Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1083: , [War of the Gods]

[Atrium] Are all the summoners monsters?

Until this time, these people intuitively realized the meaning of Li Rui's team name.

[God Eater]... It looks like... He can really devour gods!

Look at the [Atrium] Summoners who fought with Rose in the distance. They trembled uncontrollably, and a word flashed back and forth in their minds.

God battle!

Only in the ancient mythology can there be things described in a few words, and now as the battle progresses, it seems to be clearly displayed before the eyes of the world.

It turns out... We have been involved in a [War of the Gods]?

The summoners woke up suddenly, and a strange and complicated emotion surged in the shocked hearts.

Originally thought it was a big chaos at the secret diamond rank, relying on his combat power far surpassing the ordinary secret diamond rank, he would definitely be able to show his style in the game.

The result came in and found...

What a coincidence! Others think so too!

Well, everyone is far superior to the Secret Diamond's combat effectiveness, offset each other, and are basically at the same starting line.

Then in the finals, a group of gods wearing secret diamond skins showed what is called high-end operation.

[Atrium] It is the basic operation for several teams to fight ten each. After the kingdom of God descends, the kingdom of God collides, and there is a black arc that destroys the world...

The ensuing shock wave was stronger than wave after wave, and when they recovered, many people were shocked... Caibi was me!

From full of self-confidence, to feelings of loss, to despair and sluggishness, a [Holy Grail War] really opened the eyes of these alien arrogances.

If the performance of other [Atrium] teams is beyond imagination, then the performance of the [God Eater] captain in front of them makes them doubt life.

Kingdom of God [Abyss Demon Net] You abruptly smashed, you cannot look directly at the gods on the ground, you slashed with a single sword, and we tried so hard to defeat the undead dragon, you just grab it and eat it. Haven't considered the mood of our "normal" secret diamond ranks?

We are here to fight the [Holy Grail War], not the [War of the Gods]!

I don't know how big a blow he has caused the contestants. At this time, Li Rui is seizing the time to dry his food.

Hundreds of undead dragons were brutally kissed by insects, and their flesh was transformed into nutrients that nourished his body and mind, continuously boosting the two magical powers, while the more precious source matter settled into the depths of the soul and turned into massive undigested attributes.

He knocked off a dragon lich again. The cold and sweet taste reminded Li Rui of the best ice cream. He greeted the dragons with his greedy and hungry eyes, and he was a little regretful.

Sure enough... Eating less and more meals is the way to a healthy diet. Unfortunately, it is difficult for the material world to find so many Secret Diamond Steps for me to devour...

Just as he stretched his claws to the next victim, the colorful divine light quietly bloomed behind him.


The five energy breaths of different colors are entangled and merged into a magnificent beam of light hundreds of meters thick, spanning the long time and space in an instant, bombarding the black dragon's back.

A terrible feeling of pushing back came from behind, and the mountain-like black dragon was shot into the ground diagonally, exploding a huge mushroom cloud, leaving behind a giant crater with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.


The pleasing eating was interrupted, and the ferocious black dragon let out a violent roar, instantly collapsed into a purple-black void particle, and appeared in front of the dragon mother without warning.

The terrifying body was two times larger than the five-headed dragon mother, and a sense of pressure on the soul bloodline caused Tiamat's pupils to shrink suddenly.

I was seriously injured and dying just now. This is only a few minutes?

How did he recover so quickly?

Before he could think, the large dragon wings closed forward, and the five heads simultaneously sang the dragon language that shook the soul, giving birth to a colorful barrier that was hundreds of meters thick.

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Void Blade]!

[Dragon Tooth Spike]!




In the next instant, the sickle and claws shone with purple and black light to smash the barrier and cut the dragon wings, leaving a hideous wound on Tiamat's neck, almost chopping off the two heads at the same time!

How can it be?

He seems to be stronger than before!

Feeling the destructive power of the black dragon's horror, and at the same time suffering from some strange concept eroding his divine protection, Tiamat retreated in an instant.

He is here to squeeze soft persimmons, not to be squeezed as soft persimmons!

The wounds on the neck and dragon wings squirmed and healed. The colorful dragon scales covered the tender red flesh, and the huge body threw out a five-color light, knocking the black dragon into the air like a fan.

After pushing back Li Rui with a single blow, Tiamat didn't hesitate to turn around and gallop towards the spider queen in the distance.

He knew that Rose must still have a life-saving method. The three evil gods, together, should be able to tear a gap and escape this weird Kingdom of God.

"Tiamat! Why are you running?"

A stern dragon roar quickly approached behind him, and Tiamat felt a kind of horror that he had never experienced before.

He didn't know that it was the panic when mortals were hunted by natural enemies. UU reading will urge 120% of its potential!

The biting chill went straight from the tail vertebrae to the heavenly spirit cover, Tiamat did not look back, and the five heads chanted at the same time. The terrible dragon language resonated the heaven and the earth, causing the space around him to ripple.

The two dragon wings stretched elegantly to the extreme, and the endless magic power gathered to the wing tips, forming a scorching colorful glazed light.


The wings of the dragon raised high suddenly, and the invisible air seemed to become solid. It was shattered by the wide wings and fanned out of the vacuum area. The "fragments" mixed with the sacred light of colorful colored glaze sprayed out backwards.

The slender and graceful five-headed dragon turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in place, leaving behind a hurricane-like multicolored glazed light to block the pursuit.

Being hit by the terrifying magical shock, Li Rui's momentum stopped abruptly, and he couldn't help but let out another roar, tearing the void flashing to catch up.

"Tiamat! Didn't you let me come to you? Don't run! Come and fight!"

The terrible roar again appeared not far behind him, and for a short while, Tiamat seemed to realize the feeling of being chased by him in the past.

God's dignity made him have the urge to turn around and kill him, but his rationality firmly suppressed this idea in his heart.

Damn Li Rui!

When my divinity returns, I must lower my true body and let you **** power!

An angry roar was heard in his heart, but in reality Tiamat didn't even look back, and ran all the way sullenly!

As a result, in the dull eyes of the onlookers who could not believe it, the "petite" gorgeous five-color dragon mother was stunned by a deformed black dragon with an ugly and violent appearance and a size that was two full turns.

In a daze, everyone seemed to see a sturdy man with a ferocious smile, flaring his teeth and dancing his claws, approaching the innocent weak woman a little bit.

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