senbai's fangs shone cold and cold, and Li Rui calculated the effect of the talent, and he probably had a care in his heart.

Almost 10 more enemies will be swallowed and the cooling will be completed!

The ghostly figure suddenly disappeared, the nearest dragon lich didn't even have a reaction, and it burst into a gloomy light in an instant, and then was swallowed by the abyss giant whale.

[Indestructible Grip]!

Plunder the enemy's vitality, increase health permanently by 50 points

Heals 4% of your lost health

[Theft sign]!

Earn 341 gold coins!

[Dark Harvest] +115 damage growth!

The luscious source substance again condenses into a cold "liquid" and is injected into the empty stomach sac.

The power of the mysterious soul is transformed into a coolness, like a golden thunder that is injected into the brain. The surging power moves the law, ignoring the undigested extra life value, and forcibly shortening the cooling time of [Feast].

There was a squirming in his abdomen, and Li Rui felt that the digestive ability of the empty stomach pouch had increased countless times. After using [Feast], the feeling of fullness quickly faded and he became hungry again.

【Energy and Spirit】·Secret Diamond Step

After participating in the killing of enemy heroes, the mana will be restored according to the strength of their souls, and your ultimate skill cooldown will be returned. (Recovery and return intensity are affected by the enemy's energy level, personality, etc.)

Skills **** blood, plunder elemental quality, harvest gold coins, stack runes...

After a set of procedures went down, Li Rui's eyes became increasingly greedy and bloodthirsty.

Such an unlimited buffet may not be encountered once in ten years, he must have a good time!


The purple and black thunder flickered on the battlefield. [Qi Ding Shen Xian] was continuously triggered, and the endless soul power was transformed into the cool "journey" by the system, and finally turned into various data on the Li Rui panel.

Quack quack...

Bone dragon, ghost dragon, vampire dragon, dragon lich, abominable dragon...

No matter what kind of dragon is, they cannot escape the fangs of predators.

Suppressed by the triple concept of [Dragon Blood], [Fatal Natural Enemy·Dragon], and [Fatal Natural Enemy·Evil], the unlucky undead dragons have no power to fight back. They fought in vain before they died and even Li Rui’s body guard Light can't break!

In fact, it is not obvious that these three conceptual weapons are used on the Dragon God, after all, the personality gap is too huge.

But when the enemy is an evil dragon of the same energy level, Li Rui really deserves the title of "Natural Enemy".

That scene is the tiger entering the flock, killing indiscriminately!

The huge life energy began to flow through the meridians, and the qi and blood absorbed exceeded the limit that it could contain.

At the same time, the magic power between the eyebrows has also returned to its maximum value, but the cold "golden syrup" is still being injected continuously.

Li Rui did not stop the killing, but burned the magic power of blood and blood at the same time, using them to kill the damage, while urging the [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] and [The Return of Chaos to the Source of Zihuang Tribulation]!

The power of destruction and repair conflicts and tears in the body. This continuous blunt knife cutting is the most suitable for training and strengthening the body!

And [Qi calm and free] plundered ice-cold "golden syrup" can extinguish the divine nature, just use it to polish the soul!

After the [Seven-Day War], the two magical powers that have stalled once again roared and operated. Vaguely, Li Rui seemed to have reached the fifth threshold.

But on the battlefield of electric light and stone fire, he didn't have the time to realize it carefully, so he could only subconsciously mobilize the two magical skills, and spent most of his energy on the "buffet".

【Feast】+1732 permanent life growth!

[Indestructible Grip] +50 permanent life growth!

[Omen of Burglary] +231 gold coins!

[Dark Harvest] +96 damage!



In the battlefield, the overwhelming group of undead dragons quickly became sparse.


The enemy in front of him disappeared inexplicably, looking at the hideous monster that was constantly devouring the undead, even if it was emitting a friendly green light, the summoners could not help swallowing wildly.

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