Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1084: Ducking Survival

   Seeing this scene, if you don’t know the background of these two guys in advance, everyone will think this is a bullying brutality!

  Look at how pitiful the "weak and helpless" five-headed dragon is, and how cruel and brutal the monster behind him is full of sharp bones and ugly!

After    subconsciously sighed, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of absurd fear.

   Wait... the one in front... seems to be a human incarnation of an evil god, right?

   And the one behind... seems to be just a "plain" secret diamond step, right?

   Is your stand upside down?

  Why can the secret diamond step chase the gods with a look of idiot?

   Even if people are just incarnations that descend on the ground, they are not the existence that mortals can match!

   However, some summoners who came from the same world as Tiamat were ruined at this time.

   That's Tiamat!

   Once, countless prosperous cities were razed to the ground under his play, countless powerful kingdoms were reduced to ashes in his anger, countless vibrant planets fell into death under his shadow...

   The **** of evil dragons, the five-color dragon mother, the conqueror of planes...

   One of the most powerful dragon gods in the world!

   He was actually afraid!

   Fear a mortal thing!

   A human-shaped golden dragon trembled all over, and the image of a holy and inviolable dragon **** gradually collapsed in his heart.

   Unspeakable complex emotions are rolling in the chest, and a certain pride rooted in the soul and blood seems to be disintegrating a little bit.

  The great dragons are not perfect creatures. Even the evil dragon gods will fear and escape when facing "small" mortals. What qualifications do these creatures have to despise the elites of the heavens and the world?

   Looking at the violent boundlessness, Tiamat hugged his head, like a giant beast of the ancient gods and demons, the golden dragon's vertical pupils had a weak mood for the first time.


   The purple and black glazed sword light penetrated the dragon's wings and cut a huge wound. The magical power visible to the naked eye was mixed with golden blood and spewed out, before it hit the ground, it disappeared and evaporated in the air of [Rune Land].

   Feeling that the enemy's kingdom of God is eroding his own power a little bit, Tiamat speeds up to fan his wings and rushes into the range covered by Rose's divine light.

   "Don't worry about your fragmented kingdom anymore, we will lose even more if we don't leave!"

   The five dragon heads roared at the same time, and the breath of five different colors enveloped the world, forcing the besieged people back.

   "Stop them, I still need some time..."

  The giant spider with cuts and bruises emits dull soul sound, and the milky white spider web gradually extends from the whole body, and the chaos and disorder spread to the depths of the void, as if the whole world is turning into a spider's nest.

   "Go to die!"

   However, a golden giant hundreds of meters high, ignoring the restrictions of various laws, easily tore the spider web, rushed to Rose unreasonably, and split the divine carapace with a terrible giant axe, leaving a canyon-like wound.


The stump that was cut off by the [Tian Jue Slaughter Sword] waved its backhand. Under the impetus of its huge divinity, the golden giant turned into a straight ray, penetrating the distant mountain peak, and disappearing. Deep in the earth.

   But without waiting for Rose to catch his breath, a golden light burst out from the rising dust and mist. The seemingly small guy was like a Xiaoqiang who could not be beaten, and he screamed again!

   "Only I can lead us to victory!"

   The golden giant roared with passionate lines of unknown meaning, ignoring Tiamat’s dragon claws, and smashed the wound just cut with an axe. The viscous blood was shot up to 100 meters high like a fountain!


   In the bone-sour metal rubbing sound, the sharp dragon claws tore the thick golden qi, leaving a hideous gap between the chest and abdomen of the golden giant.

   But the golden giant seemed to have no pain, and his backhand slashed with the round axe on Tiamat's dragon claws.

   The simple and sharp axe blade split the flesh and blood scales, cut off the bones, and almost chopped off his claws.


  The bright five-color light sprayed out, and the golden giant was once again bombarded by the high-personal divine power, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

   However, a substantial golden thunder came one after another. Before the body, the terrifying destructive divinity caused Tiamat's scales to produce numbness.

this is?

At the end of   's vision, a pure girl in a white robe appeared. Before Tiamat could react, the majestic and brutal golden thunder penetrated through the chest and abdomen, releasing the light of destruction within the strong dragon body.


  The golden electric snake was running around, and Tiamat was like an airplane hit by a missile, falling from the sky with blue smoke.

But at the moment of the fall, he seemed to see the mottled Farazul roaring in the pure white sacred flame, three powerful seraphs with six wings on their backs formed a magic circle, almost refining the terrifying night dragon into a pure white Bone dragon.

   So... I am not the worst...

   Compared with [Seraph]’s divine restraint on [Dragon of the Night], the attack that Tiamat encountered was brute force crushing upright, simply unstoppable.

   But, as soon as the feeling of rejoicing appeared, a huge greedy mouth obscured his sight.

   Rows of forest-like serrated fangs fierce and bloodthirsty, deep in the huge mouth like a meat grinder, is a touch of greedy throat that seems to be connected to the void and never content.

   [Dragon Blood]!

   [Deadly natural enemy·Dragon]!

   [Deadly Predator·Evil]!


   As if smelling the scent of death, with the three conceptual weapons and the suppression of the kingdom of God, Tiamat felt for the first time the powerlessness of the mortal when facing natural enemies. UU reading

   Subconsciously operating energy, but the golden thunder raging in the body shook the divine circuit, and the paralyzed body was unable to mobilize enough power!

   It's careless, caught by his law, and interfered by a different kind of divine nature, it seems that I can't escape...

  The colorful pupils shrank slightly, and the huge dragon body curled up, wrapping itself with wings, turning into a rainbow-like light ball.


The ferocious mouth that expanded larger than the body suddenly closed, but at the moment when it was swallowed, the illusory rainbow light sphere actively separated a small part of its origin, distorted the goal of the [Feast] law, and turned most of the body into a colorful streamer. Insect mouth".


   The extremely delicious syrup exploded in his mouth, and the ferocious black dragon couldn't help uttering a happy roar, enjoying the taste of the dragon god.

   But soon, the insignificant lusciousness was swallowed into his throat, Li Rui slapped his lips unwillingly, and looked greedily at the five-headed dragon that had recondensed in the distance.

   Are you a gecko?

   Can you survive by docking?

   was shown by this kind of show operation for the first time, even Li Rui couldn't help but envy their endless life-saving methods.


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