Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1086: ,【Remove completely】

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Damn it, it's still too naive!

Li Rui clenched his posterior molars and realized deeply that [people] have their limits!

The power of the system is also limited by the energy level of his host, and cannot touch the mysterious laws from the god's body.

He still has a long way to go from that highest realm!

"Xiao Rui, do you want me to use the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] to slash his mother!"

Suddenly, a golden giant gathered around the black dragon, staring fiercely at the spider silk that fished the giant cocoon.

Li Rui: "..."

Finally I found someone more silly than me.

The main members in the battlefield several times, Wang Lei's battle is definitely one of the best!

Fighting alone, even Li Rui can only find a way to drag him to death!

But what corresponds to his explosive combat power is his golden personality, whose level of criticism is comparable to Huang Juncai, and belongs to the existence of lowering the average team IQ!

"Brother Lei, unless you have cultivated the [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] to the myth level, the [Slaying Sword Intent] will not touch that stuff at all..."

Reluctantly shook his head, Li Rui watched as the white "mountain" was pulled higher and higher by a spider silk, and gradually disappeared into the void, and a sense of exhaustion surged all over his body.

I have the power to move mountains and fill the sea, but I can’t take a spider silk!

The power of rules... really unreasonable...

At this moment, the purple and black mist lingered around Li Rui, condensing into a petite and cold shadow.

"I might be able to cut it."

Aya Xiyi raised her head, faintly staring at the invisible thread.

"Don't try hard, if you can't eat this time, we will save it until next time. Time is on our side..."

Seeing Aya Xiyi's pale face and even her body faintly exuding a sense of transparency, Li Rui understood how much damage had been caused to her by the collision between the kingdom of God.

Different from the [Rune Land] carried by the system, the extinct black lotus just now is the crystallization of Aya Xiyi’s soul. Using it to smash people, even if it smashes [Abyss Demon Net] again, the price paid is far more than others. Imagination.

She is still alive now, enough to surprise Li Rui.

You know, Li Rui is using the power of the system to make tricks, Aya Xiyi is a genuine and practical secret diamond step [God Kingdom] and it is broken [Abyss Demon Net]!

Although the hardest shell has been blasted by [Runeland], she just smashed the shattered cobwebs more loosely, but with a mortal body to smash the kingdom of God, her feat was actually better than that of Li Rui with the help of external force. More exaggerated.

"But I think you look regretful."

Aya Xiyi slowly turned her head, the corner of her mouth barely curled up, and said with a smile.

"It's no use regretting. Our level is too low. When I set foot on the throne, I must make him pay!"

Zijin Longtong stared at the giant spider cocoon for a moment, and Li Rui clearly remembered how his teammate was smashed by the chewed stump.

This hatred will turn into a seed and be buried in his heart. When the time is right, the flower of destruction will grow to attend the entire plane!

Staring at the pupils of the black dragon, Aya Xiyi was silent for a long time, and suddenly she burst into a beautiful smile of relief.

Following some mysterious soul induction, Li Rui intuitively turned his head to meet her gaze.

"What do you want? I warn you not to mess around!"

"Don't worry, use a [Resurrection] to gain the benefits of a war of God, no matter how small the probability is, we should give it a try..."

Aya Xiyi landed on the black dragon's head in a daze, watching her feet softly from an angle that Li Rui couldn't see, and whispered in a subtle voice.

"Besides, I think you are greedy for him, if you want to eat, I will help you beat him down..."


This guy wants to burn his life?

Li Rui's heart tensed, and he was about to persuade him, and began to sing tremblingly from heaven and earth.

"Dawei Tianlong!"

"The Lord Jizo!"

"Da Luo Fa curse!"

"Prajna Buddhas!"

"Banyeba, boo!"

The cold voice seemed to shake the soul with substantive power, and Aya Xiyi's body burst into a lotus-like magic ripples, and a spiral of ghostly light rushed into the sky!

This is... [Requiem]?

No, this force far exceeds the system law of the Secret Diamond Rank!

Li Rui's eyes condensed, and he sensed that Aya Xiyi was slowly floating under the invisible force.

In the nether beam of light that traverses the sky and the earth, she opened her arms and gently rotated, forming mysterious and ancient seals in her hands, and the whole [Rune Land] echoed her low voice.

The weird magic power runs through time and space, spreading back along the mysterious line of cause and effect, linking the tiny threads in the void little by little.

The tentacles-like nether air hung down from the depths of the dimension, and the purple-black gilt gold gradually wrapped around the spider silk.

However, as the cold singing gradually came to an end, Aya Xiyi's shadow disappeared simultaneously.

The toes melted into purple and black particles emitting a dark light, and the curling smoke began to spread from bottom to top...

The magic power visible to the naked eye is like a tornado spiral shrinking, UU reading www. condenses into the void into a substantive beam of light.

The terrifying power that seemed like nuclear fusion was compressed to the extreme. Even if it wasn't the target of this trick, the summoners present couldn't help but stand upright.

The invisible coercion was like a big mountain shrouded in the top of the head, and the desperate punishment made everyone's throat dry and bitter. They couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, looking up at the empty chaotic fog above their heads.

This kind of unavoidable, unavoidable feeling that you can only passively wait for despair to come... It's too bad!

"She used this trick in the last [Holy Grail War], but this time it seems to be even more mysterious!"

Looking at Aya Kiyi's gradually disintegrating body, Raphael said with emotion.

"Causal locking has become more mature, and she is no longer confined to specific creatures. If she continues to develop, maybe even the illusory concept can be killed..."

As the [Goddess of Victory] with the authority of destiny, Sae Kazae vaguely saw through something, and understood the horror of Aya Kie even more.

Don't look at this trick when the situation changes, it seems that it can ruin the world now, but in fact, it is just a rudiment, far from showing the terrible body!

Following Aya Kie's current legal framework, Sae Kazae spied a certain scary outline.

If she guessed correctly, the true complete state of this trick is to erase the existence of the target from multiple dimensions, even from a conceptual level!

This reminded her of the administrator rights in the computer system.

An understatement [complete deletion], no matter how large the "data", it will disappear in the "hard drive" forever.

Even following the cause and effect, even the existing records can be tampered with and cleared. No one in the world will remember that this "data" has existed, as if it had never been born from beginning to end!

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