Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1087: , And this kind of operation?

There was a shudder in her heart, Sae Kazema shook her head with emotion, her expression suddenly frozen.


In theory, this trick can be further sublimated!

No longer stick to the specific "data", but format the entire "system"!

[My thoughts are born, everything is gone, the universe returns to nothingness]

An inexplicable word flashed in his mind, Sae Kazae trembles slightly, and a subtle change in her eyes instantly.

[Creation Sacred Dragon]... You have a problem with your nickname, just call it [Destroying the Evil Dragon], and it happens to be a pair with Li Rui to form the Destroying Duo!

and many more!

[The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie]...Return to the Source...the source of the universe...absolute nothingness...


Taking a breath, Sae Kazema got goose bumps all over her body.

A coincidence?

Is it on purpose?

If it is deliberate, [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] can be traced back thousands of years, which means that since the ancient times, [Zhonghua] has prepared all this in secret!

The layout thousands of years in advance... Sae Kazama feels that she has spied some incredible secrets!

Thinking carefully, she seemed to be terrified. She seemed to see a huge and friendless hand slowly stretched out from the depths of the void above her head, gently twisting her, the Olympian king, into a pure white chess piece, printed in the universe. On the chessboard, there was a crisp sound that no one could hear.

At the same time, Aya Xiyi's crystal clear eyes suddenly condensed, and the mysterious magic seal in his hand turned into countless afterimages, and finally completed the spell guidance.

In the end, she moved her finger like a sword and pointed fiercely at the spider silk that stretched into the void!


Boom! !

The terrifying ripples that shook the soul tore through the space, and Sae Kazama was awakened with a violent spirit, and found that there was a deep tremor in her ear.

But this is not the sound of chess pieces falling, but the spider silk that connects the void trembling like a string!

The purple and black that filled the world condensed into pure nothingness, as if an invisible hand was plucking a tight string, and the illusory spider silk trembled at high frequency, as if two huge forces were pulling!

The giant worm cocoon slowly fell, and the hair-thick silk thread stretched and pulled up, and at the “force point” it was taken into almost unobservable “nanowire”.


A terrible roar poured down from the top of the head, even across countless layers of dimensions, everyone seemed to be able to feel the anger of some great existence!


In the void, the divinity that was compressed and condensed into substance turned into a beam of thunder and poured down, following the mysterious causal link to Aya Xiyi's head.

The dazzling beam of divine light was like a phantom, penetrating the golden giant and black dragon that stood up without any hindrance, and accurately hit the girl's forehead.

"Oh... it's almost..."

The cold voice reverberated in his ears, and Aya Xiyi, who was only the upper body, slowly disintegrated into purple and black, slowly dissipating into the air.

"Xi Yi..."

Li Rui's heart tensed. Although he knew she was not a real death, she couldn't help but an unknown anger.

Turning his head to look at the re-rising cocoon, cold eyes spread along the spider silk, extending to the depths of the unreachable dimension!

Rose, the feud between us is going to add more!

When Aya Xiyi died, the entire [Rune Land] was no longer able to stop Rose's existence. Under the unwilling gaze of everyone, the giant cocoon rose to the top of the chaotic gray fog, and was about to escape to heaven!

But at this moment, a figure that no one expected suddenly appeared in the weakest part of the spider silk.

"Rose, keep the two of us as a shield. You leave alone. This is different from what you said!"

A plump beauty with long red hair pinched the spider silk with two fingers, and gave out a mad and evil smile.

Gathering [Atrium] The cocoon that all the gods could not stop instantly solidified in place, and the air fell into deathly silence.

"Tiamat, I will compensate you!"

The lifeblood was pinched in the hands of others, and Rose's magnificent voice seemed to bring a hint of helplessness and rage.

"Compensation? Haha, either take us along or stay with us."

Tiamat raised his head, his gaze penetrated the void, as if he saw an incompetent and furious big spider, his mouth couldn't help but evoke a crazy smile.


Holding on to Wang Lei who was about to move, Li Rui narrowed his eyes, fainting the excitement that could not be suppressed.

I didn't expect this kind of operation to be possible. Why did I forget that Tiamat's personality is essentially at the same level as Rose?

He may not be able to hold the complete thread, but there is only the last sticking point left, and Rose must not dare to "force" too much!

"Don't move, let them bite the dog!"

With the power of [Rune Land] and [Astral Insight] lines flickering between the eyebrows, Li Rui forcibly transmitted his thoughts to the minds of all the summoners.

Ready to go, Michael and the others were taken aback for a moment, tightening the weapons in their hands, and began to hang up with a solemn expression.

"If all three are gone, then we won't be able to get anything, blood loss!"

Wang Lei's anxious voice sounded in the mind network, but Li Rui still insisted on his opinion.

He admitted that there was a gambling element, but the two evil gods human bodies could no longer satisfy his appetite.

Counting Aya Xiyi, his teammates are already half dead. If you can’t keep Rose’s body, eat his flesh, sleep his skin, drink his blood, cramp his muscles, thwart his bones and raise his ashes...

Then my own thoughts are incomprehensible!

"I didn't keep you on purpose, I can only take back what belongs to me..."

Using the link between [Runeland] and the spider silk to see Rose's secret words, UU reading Li Rui was filled with infinite ecstasy.

There are doors!

Tiamat recommends that you increase your efforts!

The three of you who come together must go together, and the family must be neat and tidy!

"So... you deceived us from the beginning?"

The plump and beautiful face instantly turned hideous and twisted, and Tiamat's eyes were like flowing lava, staring at the void above his head.

After the weird silence, the giant cocoon lifted up slightly, and immediately stopped.

"Hehehe, the last link of your holy emblem is left. Their personality can't help you, doesn't mean I can't."

Tiamat grinned to his temple, squeezing the spider silk that was afraid to move, revealing sharp dragon teeth.

"Tiamat, there is my body, authority, and kingdom in it. You know how important it is to me!"

"It's my shit! My human body has also been injected with original authority. Your loss is a loss, but my loss is not a loss?"

"What the **** do you want to do? I said that I will compensate you!"

"I don't need compensation. Either find a way to take us along, or stay and die with us!"

In the end, the two evil gods did not hide their troubles. The angry roar resounded throughout the world, shaking the whole [Rune Land] with it!

Thank you again for your concern, but I am panicked after reading your comments. I felt that I was ninety-nine percent dead, and I was hanging on my last breath.

The reality is not so terrible. It shouldn't be a big problem to adjust your work and rest. Don't scare me, otherwise I really want the **** to recover from illness! (;'Д`)

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